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And the Levites shall encamp round about the dwelling of testimony; and there shall not be anger upon the assembly of the sons of Israel: and the Levites shall watch the watch of the dwelling of testimony.

And the tent of appointment shall be removed, the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp. As they shall encamp, so shall they remove, every man upon his hand according to their flags.

And the curtains of the enclosure, and the covering of the door of the enclosure, which is by the dwelling, and upon the altar round about, and its cords, and all its works.

And they gave upon it a covering of tahash skins, and they spread over a garment wholly cerulean purple from above, and they put up its bars.

And upon the table of the face they shall spread a garment cerulean purple, and they gave upon it the dishes, and the censers, and the bowls and the cups pouring out: and the continual bread shall be upon it.

And they spread upon them a garment of double scarlet, and they covered it with a cover of tahash skins, and they put up the bars.

And they gave it and all its vessels into a covering of tahash skins, and they gave upon the bar.

And upon the altar of gold they will spread a garment cerulean purple, and they covered it with a tahash skin covering, and they set up its bars.

And they shall take all the vessels of the service which they shall serve in them in the holy place, and they gave to the garment of cerulean purple, and they covered them in a tahash skin covering, and they gave upon the bar.

And they shall give upon it all its vessels which they shall serve upon it with them, the fire pans, and the flesh hooks, and the shovels and the vases, and all the vessels of the altar; and they covered over it a tahash skin covering, and they set up its bars.

And this do ye to them, and they lived, and they shall not die, in their coming near the holy of holies: Aaron and his sons shall come in and set them a man, a man upon his works, and to his lifting up.

And they lifted up the curtains of the dwelling and the tent of appointment, its covering, and the covering of tahash which is upon it from above, and the covering of the door of the tent of appointment

At the mouth of Aaron and his sons shall be all the service of the sons of the Gershonites for all their lilting up and for all their service: and ye shall appoint upon them in their watches all their lifting up.

And they confessed their sin which they did, and he returned his transgresion with its head, and he added its fifth upon it, and he gave to whom he transgressed against him.

And the spirit of jealousy passed upon him, and he was jealous of his wife, and she was defiled: or the spirit of jealousy passed upon him, and he was jealous of his wife, and she was not defiled:

And the man brought forth his wife to the priest, and brought her offering for her, the tenth of an ephah of flour of barley; he shall not pour oil upon it, and he shall not give frankincense upon it, for it the gift of jealousy, the gift of remembrance, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

And the priest took holy waters in a vessel of earthen, and from the dust which shall be upon the bottom of the dwelling, the priest shall take and he gave into the water.

And the priest made the woman stand before Jehovah, and uncovered the head of the woman, and gave upon her hands the gift of remembrance, this is the gift of jealousy: and in the hand of the priest shall be to him the waters of contradiction, causing the curse.

And the priest took with the hand from the gift its remembrance, and burnt upon the altar, and afterward he shall cause the woman to drink the water.

Or a man, when the spirit of jealousy shall pass over upon him, and he was jealous of his wife, and he made the woman stand before Jehovah, and the priest did to her all this law.

All the days of the vow of his consecration a razor shall not pass over upon his head: till the filling up of the days which he shall consecrate to Jehovah, he shall be holy, increasing the locks of the hair of his head.

For his father, and for his mother, for his brother and for his sister, he shall not be defiled for them in their dying: for the consecration of his God upon his head.

And the ram he shall do a sacrifice of peace to Jehovah, upon the basket of unleavened: and the priest did his gift and his libation.

And he being consecrated, shaved the head of his consecration at the door of the tent of appointment, and took the hair of the head of his consecration, and gave upon the fire which under the sacrifice of peace.

And the priest took the boiled shoulder of the ram, and one unleavened cake from the basket, and one thin unleavened cake, and gave upon the hands of him consecrated, after his shaving his consecration.

And the priest lifted them up a lifting up before Jehovah: it holy to the priest upon the breast of the lifting up and upon the leg of the offering: and afterwards, he being consecrated shall drink wine.

And they put my name upon the sons of Israel and I will praise them.

And to the sons of Kohath, he gave not, for the service of the holy place upon them, they shall lift up upon the shoulder.

And in Moses going in to the tent of appointment to speak to him, and he will hear the voice speaking to him from above the cover upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubs: and he will speak to him.

And thus thou shalt do to them, to cleanse them: sprinkle upon them the water of sin, and they caused a razor to pass over upon all their flesh, and they washed their garments, and they were cleansed.

