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Lifting up his eyes, Jesus saw a great number of people coming to where he was, and he said to Philip, Where may we get bread for all these people?

Philip made answer, Bread to the value of two hundred pence would not be enough even to give everyone a little.

Some other boats, however, came from Tiberias near to the place where they had taken the bread after the Lord had given praise.

Jesus, answering them, said, Truly I say to you, You come after me, not because you saw signs, but because you were given the bread and had enough.

Our fathers had the manna in the waste land, as the Writings say, He gave them bread from heaven.

Ah, Lord, they said, give us that bread for ever!

Now the Jews said bitter things about Jesus because of his words, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

The bread which comes from heaven is such bread that a man may take it for food and never see death.

I am the living bread which has come from heaven: if any man takes this bread for food he will have life for ever: and more than this, the bread which I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.

This is the bread which has come down from heaven. It is not like the food which your fathers had: they took of the manna, and are dead; but he who takes this bread for food will have life for ever.

Peter said, I will never let my feet be washed by you, never. Jesus said in answer, If I do not make you clean you have no part with me.

This was the answer Jesus gave: It is the one to whom I will give this bit of bread after I have put it in the vessel. Then he took the bit of bread, put it into the vessel, and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.

So Judas, having taken the bit of bread, straight away went out: and it was night.

And when Jesus was nailed to the cross, the men of the army took his clothing, and made a division of it into four parts, to every man a part, and they took his coat: now the coat was without a join, made out of one bit of cloth.

When they got to land, they saw a fire of coals there, with fish cooking on it, and bread.

Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish in the same way.