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and the commander of the court officials said to Daniel, "I [am] afraid [of] my lord, the king, who has determined your food and your drink, for {why should} he see your face having a worse appearance than the young men who {are your age}? Then you will endanger my head with the king."

Verse ConceptsCountenance

So the king said to call the magicians and the conjurers and the sorcerers and the {astrologers} to tell to the king his dreams. And they came in and they stood {before} the king.

Verse ConceptsStandingAnger Of Man, CauseAstrologersDivinationOccultismDrugs

And the king said to them, "{I have had a dream} and my spirit is anxious to know the dream."

Verse Conceptsanxious

And the {astrologers} said to the king [in] Aramaic, "O king, live forever! Tell the dream to your servants and we will reveal the explanation."

Verse ConceptsLanguagesServanthood, In SocietyAramaic LanguageTelling Dreams

The king answered and said to the {astrologers}, "The command from me is firm: if you [do] not make known to me the dream and its explanation, [then] you will be broken into pieces and your houses will be laid in ruins.

Verse ConceptsDeath penaltyPeople Torn To PiecesRubbishHouses Under Attack

They answered once more and said, "Let the king tell the dream to his servants and we will make the explanation known."

Verse ConceptsWisdom, Human NatureSpeaking AgainTelling Dreams

The king answered and said, "{Certainly} I know that {you are trying to gain time} {because} you have seen {that this matter is firmly decreed by me},

Verse ConceptsRedeeming The TimePeople Who Delayed

The {astrologers} answered the king and said, "There is not a man on earth that is able to reveal the word of the king; {in fact}, no great and powerful king has [ever] asked a thing like this of any magician or conjurer or {astrologer}.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyDivinationUnique EventsNo One Available

Because of this the king became angry, and he became very much enraged, and he said [that] all the wise men of Babylon [are] to be destroyed.

Verse ConceptsAngry People

{He asked} and said to Arioch, the royal official of the king, "{Why} is the decree from the king [so] severe?" Then Arioch explained the matter to Daniel.

Verse ConceptsHurrying Others OnWhy Do Others Do This?

Daniel {said}: "Let his name, [the name] of God, be blessed {throughout the ages}, for the wisdom and the power {are his}.

Verse ConceptsBlessedEternal PraiseGod, All knowingAll Things Belong To GodBless The Lord!Being Thankful For BlessingsBlessings From God

{Therefore} Daniel went to Arioch, whom the king had appointed to destroy the wise men of Babylon; he went and thus he said to him: "You must not destroy the wise men of Babylon; take me in before the king and I will give the explanation to the king."

Verse ConceptsAttempting To Kill Specific People

Then Arioch {quickly} brought Daniel in before the king and thus he said to him: "I have found a man among {the exiles} of Judah who {can relate} the explanation to the king.

Verse ConceptsHasty Action

{The king then asked} and said to Daniel, whose name [was] Belteshazzar, "Are you able to make known to me the dream that I have seen and its explanation?"

Verse ConceptsDisclosuresDreams Interpreted

Daniel answered the king and said, "The mystery that the king asks, no wise men, conjurers, magicians, [or] diviners are able to make known to the king.

Verse ConceptsAstrologyClairvoyancesNecromancyPeople's Inability To UnderstandDisclosuresUnable To Understandpsychics

The king answered Daniel and said, "{Truly} your God [is] the God of gods and the Lord of kings, and he reveals mysteries, for you are able to reveal this mystery."

Verse ConceptsKingship, HumanLordship, Human And DivineGod Revealing Mysteries

{They responded and said} to Nebuchadnezzar the king, "O king, may [you] live {forever}!

Then Nebuchadnezzar said in rage and anger to bring in Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; then they brought in these men before the king.

Verse ConceptsRageAnger, Sinful ExamplesAngry People

Nebuchadnezzar answered and said to them, "[Is it] true, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, [that] you are not serving my god, and [you are] not worshiping the statue of gold that I have set up?

Verse ConceptsHow Not To WorshipNot Worshipping Idols

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king, Nebuchadnezzar, "We have no need on this matter {to present a defense to you}.

Verse ConceptsExamples Of FaithCourage, Examples OfOthers Not AnsweringMotivationfirefightersanswers

Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with anger and the image of his face was changed {toward} Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, [so he] {ordered and said} to heat up the one furnace seven times what was usual to heat [it] up.

Verse ConceptsTemperSevenfoldExpressions On FacesHot ThingsAngry PeopleChange

He cried {aloud} and so he said: "Cut down the tree and chop off its branches; shake off its foliage and scatter its fruit. Let the animals flee from under it, and the birds from its branches.

