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And the Egyptians will make the sons of Israel serve by oppression.

And it will be because the midwives will fear God, and he will make houses for them.

Ye shall not gather straw to give to the people to make bricks as yesterday, and the third day: they shall go and gather straw for themselves.

Straw was not given to thy servants, and they said to us, Make bricks: and behold, thy servants were beaten; and the sin, thy people.

And Pharaoh will make his heart heavy also in this time; he sent not forth the people.

Pray ye to Jehovah and much, from there being voices of God and hail; and I will send you forth, and ye shall not add to stand.

And Pharaoh will see that the rain ceased, and the hail and the voices; and he will add to sin, and he will make his heart heavy, he and his servants.

And also a great mixture went up with them; and sheep and oxen, very much cattle.

And it will come between the camp of Egypt and between the camp of Israel; and it will be the cloud, and the darkness, and it will make the night light: and this drew not near to this all the night

Thou shalt bring them in and shalt plant them in the mountain of thine inheritance, into the place of thy Sabbath, thou didst make, O Jehovah: a holy place, O Jehovah, which thy hands prepared.

And the sons of Israel will do so, and they will gather this much, and this little.

And teach them the laws and the precepts and make known to them the way they shall go in it, and the work which they shall do.

Thou shalt not make to thee a carved image, and every appearance that is in the heavens above, and that is in the earth beneath, and that is in the water under the earth.

Ye shall not make to me gods of silver, and gods of gold ye shall not make to yourselves.

An altar of earth shalt thou make to me, and sacrifice upon it thy burnt-offering and thy peace, and thy sheep and thy cattle: and in every place where I shall cause my name to be remembered, I will come to thee and bless thee.

And if thou shalt make to me an altar of stones, thou shalt not build them, cutting, for didst thou lift up thy sword upon it, and thou shalt defile it.

And the poor one thou shalt not make proud in his cause.

Thou shalt not make a covenant with them and to their gods.

And make ye an ark of acacia wood: two cubits and a half its length, a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height

And thou shalt spread pure gold over it, from within and from without thou shalt spread over it; and make to it a wreath of gold round about

And make bars of acacia wood, and spread over them gold.

And make two cherubs of gold; of turned work shalt thou make them, from the two ends of the cover.

And make the one cherub from this end, and one cherub from this end: thus of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubs upon its two ends.

And make a table of acacia wood; two cubits its length, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height

And spread over it pure gold, and make to it a wreath of gold round about

And thou shalt make to it a closing a hand breadth round about, and make a wreath of gold to its closing round about

And make to it four gold rings, and give the rings upon the four parts which are to its four feet

And make the bars of acacia wood, and spread over them gold, and lift up with them the table.

And make its dishes, and its censers, and its bowls, and its bowls for libation which to pour into them, pure gold shalt thou make them.

And make a candlestick pure gold: turned work shalt thou make the candlestick: its thigh, its shaft, its cups, its chaplets, and flowers, shall be from it

And make its seven lights: and raise up its lights to give light over against its face.

A talent of pure gold he shall make it, with all these vessels.

And see, and make in their pattern which thou wert seeing in the mountain.

And thou shalt make the tent, ten curtains, white linen twisted, and cerulean purple, and reddish purple, and double scarlet: and cherubs the work of the artificer shalt thou make them.

And make loops of cerulean purple upon the lip of the one curtain from the end in the joining: and so shalt thou make in the lip of the curtain of the extremity, in the joining of the second.

Fifty loops in the one curtain, and fifty loops shalt thou make in the lip of the curtain that is in the joining of the second, from the receiving the loops one to the other.

And make fifty hooks of gold, and join the one curtain to the other with the hooks: and it was one tent

And make a curtain of goats' hair for the dwelling of the tent: eleven curtains shalt thou make them.

And make fifty loops upon the lip of the one curtain of the extremity in the joining, and fifty loops upon the lip of the curtain joining the second.

And make fifty brass hooks, and bring the hooks to the loops, and join the tent, and it was one.

And make a covering for the tent of the skins of rams made red, and a covering of tahash skins from above.

And make boards for the tent of acacia wood, standing up.

And make the boards to the tent, twenty boards to the south side on the right hand.

And forty silver bases thou shalt make under the twenty boards: two bases for the one board for its two hands.

And for the hinder parts of the tent to the sea, thou shalt make six boards.

And two boards shalt thou make to the angles of the tent in the two hinder parts.

And make bars of acacia wood; five for the boards of the one rib of the tent

And the boards shalt thou spread over with gold, and thou shalt make their rings gold, houses for the bars: and spread over the bars with gold.

And make a vail of cerulean purple, and red purple, and double scarlet, and twisted byssus, the work of the artificer: he shall make with it Cherubs.

And make a covering for the door of the tent, cerulean purple, red purple, and double scarlet and white byssus, a variegated work.

And make for the covering five acacia pillars, and spread them over with gold, their pegs gold: and cast for them five bases of brass.

