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In the Sinai desert, the LORD spoke to Moses inside the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month of the second year after they had left the land of Egypt. He said,

Moses and Aaron gathered these men who had been mentioned by name.

just as the LORD had commanded Moses. He numbered them in the Sinai desert.

because the LORD had ordered Moses:

The Israelis observed everything that the LORD had commanded Moses, doing exactly what they were told.

but the descendants of Levi were not numbered along with the other Israelis, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

So the Israelis did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses; that is, they encamped under their standard as each person traveled with his own tribe and ancestral house.

So Moses numbered them according to the instruction of the LORD, as he had been commanded.

As the LORD had instructed, everyone counted by Moses and Aaron from the descendants of Levi, according to their tribe, all males from a month old and above numbered 22,000.

Moses gave the ransom money to Aaron and his sons according to the LORD's instructions, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

from the tribe of the descendants of Kohath, everyone who would be serving at the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to what the LORD had said, under the supervision of Moses.

from the tribes of the descendants of Gershon, everyone who would be serving at the Tent of Meeting, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to what the LORD had said.

from the tribes of the descendants of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to what the LORD had said, under the supervision of Moses.

They were numbered under the supervision of Moses according to what the LORD had said. Each person was assigned a responsibility to carry out, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

So the Israelis sent them outside the camp. The Israelis did just what the LORD had told Moses.

He is to confess the sin that he had committed, pay its full compensation, add one fifth to it, and give the compensation to whomever he offended.

The priest is to have the woman stand in the LORD's presence, uncover her head, and put the grain offering as a memorial, a reminder of jealousy, into her hands. The priest is also to have in his hand the contaminated water that carries a curse.

But if you have become unfaithful to your husband and have become defiled because a man who isn't your husband has had sexual relations with you"'

When he has had her drink the water, if she was defiled and had acted unfaithfully toward her husband, then the contaminated water that brings a curse will enter her and infect her, causing her abdomen to swell and her thigh to waste away. Then she is to be a cursed woman among her people.

During the entire time of his dedication, he is not to allow a razor to pass over his head until the days of his holy consecration to the LORD have been fulfilled. He is to let the locks on his head grow long.

He is not to defile himself on account of his father, mother, brother, and sister when they die, because the crown of his consecration to God is on his head.

When someone suddenly dies beside him, so that his consecrated head is defiled, then he is to shave his head on the day of his purification. Seven days later he is to shave it again.

Then the priest is to offer one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering to make atonement for him because of the guilt he incurred on account of his contact with the dead body. Then he is to consecrate his head on that day.

The Nazirite is then to shave his head of consecration at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. He is to take the lock of his head of consecration and set it over the fire where the peace offering for sacrifice is.

So Aaron did so, setting up the lamps to illuminate the area in front of the lamp stand, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

This was how the lamp stand was crafted from hammered gold: From its base to its flowers, it was made of hammered gold. Moses crafted the lamp stand just as the LORD had showed him.

The descendants of Levi are then to lay their hands on the head of the bulls, offering one for a sin offering and the other one for a burnt offering to the LORD to atone for the descendants of Levi.

The LORD spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai during the first month of the second year that they had left Egypt,

They observed the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight, in the Wilderness of Sinai. The Israelis did everything that the LORD had commanded through Moses.

But there were men who couldn't observe the Passover that day because they had come in contact with a corpse. That very day, they approached Moses and Aaron

When the cloud over the tent remained for a longer time, the Israelis did what the LORD had instructed and didn't travel.

According to what the LORD said, they would remain in camp, and according to what the LORD said, they would travel. They kept the commands that the LORD had given through Moses.

doing what the LORD had said through Moses.

He then named that place Taberah, because the LORD's fire had incinerated some of them.

Meanwhile, certain riff-raff among the people had an insatiable appetite for food. As a result, they wept and turned back, and the Israelis cried out, "If only somebody would feed us some meat!

So Moses went out and told the people what the LORD had said. He gathered 70 men from the elders of the people and stationed them around the tent.

Now two men had remained in camp. One was named Eldad and the other was named Medad. When the spirit rested on them, since they were among those who were listed but had not gone out to the tent, they stayed behind and prophesied in the camp.

But even as they were chewing the meat and before they had swallowed it, the LORD became very angry with the people and struck them with a disastrous plague.

That's why the place was named Kibroth-hattaavah, because they buried the people there who had an insatiable appetite for meat.

but when the cloud ascended from the tent, Miriam had become leprous, as white as snow! Aaron turned toward Miriam, and she had leprosy!

But the LORD told Moses, "If her father had merely spit in her face, wouldn't she be humiliated? She is to be placed in isolation for seven days. After that, she may be brought in."

They went through the Negev and reached Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the descendants of Anak lived. (Hebron had been constructed seven years before Zoan in Egypt had been built).

The entire place was called the Eshcol Valley on account of the cluster of grapes that the men of Israel had taken from there.

So they put out this false report to the Israelis about the land that they had explored: "The land that we've explored is one that devours its inhabitants. All the people whom we observed were giants.

All the Israelis complained against Moses and Aaron. Then the entire assembly responded, "We wish that we had died in Egypt or in this wilderness.

Nun's son Joshua and Jephunneh's son Caleb, who had accompanied the others who also had explored the land, tore their clothes

However, Nun's son Joshua and Jephunneh's son Caleb, who had explored the land, remained alive.

After Moses had told all of this to the Israelis, the people deeply mourned.

So they got up early the next morning and traveled to the top of the mountain, telling themselves, "Look, we're here and we're going to go up to the place that the LORD had spoken about, even though we've sinned."