And bring near the Levites before Jehovah: and the sons of Israel placed their hands upon the Levites.

And the Levites shall place their hands upon the head of the bullocks: and they did the one a sin, and the one a burnt-offering to Jehovah, to expiate for the Levites.

In the second month, in the fourteenth day, between the evenings they shall do it, upon unleavened and bitter herbs they shall eat it

And in the day of the raising up the dwelling the cloud covered the dwelling of the tent of testimony: and in the evening it shall be upon the tent as the appearance of fire till morning.

At the mouth of Jehovah the sons of Israel will remove, and at the mouth of Jehovah they will encamp: all the days which the cloud shall dwell upon the dwelling they shall encamp.

And in the prolonging of the cloud upon the dwelling many days, and the sons of Israel shall watch the watches of Jehovah, and they shall not remove.

And it is, when the cloud shall be days of number upon the dwelling, at the mouth of Jehovah they shall encamp, and at the mouth of Jehovah they shall remove.

Or days, or a month, or days, in the prolonging of the cloud upon the dwelling to dwell upon it, the sons of Israel shall encamp, and they shall not remove; and in its going up they shall remove.

And he will say, Thou shalt not leave us now, for upon this thou knewest we encamped in the desert, and thou wert to us for eyes.

And the cloud of Jehovah upon them the day in their removing out of the camp.

And in the descending of the dew upon the camp by night the manna descended upon it

And Moses will say to Jehovah, For what hest thou done evil to thy servant? and for what did I not find grace in thine eyes, to put the debt of all this people upon me?

Did I form all this people? did I beget them? for thou wilt say to me, Lift them up into thy bosom, as a nurse will lift up the sucking child upon the land which thou swarest to their fathers.

Whence to me flesh to give to all this people? for they weep upon me, saying, Thou shalt give to us flesh and we shall eat

And if so thou doest to me, killing, kill me now, if I found grace in thine eyes; and I shall not look upon my evil

And I came down and I spake with thee there; and I took from the spirit which is upon thee, and I put upon them, and they lifted up with thee in the debt of the people, and thou shalt not lift it up thyself alone.

And Jehovah will come down in the cloud, and will speak to him, and he will take from the spirit which is upon him, and will give upon the seventy men, the old men: and it shall be in the resting of the spirit upon them, and they shall prophesy, and they shall not cease.

And two men remained in the camp, the name of the one Eldad, and the name of the second, Medad: and the spirit will encamp upon them; and they among those being written, and they will not go forth to the tent, and they will prophesy in the camp.

And Moses will say to him, Thou envying for me; and who will give all the people of Jehovah prophets? when Jehovah will give his spirit upon them.

And a spirit removed from Jehovah and it will divide out the quails from the sea, and will cast upon the camp, as the way of a day hither, and the way of a day thither, round about the camp, and as two cubits upon the face of the earth.

And the flesh yet between their teeth, before it shall be withdrawn and the anger of Jehovah was kindled against the people, and Jehovah will smite upon them an exceeding great blow.

And the cloud removed from the tent; and behold, Miriam being leprous as snow: and Aaron will look upon Miriam, and behold, her being leprous

And Aaron will say to Moses, With leave, my lord, now thou shalt not put upon us the sin in which we were foolish, and in which we sinned.

And see the land what it is, and the people dwelling upon it, whether it is strong or relaxed, whether it is few or many;

And they will go up to the valley of Esheol, and will cut off from there a branch and one cluster of grapes, and they will lift upon a rod upon two; and from the pomegranates, and from the figs.

Only that the people are strong dwelling upon the land, and the cities fortified, and very great: and also we saw the children of Anak there.

And they will bring forth slander of the land which they searched it out to the sons of Israel, saying, The land which we passed through upon it, to search it out, is a land consuming those dwelling upon it: and all the people which we saw in the midst of it, men being long.

And Moses will fall, and Aaron, upon their faces before all the gathering of the assembly of the sons of Israel.

And they will speak to all the assembly of the sons of Israel, saying, The land which we passed over upon it to search it out, a good land exceedingly, exceedingly,

And they will say to those dwelling upon this land; they heard that thou Jehovah art in the midst of this people who wert seen eye to eye; thou Jehovah and thy cloud stood over them, and in a pillar of cloud thou goest before them by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.

And the men whom Moses sent to search out the land, and they will turn back and will murmur against him to all the assembly, to bring forth slander upon the land.

And wine for a libation, the fourth of the hin, thou shalt do upon the burnt-offering or to the sacrifice for the one lamb.

