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To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue;

Do this, my son, and make yourself free, because you have come into the power of your neighbour; go without waiting, and make a strong request to your neighbour.

Through me kings have their power, and rulers give right decisions.

A man may be acting as if he had wealth, but have nothing; another may seem poor, but have great wealth.

A man will give his wealth in exchange for his life; but the poor will not give ear to sharp words.

There is much food in the ploughed land of the poor; but it is taken away by wrongdoing.

He who has no respect for his neighbour is a sinner, but he who has pity for the poor is happy.

Better it is to have a gentle spirit with the poor, than to take part in the rewards of war with men of pride.

It is better to come face to face with a bear whose young ones have been taken away than with a foolish man acting foolishly.

The ornament of a man is his mercy, and a poor man is better than one who is false.

A poor thing, a poor thing, says he who is giving money for goods: but when he has gone on his way, then he makes clear his pride in what he has got.

Mercy and good faith keep the king safe, and the seat of his power is based on upright acts.

Wisdom is outside the power of the foolish: he keeps his mouth shut in the public place.

Take away evil-doers from before the king, and the seat of his power will be made strong in righteousness.

The legs of one who has no power of walking are hanging loose; so is a wise saying in the mouth of the foolish.

A man of wealth who is cruel to the poor is like a violent rain causing destruction of food.

By ploughing his land a man will have bread in full measure; but he who goes after good-for-nothing persons will be poor enough.

When the upright have power, the people are glad; when an evil man is ruler, grief comes on the people.

The poor man and his creditor come face to face: the Lord gives light to their eyes equally.

The king who is a true judge in the cause of the poor, will be safe for ever on the seat of his power.

When evil men are in power, wrongdoing is increased; but the upright will have pleasure when they see their downfall.

For I am more like a beast than any man, I have no power of reasoning like a man:

For fear that if I am full, I may be false to you and say, Who is the Lord? or if I am poor, I may become a thief, using the name of my God wrongly.

There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, their strong teeth like knives, for the destruction of the poor from the earth, and of those who are in need from among men.

Let your mouth be open, judging rightly, and give right decisions in the cause of the poor and those in need.