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"And every one who hears these words of mine and does them not, I will liken to a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Examples OfFailureComplacencyWicked Described AsThe Insecurity Of The WickedHearing ChristThe Work Of FoolsDoing God's WorksSand And Gravel

but you say that whoever tells his father or mother, 'Whatever of mine might have been of service to you is dedicated to God,'

Verse ConceptsGiving To GodMaking VowsNo HelpBeing Devoted to GodmomsFinancesSupportTrust In Relationshipshelpingparenthood

My cup you indeed shall drink," he answered, "but to sit at my right hand or at my left is not mine to grant, but belongs to those for whom it has been prepared by my Father."

Verse ConceptsCups, Figurative UseRelationship Of Father And Son

"Then he went to the second, and said the same thing to him. "'I will not,' he answered; but afterward he changed his mind and went.

Verse ConceptsSecond BeingSaying RepeatedlyAcceptanceworkingmanwillstories