And he brought upon the son of a cow a gift of fine flour, three tenths mingled with oil, half the bin.

For it despised the word of Jehovah, and broke his command; being cut off, that soul shall be cut off; its iniquity upon it

Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, They made to them fringes of flowers upon the wings of their garment for their generations; and they gave upon the fringes of the wing a thread of cerulean purple;

And Moses will hear, and will fall upon his face:

And ye shall give fire in them and put upon them incense, before Jehovah to-morrow: and it was the man whom Jehovah shall choose, he is holy: much to you, ye sons of Levi.

And take each his censer and put incense upon them, and bring them near before Jehovah, each his censer and put incense upon them, and bring them near before Jehovah, each his censer, fifty and two hundred censers; and thou and Aaron, each his censer.

And they will take each his censer and will give upon them fire, and will put incense upon them, and they will stand at the door of the tent of appointment, and Moses and Aaron.

And they shall fall upon their faces, and they will say, God, the God of the spirits for all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be angry against all the assembly.

And he will speak to the assembly, saying, Remove, now, from the tents of these guilty men, and ye shall not touch upon any thing which is to them lest ye shall he destroyed in all their sin.

If according to the death of all men these shall die, if the providence of all men shall be reviewed upon them, Jehovah sent me not

And the earth shall open her mouth and shall swallow them and their houses, and all the men which to Korah, and all the possessions.

Lift up yourselves from the midst of this assembly, and I will consume them as in a moment. And they will fall upon their faces.

And Moses will say to Aaron, Take a censer and give upon it fire from off the altar, and put incense, and go quickly to the assembly, and expiate for them: for anger went forth from before Jehovah; for it began smiting.

Speak to the sons of Israel, and take from them a rod, a rod according to the house of the father, from all the chiefs according to the house of their fathers, twelve rods: thou shalt write each his name upon his rod.

And Aaron's name shalt thou write upon the rod of Levi: for one rod is for the head of the house of their fathers.

And ye watched the watches of the holy place, and the watches of the altar; and anger shall no more be upon the sons of Israel.

But the first-born of a cow, or the first-born of a sheep, or the first-born of a goat, thou shalt not redeem; they are holy: their blood shalt thou pour out upon the altar, and their fat thou shalt burn a sacrifice for an odor of sweetness to Jehovah.

This is the law of the precept which to Jehovah commanded, saying, Speak the sons of Israel and they shall take to thee a red, blameless heifer, to which not a blemish in her, and which a yoke was not lifted up upon her.

All touching upon the dead, upon the soul of man which shall die, and shall not be purified, defiled the dwelling of Jehovah; and that soul was cut off from Israel: for the water of uncleanness was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness yet upon him.

And every vessel being open which a cord was not bound upon it, it is unclean.

And every one who shall touch upon the face of the field, upon the wounded of the sword, or upon the dead, or upon the bone of man, or upon a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

And they took for the unclean from the dust of the burning of sin, and living water was given upon it into a vessel:

And a clean man took hyssop and dipped in water and sprinkled upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the souls which were there, and upon him touching upon a bone, or upon the wounded, or upon the the dead, or upon a grave:

And he being clean sprinkled upon the unclean in the third day, and in the seventh day: and he was cleansed in the seventh day, and he washed his garments and bathed in water, and was clean in the evening.

And a man who shall be unclean and shall not be purified, and that soul was cut off from the midst of the gathering, for he defiled the holy place of Jehovah: the water of uncleanness was not sprinkled upon him; he is unclean.

And it was to them for a law forever, and he sprinkling the water of uncleanness shall wash his garments; and he touching upon the water of uncleanness shall be unclean till the evening.

And all which the unclean shall touch upon it, shall be unclean; and the soul touching shall be unclean till the evening.

And Moses will go, and Aaron, from the face of the gathering to the door of the tent of appointment, and they will fall upon their faces: and the glory of Jehovah shall be seen to them.

And Jehovah will say to Moses and to Aaron, in mount Hor, upon the boundary of the land of Edom, saying,

And strip Aaron of his garments, and put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron shall be gathered and die there.

And Moses will strip Aaron of his garments, and will put them upon Eleazar his son: and Aaron will die there in the head of the mountain: and Moses will come down, and Eleazar, from the mountain.

And the people will speak against God, and against Moses, For what brought ye us up from Egypt to die in the desert? for no bread, and no water; and our soul loathed upon this light bread.

And Jehovah will send upon the people deadly serpents, and they will bite the people; and much people will die from Israel