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And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgath-pilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and brought the

And certain of them had charge of the vessels of service, for by count were these brought in and by count were these taken out.

all the valiant men arose, and took away the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sons, and brought them to Jabesh, and buried their bones under the oak in Jabesh, and fasted seven days.

In times past, even when Saul was king, it was thou who led out and brought in Israel. And LORD thy God said to thee, Thou shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and thou shall be ruler over my people Israel.

And the three broke through the army of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David. But David would not drink of it, but poured it out to LORD,

and said, My God forbid it of me, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of these men who have put their lives in jeopardy? For with [the jeopardy of] their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These thin

And of the sons of Benjamin, the brothers of Saul, three thousand, for hitherto the greatest part of them had kept their allegiance to the house of Saul.

Moreover those who were near to them, [even] as far as Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali, brought bread on donkeys, and on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, provisions of meal, cakes of figs, and clusters of raisins, and wine, and

And they carried the ark of God upon a new cart, [and brought it] out of the house of Abinadab. And Uzza and Ahio drove the cart.

And the fame of David went out into all lands. And LORD brought the fear of him upon all nations.

Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of LORD with shouting, and with sound of the cornet, and with trumpets, and with cymbals, sounding aloud with psalteries and harps.

And they brought in the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it. And they offered burnt-offerings and peace-offerings before God.

And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a portion [of flesh], and a cake of raisins.

For I have not dwelt in a house since the day that I brought up Israel, to this day, but have gone from tent to tent, and from [one] tabernacle [to another].

Then David the king went in, and sat before LORD. And he said, Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house, that thou have brought me thus far?

And he smote Moab, and the Moabites became servants to David, and brought tribute.

Then David put [garrisons] in Syria of Damascus. And the Syrians became servants to David, and brought tribute. And LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.

And David took the shields of gold that were on the servants of Hadarezer, and brought them to Jerusalem.

And David took the crown of their king from off his head, and found it to weigh a talent of gold, and there were precious stones in it. And it was set upon David's head, and he brought forth the spoil of the city, exceedingly much.

And he brought forth the people that were therein, and cut [them] with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. And thus David did to all the cities of the sons of Ammon. And David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

and cedar trees without number. For the Sidonians and those of Tyre brought cedar trees in abundance to David.