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That day, be it darkness, - Let not God enquire after it from above, May there shine upon it no clear beam:

And, though, after my skin is struck off, this followeth , yet, apart from my flesh, shall I see GOD:

Suffer me, that, I, may speak, and, after I have spoken, thou canst mock!

For what shall be his pleasure in his house after him, when, the number of his months, is cut in twain?

Pleasant to him are the mounds of the torrent-bed, - and, after him, doth every man march, as, before him, there were without number.

After I had spoken, they spake not again, and, upon them, used my speech to drop;

Out of the midst, were they driven, men shouted after them, as after a thief;

If my goings have swerved from the way, - and, after mine eyes, hath gone my heart, and, to my hands, hath adhered any stain,

After it, roareth a voice, He thundereth with his voice of majesty, Nor will he hold them back, when his voice is heard.

He espieth the mountains, his pasture-ground, and, after every green thing, maketh search.

Canst thou bind the wild-ox, so that - with the ridge - shall run his cord? Or will he harrow the furrows after thee?

After him, he lighteth up a path, one might think the resounding deep to be hoary!

And it came to pass, after Yahweh had spoken these words unto Job, that Yahweh, said unto Eliphaz the Temanite, Kindled is mine anger against thee and against thy two friends, for ye have not spoken concerning me the thing that is right, like my servant Job.

And Job lived, after this, a hundred and forty years, - and saw his sons and his sons' sons, four generations.