And make the altar acacia wood, five cubits the length, and five cubits the breadth; and the altar shall be quadrated: and three cubits its height

And make horns upon its four faces: its horns shall be from it: and spread over it brass.

And make pots for its ashes, and its shovels, and its vessels, and its flesh hooks, and its fire pans: and for all its vessels, thou shalt make brass.

And make to it a grate a net work of brass; and make upon the net four four brass rings over its four ends.

And make bars for the altar, bars of acacia wood, and spread them over with brass.

Hollow with boards shalt thou make it: as was seen to thee in the mountain, so shall they make.

And make an enclosure to the tent: for the side south of the right hand, curtains for the enclosure, twisted byssus a hundred of cubits the length, for the one side.

Thou shalt speak to all the wise of heart, whom I filled with the spirit of wisdom, and they shall make the garments of Aaron to consecrate him, for him to be a priest to me.

And these the garments which they shall make: the ornament, and the girding on, and the upper garment and the tesselated tunic, the turban and girdle: and they made holy garments or Aaron thy brother, and for his sons to be priests to me.

And they shall make the ephod of gold, cerulean purple, and red purple, and double scarlet, and twisted byssus, the work of the artificer.

The work of a stone engraver, the engravings of a signet, engrave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel: surrounded with textures of gold thou shalt make them.

And two chains of pure gold being wreathed, thou shalt make them a work interlaced, and give the chains interlaced upon the textures.

And make the ornament of judgment a work of the artificer; according to the work of the ephod thou shalt make it; gold, cerulean purple, red purple, and double scarlet, and byssus, thou shalt make it

And make upon the breast-plate wreathen chains, a work of interlacing pure gold.

And make upon the breast-plate two gold rings, and set the two rings upon the two ends of the breast-plate.

And make two gold rings, and set them upon the two ends of the breast-plate upon its lip, which is to the other side of the ephod within it

And make two gold rings, and give them upon the two shoulder-pieces of the ephod from below, from the front of its face, with its joinings above the girdle of the ephod.

And make the upper garment of the ephod, complete, of cerulean purple.

And make upon its train, pomegranates of cerulean purple, and red purple, and double scarlet, upon its train round about; and bells of gold in the midst of them round about

And make a plate of pure gold, and engrave upon it the engravings of a seal, HOLINESS TO JEHOVAH.

And interweave the tunic of byssus, and make the turban of byssus, and the girdle thou shalt make of variegated work.

And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make tunics, and make for them girdles, and caps shalt thou make for them, for glory and for beauty.

And make for them drawers of linen to cover the flesh of nakedness: from the loins and even to the thighs they shall be.

And unleavened bread, and unleavened cakes, poured over with oil, and thin unleavened cakes, anointed with oil: of fine flour of wheat thou shalt make them.

And the bullock of sin, thou shalt do in the day of expiations, and make an atonement upon the altar in thy making an atonement upon its and anoint it to consecrate it

And make an altar for burning incense: of acacia wood shalt thou make it

And spread it over with pure gold its top, and its walls round about, and its horns: and make to it a gold wreath round about

And two gold rings shalt thou make to it from under its crown, upon its two ribs, shalt thou make upon its two sides; and it was for inner parts for staves to lift it up by them.

And make staves of acacia wood, and spread them over with gold.

Make a brass wash-basin, and its pedestal brass, for washing: and give it between the tent of appointment and between the altar, and give water there.

And make it an oil a holy anointing, a perfumed unguent the work of the perfumer: it shall be an oil a holy anointing.

Upon the flesh of man it shall not be poured, and according to its measure ye shall not make like it: it is holy; holy shall it be to you.

And make it a perfume, an ointment, a work of the perfumer, salted, pure, holy.

And the perfume which thou shalt make, according to its measure ye shall not make to you: it shall be holy to you for Jehovah.

A man who shall make like it to smell in it, and he shall be cut off from his people.

And I, behold, I gave him Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and in the heart of all the wise of heart I gave wisdom; and they shall make all which I commanded thee:

And the people will see that Moses delayed to come down from the mount, and the people will assemble to Aaron, and will say to him, Arise, make to us gods who shall go before us: for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egyt, we shall not know what was to him.

And he will take from their hand, and will form it with a graver, and he will make it a molten calf: and they will say, These thy gods, Israel, who brought thee up from the land of Egypt

And thou be at rest to me, and my wrath shall kindle against them, and I will consume them: and I will make thee into a great nation.

And they will say to me; Make to us gods which shall go before us: for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we knew not what was to him.

And Moses will turn back to Jehovah, and say, Ah, now, this people sinned a great sin, and they will make to them golden gods.

And now, if now I found grace in thine eyes, make known to me now thy way, and I shall know thee, so that I shall find grace in thine eyes: and see that thy people is this nation.

And he will say, Behold, I make a covenant before all thy people: and I will do wonders which were not created in all the earth, and in all nations; and all the people where thou art among them saw the work of Jehovah: for it is a fearful thing which I do with thee.