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And Samuel will be magnified, and Jehovah was with him, and there fell not from all his words to the earth.

And Philisteim will fight and smite Israel, and they will flee, a man to his tent: and the blow will be very great, and there will fall from Israel thirty thousand footmen.

And it will be when he made mention of the ark of God, and he will fall from off the seat backwards by the side of the gate, and his neck will break, and he will die: for he was an old Man and heavy. And he judged Israel forty years.

And the House of the Sun reaping the harvest of wheat in the valley: and they will lift up their eyes and see the ark, and they will rejoice to see.

And the shout of Jehovah fell suddenly upon thee and thou shalt prophesy with them, and be turned to another man.

And they will come there to Gibeab, and behold, a band of prophets to meet him; and the spirit of God will fall suddenly upon him and he will prophesy in the midst of them.

And the spirit of God will fall suddenly upon Saul in his hearing these words, and his anger will kindle greatly.

And he will take a pair of oxen and will cut them in pieces, and will send in all the bound of Israel by the hand of the messengers, saying, Whoever will not come forth after Saul and after Samuel, thus shall be done to his oxen. And the fear of Jehovah will fall upon the people, and they will come forth as one man.

And one head will turn the way of the House of the Hollow; and one head will turn the way of the bound projecting over the valley of the hyenas of the desert.

And Jonathan will go up upon his hands and upon his feet, and he lifting up his arms after him: and they will fall before Jonathan; and he lifting up his arms, slaying after him.

And the people will say to Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who did this great salvation in Israel? Far be it: Jehovah lives if there shall fall from the hair of his head to the earth; for he did with Jehovah this day. And the people will let Jonathan go free, and he died not.

And Jehovah will say to Samuel, How long mournest thou for Saul, and I rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill thy horn with oil, and go; I will send thee to Jesse of the House of Bread, for I saw among his sons a king to me.

And Saul and the man Israel were gathered together, and they will encamp in the valley of Elah, and they arranged the battle to meet the rovers.

And the rovers standing on the mountain from hence, and Israel standing on the mountain from thence, and the valley between them.

And Saul, and they, and every man of Israel, in the valley of Elah, warring with the rovers.

And every man of Israel in their seeing the man, will flee from his face, and they will fear greatly.

And David will say to Saul, man's heart shall not fall on account of him; thy servant will go and fight with this one of the rovers

And David will stretch forth his hand to the vessel and take from thence a stone and sling and strike him of the rovers into his forehead, and the stone will sink into his forehead; and he will fall upon his face to the earth.

And David will run and stand upon the rover, and take his sword and draw it from its sheath, and kill him and cut off his head with it. And the rovers will see that their mighty one died, and they will flee.

And the men of Israel and Judah will rise and shout, and pursue the rovers till thy coming to the valley, and even to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the rovers will fall in the way of the gates, and even to Gath, and even to Ekron.

And it will be on the morrow, and the evil spirit of God will fall upon Saul, and he will prophesy in the midst of the house: and David playing with his hand as the day to day: and a spear in Saul's hand.

And Saul will lift up the spear, and say, I will strike against David into the wall And David will flee from before him twice.

And Saul will say, Thus shall ye say to David, No delight to the king in a dowry, but in a hundred uncircumcisions of the rovers to be avenged of the king's enemies. And Saul purposed to cause David to fall into the hand of the rovers.

And there will add to be war: and David will go forth and fight against the rovers, and will strike among them a great blow, and they will flee from his face.

And he will also strip off his garments and prophesy, he also, before Samuel; and he will fall naked all that day and all the night. For this they will say, Is Saul also among the prophets.

And David will flee from Naioth in Ramah, and he will come and say before Jonathan, What did I? and what mine iniquity? and what my sin before thy father that he seeks my soul?

The boy went, and David rose from the south side, and fell upon his face to the earth, and they will worship three times, and they will kiss each his friend, and they will weep, each with his friend, till David magnified.

And the priest will say, The sword of Goliah the rover, whom thou didst strike in the valley of the oak, behold, it wrapped up in a garment behind the ephod: if thou wilt take it to thee, take, for no other beside it here. And David will say, None like it; thou shalt give it to me.

And David will rise and flee in that day from the face of Saul, and he will come to Achish, king of Gath.

And the king will say to the runners standing by him, Turn about and kill the priests of Jehovah, for their hand also is with David, and because they knew when he fled, and did not uncover his ear. And the king's servants would not stretch forth their hand to fall upon the priests of Jehovah.

And the king will say to Doeg, Turn thou about, and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite will turn about, and he will fall upon the priests and kill in that day eighty and five men lifting up a linen ephod.

And one son to Ahimelech, son of Ahitub, and his name Abiathar, will escape and flee after David.

After whom did the king of Israel come forth? after whom pursuest thou? after a dead dog? after one flea?

And Abigail will see David, and will hasten, and will come down from the ass, and fall before David upon her face, and will worship him to the earth.

And she will fall at his feet and say, In me, my lord, me the iniquity; and thy servant now will speak in thine ears, and hear the words of thy servant.

And David will take the spear, and the cruse of water at Saul's head, and they will go for themselves, and none saw and none will know, and none waking: for all of them were sleeping; for a deep sleep of Jehovah fell upon them.

And now my blood shall not fall to the earth from before the face of Jehovah; for the king of Israel came forth to seek one flea, as when the partridge will pursue in the mountains.

And Saul will hasten and fall with the fulness of his stature to the earth, and he will fear greatly from the words of Samuel: also strength was not in him, for he ate not bread all the day and all the night

And David will smite them from the dawn and even to the evening to their morrow: and a man escaped not from them, except four hundred men of youth who rode upon camels, and they will flee.

And the rovers warred against Israel: and the men of Israel will flee from the face of the rovers, and they will fall wounded in mount Gilboa.

And Saul will say to him lifting up his arms, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through with it, lest these uncircumcised shall come and thrust me through and mock upon me. And he lifting up his arms would not, for he will fear greatly; and Saul will take the sword and will fall upon it

And he lifting up his arms will fear, for he saw Saul died; and he will fall, also he, upon his sword, and he will die with him.

And the men of Israel will see, who are on the the other side of the valley, and who are on the other side of Jordan, that the men of Israel fled, and that Saul died and his sons, and they will leave their cities, and flee; and the rovers will come and dwell in them.