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"Since my youth they have often persecuted me," let Israel repeat it,

"Since my youth they have often persecuted me, yet they haven't defeated me.

May they become like a tuft of grass on a roof top, that withers before it takes root

Lord, listen to my voice; let your ears pay attention to what I ask of you!

We heard about it in Ephrata; we found it in the fields of Jaar.

It is like precious oil on the head, descending to the beard even to Aaron's beard and flowing down to the edge of his robes.

It is like the dew of Hermon falling on Zion's mountains. For there the LORD commanded his blessing life everlasting. A Song of Ascents

It was the LORD who struck down the firstborn of Egypt, including both men and animals.

to the one who spread out the earth over the waters, for his gracious love is everlasting

and brought Israel out from among them, for his gracious love is everlasting

and made Israel pass through the middle of it, for his gracious love is everlasting

He it is who remembered us in our lowly circumstances, for his gracious love is everlasting

for it was there that our captors asked us for songs and our torturers demanded joy from us, "Sing us one of the songs about Zion!"

Remember the day of Jerusalem's fall, LORD, because of the Edomites, who kept saying, "Tear it down! Tear it right down to its foundations!"

Daughter of Babylon! You devastator! How blessed will be the one who pays you back for what you have done to us.

I will bow down in worship toward your holy Temple and give thanks to your name for your gracious love and truth, for you have done great things to carry out your word consistent with your name.

LORD, all the kings of the earth will give you thanks, for they have heard what you have spoken.

Though the LORD is highly exalted, yet he pays attention to those who are lowly regarded, but he is aware of the arrogant from afar.

The LORD will complete what his purpose is for me. LORD, your gracious love is eternal; do not abandon your personal work in me. To the Music Director: A Davidic Song

You know when I rest and when I am active. You understand what I am thinking when I am distant from you.

Knowledge like this is too amazing for me. It is beyond my reach, and I cannot fathom it.

The arrogant have laid a trap for me; they have spread a net with ropes, lining it with snares along the way. Interlude

LORD, I call to you, be quick to listen to me when I cry out!

Let one who is righteous strike me; It is an act of gracious love. Let him rebuke me, because it is oil for my head; do not let my head refuse it. My prayers continuously will be against their wicked activities.

My voice cries out to the LORD; my voice pleads for mercy to the LORD.

I pour out my complaint to him, telling him all of my troubles.

Break me out of this prison, so I can give thanks to your name. The righteous will surround me, for you will deal generously with me. A Davidic Song

For the sake of your name, LORD, preserve my life. Because you are righteous, bring me out of trouble.

LORD, what are human beings, that you should care about them, or mortal man, that you should think about him?

He sends out his command to the earth, making his word go forth quickly.

He sends out his word and melts them. He makes his wind blow and the water flows.

He set them in place to last forever and ever; he gave the command and will not rescind it.