"Here's what you are to do when you all go astray and fail to observe all these commands that the LORD had spoken to Moses,

So the whole community brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones so that he died, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

When Korah had assembled the entire community in opposition to Moses and Aaron at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the glory of the LORD appeared to the entire community.

So Eleazar the priest took the bronze censers that had been burned and beat them into metal plates for the altar,

to serve as a memorial to the Israelis, a reminder that no unauthorized person, who isn't a descendant of Aaron, is to attempt to burn incense in the LORD'S presence, so that he may not become like Korah and his group, just as the LORD had spoken by the authority of Moses.

So Aaron took the censer, just as Moses had spoken, and ran out to the center of the assembly, where a plague had begun among the people. He set the incense on fire and atoned for the people.

Then Aaron returned to Moses at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting after the slaughter had been restrained.

The next morning, Moses went to the Tent of Testimony and the rod of Aaron of the tribe of Levi had burst into bloom! It sprouted buds, bloomed blossoms, and produced fully ripe almonds!

So Moses did exactly what the LORD had commanded him to do.

As the people argued with Moses, they told him, "We wish that we had died when our relatives died in the LORD's presence!

So Moses took the rod in the LORD's presence, just as he had commanded.

So Moses did just what the LORD had commanded. They ascended Mount Hor right in front of the entire community.

When the entire community saw that Aaron had died, they mourned in memory of Aaron for 30 days.

When the LORD heard what Israel had decided to do, he delivered the Canaanites to them, and Israel exterminated them and their cities. They named the place Hormah.

So Moses made a bronze serpent and fastened it to a pole. If a person who had been bitten by a poisonous serpent looked to the serpent, he lived.

From there they traveled to the Well of Beer, where the LORD had instructed Moses, "Gather the people together and I'll give you water."

Zippor's son Balak saw everything that Israel had done to the Amorites.

but the angel of the LORD stood on a narrow path that crossed the vineyards. It had walls on both sides of the path.

"Because you're playing a dirty trick on me," Balaam answered the donkey. "If only I had a sword in my hand! I'd kill you right now!"

When Balak heard that Balaam had arrived, he went out to meet him in the city of Moab on the border of Arnon at the extreme end of his territory.

So Balaam returned to where Balak had been standing, that is, next to his offerings, accompanied by all the Moabite officials.

So Balaam returned to where Balak had been standing, that is, next to his offerings, accompanied by the Moabite officials. "What did the LORD say?" Balak asked him.

Balak did just what Balaam had instructed he offered a bull and a ram on each altar.

When Balaam noticed that the LORD was pleased that Balaam was blessing Israel, he didn't behave as he had time after time before, that is, to practice divination. Instead, he turned with his face to the wilderness,

Now get out of here! I had promised you that I would definitely honor you, but now the LORD has kept me from doing that!"

who also invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods. So the people ate what they had sacrificed and then worshipped their gods.

They counted every male Israeli who had come out of Egypt and who was 20 years old and above, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

The ground had opened its mouth and swallowed them up, along with Korah. Also, that group died when the fire devoured 250 men as a warning sign,

Hepher's son Zelophehad had no sons, but the names of Zelophehad's daughters were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.

Now Kohath had a son named Amram. Amram's wife was Levi's daughter Jochebed, who was born to Levi in Egypt. She gave birth to Aaron, Moses, and their sister Miriam.

because the LORD had said about them, "They'll certainly die in the wilderness. No man will survive from them except Jephunneh's son Caleb and Nun's son Joshua."

Now the daughters of Hepher's son Zelophehad, Gilead's grandson, who had been fathered by Machir, who had been fathered by Manasseh, from the tribe of Manasseh, the direct son of Joseph, were named Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah. They approached

"Our father died in the wilderness, but he wasn't with the company of those who gathered against the LORD along with the company of Korah. He died in his own sin, and he had no sons.

Why are you going to eliminate the name of our father from his family, just because he had no son? Give us a possession from among our father's relatives."

So Moses did what the LORD had commanded him. He took Joshua, made him stand in the presence of Eleazar the priest and the entire community,

laid his hands on him, and charged him, just as the LORD had commanded, using Moses' authority.

Moses instructed the Israelis regarding everything that the LORD had commanded him.

and her father hears her vow and the obligations that she had pledged herself to fulfill, yet her father keeps silent about it, then all her vows and every obligation she pledged herself to are to stand.

But if her father disallows her on the same day that he hears what she has said, then all her vows and every obligation she had pledged herself to fulfill are not to stand. The LORD will forgive her, because her father has forbidden her."

and her husband hears her vow, yet remains silent on the day that he hears it, then her vows are to stand and the obligation to which she had pledged herself is to stand.

If, while she had been living in her late or former husband's house, she makes a vow or a promise that binds her with an oath,

But if he nullified them after he had heard, then he will be responsible for any resulting iniquity."

They fought against the Midianites just as the LORD had commanded Moses, killing every man.

They burned every town where they had lived and incinerated all of their encampments.

But Moses became livid with anger at the officers of the army, the captains of thousands, and the captains of hundreds who had returned from servicing in the battle.

You are to kill every male child and every woman who has had sexual relations with a man.

You are to allow the young women who haven't yet had sexual relations with a man to live for yourselves."

Eleazar the priest told the soldiers who had gone to battle, "This is the ordinance of the law that the LORD commanded Moses

So Moses and Eleazar the priest did what the LORD had commanded Moses.

The goods confiscated in excess of the war implements that the warriors had gathered included 675,000 sheep,