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Now when evening came, when the sun set, they brought him all who were ill or possessed by daemons ??33 indeed the whole town was gathered at the door ??34 and he cured many who were ill with various diseases and cast out many daemons; but as the daemons knew him he would not let them say anything.

He also said to them, "Is a lamp brought to be placed under a bowl or a bed? Is it not to be placed upon the stand?

and ordered them to take nothing but a stick for the journey, no bread, no wallet, no coppers in their girdle;

brought his head on a dish, and gave it to the girl; and the girl gave it to her mother.

besides, the fragments of bread and of fish which were picked up filled twelve baskets.

He said to her, "Let the children be satisfied first of all; it is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

They had forgotten to bring any bread, and had only one loaf with them in the boat.

"Leaven?" they argued to themselves, "we have no bread at all."

Then they reached Bethsaida. A blind man was brought to him with the request that he would touch him.

A man from the crowd answered him, "Teacher, I brought my son to you; he has a dumb spirit,

So they brought the boy to him, and when the spirit saw Jesus it at once convulsed the boy; he fell on the ground and rolled about, foaming at the mouth.

Then they brought the colt to Jesus, and when they had put their clothes on it Jesus seated himself.

So they brought one. He said, "Whose likeness, whose inscription is this?" "Caesar's," they said.

Look to yourselves. Men will hand you over to Sanhedrins and you will be flogged in synagogues and brought before governors and kings for my sake, to testify to them.

The passover and the festival of unleavened bread fell two days later; so the high priests and scribes were trying how to get hold of him by craft and have him put to death.

On the first day of unleavened bread (the day when the paschal lamb was sacrificed) his disciples said to him, "Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the passover?"

Then the high priest brought many accusations against him,