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May you turn to my argument! Behold, I shall pour out my spirit upon you; I will make my words known to you.

There is one who acts rich but {has nothing}; another who pretends to be poor but [has] wealth.

The ransom of the life of a man [is] his wealth, but the poor does not receive a threat.

[There is] much food [in] the field of the poor, but {it is swept away} by {injustice}.

All the days of the poor [are] hard, but goodness of heart [is] a continuous feast.

[May] a man meet a she-bear robbed of offspring and not a fool in his folly.

All the brothers of the poor, [if] they hate him, how much more will his friends keep away from him. He pursues [them with] words, [and] they are gone.

The craving of a man [is] his steadfast loyalty, and [it is] better [to be] poor than a {liar}.

Crooked is the way of a man and a foreigner, but the pure [is] upright [in] his conduct.

A man [who is] poor and oppresses the impoverished [is] a beating rain {that leaves} no food.

The poor and a man of oppression have [this] in common: Yahweh gives {light to the eyes of them both}.

A king who judges with truthfulness [to] the poor, his throne will be established forever.

Or else I will be satisfied and will deny [him] and say "Who [is] Yahweh?" Or I will be poor and will steal and profane the name of my God.

[There is] a generation whose teeth [are] swords, and its jawbones, knives, [in order] to devour the poor from the earth and the needy from humankind.

Under three [things] the earth trembles, and under four, it is not able to bear up:

Open your mouth, judge righteousness, and defend [the] poor and needy.