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We will make ornaments of gold for you with studs of silver.

He made its column of silver, its back of gold, its seat of purple; its interior is inlaid [with] leather by {the maidens of Jerusalem}.

{Oh my}! You [are] beautiful, my beloved! {Oh my}! You [are] beautiful! Your eyes [are] doves from behind your veil. Your hair [is] like a flock of goats that move down from the mountains of Gilead.

His head [is] gold, refined gold; his locks [are] wavy, black as a raven.

His arms [are] {rods} of gold {engraved with} jewels; his belly [is] polished ivory covered with sapphires.

His legs [are] columns of alabaster, set on bases of gold; his appearance [is] like Lebanon, choice as {its cedars}.

Turn away your eyes from before me, for they overwhelm me. Your hair [is] like a flock of the goats that moves down from Gilead.