Verse ConceptsFelling TreesThings StrippedFoliageBearing Fruit

"Then Daniel, whose name [was] Belteshazzar, was distressed {for some time}, and his thoughts disturbed him. The king answered and he said, 'Belteshazzar, let the dream and its explanation not disturb you.' Belteshazzar answered and said, 'My lord, [may] the dream and its explanation [be] for [those who] hate you and for your enemies.

Verse ConceptsConfusionThoughts Of The RighteousDreams InterpretedOvercoming EnemiesPeople Appalled

And [inasmuch] that the king saw [the] watcher, a holy [one] coming down from heaven and he said, "Cut down the tree and destroy it, but the stump of its root in the earth leave with a band of iron and bronze in the grass of the field, and let it be watered with the dew of heaven and [let] his lot [be] with [the] animals of the field {until seven times have passed over him}."

Verse ConceptsStumps Of A TreeFelling TreesSeven YearsIron ObjectsRelation Of Animals To ManSpecific Holy Individuals

{And in that} they said to leave alone the stump of the tree's root, so your kingdom [will be] restored for you {when} you acknowledge that heaven [is] sovereign.

Verse ConceptsRevival, PersonalStumps Of A TreeThe Kingdom Of Others

And the king answered and said, "Is this not the great Babylon which I have built as a royal palace by the strength of my own power, and for the glory of my own majesty?"

Verse ConceptsBabylon, History OfAchievementLove, Abuse OfLuxuryPride, Examples OfSelfishnessStrength, HumanTreasureSeeking Honourroyalty

The king cried {aloud} to bring [in] the conjurers, the {astrologers} and the diviners; the king {spoke} and said to [the] wise men of Babylon, "Any man that can read this writing and can tell me its explanation will be clothed [in] purple and [will have] necklace of gold [hung] around his neck and he will rule [as] third [in authority] in the kingdom."

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsClothingChainsGoldRulersWisdom, Human NatureWisdom, Source Of HumanColors, PurpleRich ApparelDressGold ChainsPurple ClothesGold OrnamentsJewelleryThird PersonReading Other Matter

Because of the words of the king and his lords, the queen came into {the banqueting hall} and the queen {spoke up} and said, "O king, live {forever}, and let not your thoughts terrify you and [do] not let your facial expressions {grow pale}.

Verse ConceptsQueensHallsPeople Appalled

Then Daniel was brought in before the king, [and] the king {spoke} and said to Daniel, "You [are] Daniel {who are one of the exiles} of Judah whom my {predecessor}, the king, brought from Judah.

Verse ConceptsPeople Of Judahgrandfathers

Then Daniel answered and said before the king, "Let your gifts be for yourself or your rewards give to another; nevertheless, I will read the writing to the king and I will make known to him the explanation.

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsNo RewardReading Other MatterBeing Yourself

Then these men {said}, "We will not find any pretext against this Daniel unless we find it in connection with the law of his God."

Verse ConceptsFulfilling The LawPeople Accusing Peopleconnection

So the administrators and the satraps conspired {with respect to} the king and so they said to him, "Darius, O king, live {forever}!

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For Evil

Then they approached {and spoke with the king} concerning the edict of the king, "{Did you not sign an edict} that any person who would seek [anything] from any God or human within thirty days except from you, O king, would be thrown into {the lion pit}?" The king answered and said, "The matter [as you have just stated] is certain according to [the] law of [the] Medes and Persians which cannot be revoked."

Verse ConceptsAuthority, of human institutionsOne MonthThrowing PeopleHuman LawNot PrayingUnchanging Relationships

Then {they responded} and said before the king, "Daniel, who [is] from {the exiles} of Judah, {is not paying any attention} to you, O king, or to the decree that you have signed, {and three times daily} he says his prayer."

Verse ConceptsdefianceLeaders, PoliticalSeveral Times A DayWhen To PrayPeople Of Judah

Then these men came as group to the king and {said}, "Recall, O king, that [with respect to] [the] law of [the] Medes and Persians that {any} decree or edict that the king establishes cannot be changed."

Verse ConceptsAgreeing For EvilHuman LawUnchanging Relationships

Then the king gave the command, and Daniel was brought in and they threw [him] into {the lion pit}. {The king said} to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve {faithfully}, may he rescue you!"

Verse ConceptsDeath penaltyPunishment, Legal Aspects OfAmbivalenceDensThrowing PeopleGod Saves The NeedyIn Danger From Lionsorder

And {when he came near} to the pit, he cried out to Daniel with distressed voice, [and] the king {spoke} and said to Daniel, "O Daniel, servant of the living God, your God whom you serve faithfully, was he able to rescue you from the lions?"

