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till the day on which he was taken up, after he had, through the Holy Spirit, given commandments to the apostles whom he had chosen.

And when they had come in, they went up into an upper room, in which dwelt Peter and James, and John and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphasus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James.

Brethren, it was necessary for this scripture to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit had before spoken by the mouth of David, concerning Judas, who was a guide to those who took Jesus:

for he was numbered with us, and had been appointed to this ministry.

When the report of this had gone abroad, the multitude came together; and they were perplexed, for each one heard them speak in his own language.

Therefore, being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn to him with an oath, that he would cause one from the fruit of his loins to sit on his throne;

And he gave heed to them, expecting to receive something from them.

and they recognized him, that it was he that had sat for charity at the Beautiful gate of the temple. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

But when Peter saw it, he answered the people: Men of Israel, why are you astonished at this? or, why do you look so earnestly on us, as if by our own power or godliness we had caused this man to walk?

And when they had made them stand in the midst, they asked: By what power, or by what name have you done this?

This is the stone that was rejected with contempt by you builders, which has become the head of the corner.

and, seeing the man who had been cured standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply.

And when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing for which they could punish them, because of the people; for they all glorified God on ac count of that which had been done;

for the man on whom this sign of healing had been performed was more than forty years old.

And having been released, they went to their own, and told all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.

Nor, indeed, was there any needy person among them; for as many as were owners of lands or houses, sold them, and brought the prices of what had been sold,

and laid them down at the feet of the apostles; and distribution was made to every one as he had need.

And after an interval of about three hours, his wife, not knowing what had been done, came in.

saying: "We found the prison closed with all safety, and the guards standing before the doors; but when we had opened, we found no one within.

And when they had brought them, they made them stand before the Sanhedrin; and the chief priest asked them,

but if it is of God, you can not bring it to an end: and take heed, lest you be found fighting also against God.

And he gave him no inheritance in it, not a foot breadth: and yet he promised to give it for a possession to him, and to his posterity after him, when as yet he had no child.

And as the time of the promise which God had made with an oath to Abraham drew near, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt,

When he had completed his fortieth year, it came into his heart to visit his brethren, the sons of Israel.

He brought them out, after he had performed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt, and at the Red Sea, and in the wilderness, forty years.

The tabernacle of the testimony was with our fathers in the wilderness, built as he who spoke to Moses commanded him to build it, according to the pattern which he had seen:

And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice: Lord, let not this sin stand against them. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. And Saul was well pleased with his death.

And the multitudes with one mind gave heed to the things which were spoken by Philip, when they heard, and saw the signs which he did.

But there was a certain man, named Simon, who had, be fore this time, been practicing magic in the city, and astonishing the people of Samaria, saying that he was some great one;

to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying: This man is the great power of God.

And they gave heed to him because he had, for a long time, astonished them with his magic arts.

Now when the apostles, who were in Jerusalem, heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them Peter and John;

who, when they had gone down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit.

For he had not yet fallen on any of them; only they had been immersed into the name of the Lord Jesus.

Then, when they had given their testimony, and preached the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans.

And he arose and went. And be hold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem to worship,

And when he had fallen to the earth, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?

And, after many days had passed, the Jews determined to kill him.

But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and told them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had boldly preached in Damascus in the name of Jesus.

And he found there a certain man named Aeneas, who was a paralytic, and had kept his bed for eight years.

And it came to pass, in those days, that she was taken sick, and died. And when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room.

Then Peter arose, and went with them; and when he had come, they brought him into the upper room; and all the widows stood by him weeping, and showing the coats and garments that Dorcas made while she was with them.

And he gave her his hand, and raised her up. And when he had called in the saints and the widows, he presented her alive.

When the angel who spoke to him had departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier, one of those who waited on him,

Now, while Peter was perplexed within himself about the meaning of the vision which he had seen, behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius, having made inquiry for the house of Simon, stood before the gate.

And on the next day, they entered Caesarea And Cornelius was expecting them, and had called together his relatives and near friends.

And; conversing with him, he went in, and found many that had come together.

And the believers that were of the circumcision, as many as had come with Peter, were astonished, because on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit:

And the apostles and brethren that were in Judea, heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.

When I had looked attentively into it, I observed and saw four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts and creeping things and birds of the air.

And behold, three men who had been sent to me from Caesarea, immediately came to the house where I was.

and he told us how he had seen an angel in his house, standing and saying to him, Send to Joppa and call for Simon, who is surnamed Peter;

Now those who had been dispersed by the persecution that arose after the death of Stephen, traveled as far as Phenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to none but Jews.

But some of them were men of Cyprus and Gyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch, spoke to the Grecians, preaching the Lord Jesus.

When he had come, and had seen the grace of God, he rejoiced; and he exhorted them all to remain, with purpose of heart, faithful to the Lord.

And every one of the disciples determined, as he had the means, to send relief to the brethren that dwelt in Judea;

And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four tetrads of soldiers to guard him, intending to bring him out to the people after the passover.

And when they had passed through the first and the second guard, they came to the iron gate that leads to the city, which opened to them of its own accord. And they went out, and passed on through one street; and the angel immediately departed from him.

And being aware of his condition, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, who is surnamed Mark, where many had met together, and were praying.

But, having made a sign to them with his hand, that they should keep silence, he made known to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison, and he said: Tell this to James, and to the brethren. And he went out, and departed to another place.

And when it was day, there was no little confusion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter.

But Herod, when he had sought for him, and found him not, examined the keepers, and commanded them to be put to death. And he went down from Judea to Cesarean, and there he remained.

And he was intending to make war upon the Tyrians and Sidonians; but they came with one consent to him; and having made Blastus, who had charge of the king's bed-chamber, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country was supported by that of the king.

And Barnabas and Saul, after they had fulfilled their ministry, returned from Jerusalem, taking with them John, whose surname was Mark.

And while they were in Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogue of the Jews; and they had John as their attendant.

And when he had destroyed seven nations in the land of Chanaan, he divided their land among them by lot.

And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king; to whom he gave this testimony: I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart, who will do all my will.

And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulcher.

Take heed, therefore, lest that which is spoken in the prophets come upon you:

And there was a certain man in Lystra, without strength in his feet, who sat, for he was a cripple from his mother's womb, and had never walked.

This man heard Paul speak, who, looking earnestly on him, and seeing that he had faith to be saved,

"When the multitude saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice, and said, in the Carletonian language: The Gods have come down to us in the likeness of men.

and when they had preached the gospel to that city, and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antioch,

and when they had preached the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia:

And having come and called together the church, they reported all that God had done with them, and that he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.

Therefore, after Paul and Barnabas had no little dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain others from among them, should go up to Jerusalem, to the apostles and elders, about this question.

When they arrived at Jerusalem, they were received by the church, and the apostles and elders, and they declared all that God had done with them.

And after there had been much disputing, Peter arose, and said to them: Brethren, you know that, at the beginning, God made choice among us, that, by my mouth, the Gentiles should hear the word of the Gospel, and believe.

Then all the multitude kept silence, and listened to Barnabas and Paul, while they made known what signs and wonders God had done by them among the Gentiles.

And after spending some time, they were dismissed in peace from the brethren, to those who had sent them.

But Paul did not think it proper to take with them him who had departed from them from Pamphylia, and did not go with them to the work.

And as they went through the cities, they delivered to them the decrees that had been resolved on by the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, that they might keep them.

When they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, being forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia,