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We’ll find all kinds of valuable property
and fill our houses with plunder.

He took a bag of money with him
and will come home at the time of the full moon.”

The righteousness of the blameless clears his path,
but the wicked person will fall because of his wickedness.

The one who brings ruin on his household
will inherit the wind,
and a fool will be a slave
to someone whose heart is wise.

Every sensible person acts knowledgeably,
but a fool displays his stupidity.

Eloquent words are not appropriate on a fool’s lips;
how much worse are lies for a ruler.

Better for a man to meet a bear robbed of her cubs
than a fool in his foolishness.

Why does a fool have money in his hand
with no intention of buying wisdom?

Wisdom is the focus of the perceptive,
but a fool’s eyes roam to the ends of the earth.

Even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent,
discerning when he seals his lips.


Luxury is not appropriate for a fool
how much less for a slave to rule over princes!

“They struck me, but I feel no pain!
They beat me, but I didn’t know it!
When will I wake up?
I’ll look for another drink.”


Wisdom is inaccessible to a fool;
he does not open his mouth at the gate.

Answer a fool according to his foolishness
or he’ll become wise in his own eyes.

The one who sends a message by a fool’s hand
cuts off his own feet and drinks violence.

A proverb in the mouth of a fool
is like a stick with thorns,
brandished by the hand of a drunkard.

The one who hires a fool or who hires those passing by
is like an archer who wounds everyone.

The one who digs a pit will fall into it,
and whoever rolls a stone—
it will come back on him.

A person who is full tramples on a honeycomb,
but to a hungry person, any bitter thing is sweet.

Though you grind a fool
in a mortar with a pestle along with grain,
you will not separate his foolishness from him.

The one who leads the upright into an evil way
will fall into his own pit,
but the blameless will inherit what is good.

The one who lives with integrity will be helped,
but one who distorts right and wrong
will suddenly fall.

If a wise man goes to court with a fool,
there will be ranting and raving but no resolution.