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingVoicesDensAbilityTo Deliver

Daniel {explained} and said, "I was looking in my vision in the night, and look, the four winds of heaven were stirring [up] the great sea.

Verse ConceptsNightSleep, PhysicalWindFour WindsVisions At NightThe Sea Stirred Up

"And he said, 'The fourth beast [is] the fourth kingdom [that] will be on the earth that will be different from all the [other] kingdoms, and it will devour the whole earth and it will trample it and it will crush it.

Verse ConceptsFractions, One FourthGrinding PeopleDifferent ThingsFourthThe Kingdom Of OthersTrampling PlacesBeing Different

And I heard a certain holy one speaking, and a certain other holy one said to the specific one {who was speaking}, "{For how long} [is] the vision [concerning] the regular burnt offering, and the transgression [that] makes desolate, and [the] giving over [of the] sanctuary and [the] host to trampling?"

Verse ConceptsBefore God ActsTrampling PlacesSurrender

And he said to me, "For two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, then [the] sanctuary will be restored."

Verse ConceptsSix YearsRestoring ThingsRebuilding The Templecleansing

And I heard [the] voice of a human at [the] Ulai, and he called and said, "Gabriel, [make] this [man] understand the vision."

Verse ConceptsAngels as God's servantsAnnunciationsCanalsHearing God's VoiceUnderstanding God's Wordgabriel

And he came beside {where I was standing}, and {when he came} I became terrified and I fell prostrate on my face. And he said to me, "Understand, son of man, that the vision [is] for [the] time of [the] end."

Verse ConceptsProstrationSon Of ManFear, Caused ByFear, Of UnknownEnd Of The WorldPeople Tumblinggabriel

And he said, "Look, I am making known to you what will happen in the period of wrath, for [it refers] to [the] appointed time of [the] end.

Verse ConceptsFutureAnger Of God, ConsequencesEnd Of The WorldTelling Of HappeningsAngels Activities Among Believers

And I prayed to Yahweh my God, and I made confession and I said, "O Lord, the great and awesome God, keeping the covenant and loyal love with [those who] love him and with [those who] keep his commandments,

Verse ConceptsConfession, Examples OfCommitment, to GodSin ConfessedGod Is To Be FearedGod Keeps CovenantConfession of sinconfessing

And he instructed [me] and he spoke with me and he said, "Daniel I have now come out to teach you understanding.

Verse ConceptsUnderstandingGod Giving Understandinggabriel

And he said to me, "Daniel, man beloved, pay attention to the words that I [am] speaking to you and {stand upright where you are}, for I have now been sent to you." And {while he was speaking} with me this word, I stood up trembling.

Verse ConceptsCommendationStandingIndividuals TremblingGet Up!People Getting Up

And he said to me, "You must not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself {before} your God, your words were heard, and I [myself] have come because of your words.

Verse ConceptsAnswered PrayerAsh WednesdayIntelligencePrayerfulnessResponseWisdom, Source Of HumanActivity BegunGod Paid Attention To ThemUnderstanding God's WordHumbling OneselfBeing HumbleFasting And PrayerHumble YourselfGod Answering Prayershumblenessgabriel

Then look, there was {one in the form of a human}; he touched my lips and I opened my mouth and I spoke and I said to the [one] standing {before me}, "My lord, because of the vision my anxieties fell upon me and I [have] not retained [my] strength.

Verse ConceptsdefeatTouchTouching For HealingLike MenNo Strength Left

And he said, "You must not fear, beloved man. {Peace be to you}; be strong and be courageous!" And {when he spoke} with me, I was strengthened and I said, "Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me."

Verse ConceptsSelf RespectStrength Of PeopleSpecific Cases Of StrengtheningBe Courageous!Be Strong!Couragefaith and strengthStaying StrongCourage And StrengthAnxiety And FearFear And WorryLove And StrengthStaying Strong And Not Giving UpPeace And StrengthBeing Scared

Then he said to the man [who] was clothed in linen who [was] above the water of the stream, "{How long until} the end of the wonders?"

Verse ConceptsBefore God ActsTo The End

Now I myself heard, but I [did] not understand, and I said, "My lord, what [will be the] outcome [of] these [things]?"

Verse ConceptsWhat Is The Matter?Not Understanding SayingsEnd Of DaysEnd Times

And he said, "Go, Daniel, for the words [are] secret and [are] sealed [up] until [the] time of [the] end.

Verse ConceptsSealsWithheld KnowledgeSecret ThingsSealing The MessageClosing UpTo The EndEnd Of DaysEnd Times