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And Jehovah will speak to Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the tent of appointment, in one of the second month, in the second year of their coming out of the land of Egypt, saying,

And Moses will take, and Aaron, these men which were called by names:

And they gathered together all the assembly in one of the second month, and they will declare their birth according to their families, according to the the son of twenty years and above, all going forth to war

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses and to Aaron, saying,

And the sons of Israel will do according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses: so they encamped according to their flags, and so they removed each according to his family, according to the house of their, fathers.

And Nadab and Abihu will die before Jehovah in their bringing strange fire before Jehovah, in the desert of Sinai: and there were no sons to them: and Eleazar will be priest, and Ithamar, before Aaron their father.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses in the desert of Sinai, saying,

And Moses will review them according to the mouth of Jehovah, as he commanded.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Review every first-born male to the sons of Israel, from the son of a month and above, and take up the number of names.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Moses will take the silver of the price of their redemption, from those remaining over them redeemed of the Levites.

And Moses will give the silver of those being redeemed, to Aaron and to his sons, at the mouth of Jehovah, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, and to Aaron, saying,

And upon the altar of gold they will spread a garment cerulean purple, and they covered it with a tahash skin covering, and they set up its bars.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses and to Aaron, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And the sons of Israel will do so, and they will send them forth without the camp: as Jehovah spake to Moses, so did the sons of Israel.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And the priest bound the woman by an oath in these curses, and the priest said to the woman, Jehovah will give thee for a curse, and for an oath in the midst of thy people, in Jehovah's giving thy thigh to fall, and thy belly to go forth.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And they put my name upon the sons of Israel and I will praise them.

And it shall be in the day Moses finished to set up the dwelling, and he will anoint it, and he will consecrate it, and all its vessels, and the altar and all its vessels, and he will anoint them, and consecrate them.

And the chiefs of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, will bring the chiefs of the tribes, they standing over those reviewed:

And they will bring their offering before Jehovah, six litter wagons and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the chiefs and an ox for one: and they shall bring them before the dwelling.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, saying,

And Moses will take the wagons. and the oxen, and will give them to the Levites

And Jehovah will say to Moses, One chief for the day, one chief for the day they shall bring near, an offering for the consecration of the altar.

And in Moses going in to the tent of appointment to speak to him, and he will hear the voice speaking to him from above the cover upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubs: and he will speak to him.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Aaron will do so; to the front of the face of the chandelier he caused the lamps to ascend, as Jehovah commanded Moses.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And I will take the Levites instead of all the first-born among the sons of Israel.

And I will give the Levites, being given to Aaron and to his sons, from the midst of the sons of Israel, to work the works of the sons of Israel in the tent of appointment, and to expiate for the sons of Israel: and there shall not be a blow among the sons of Israel, in the sons of Israel coming to the holy place.

And Moses will do, and Aaron, and all the assembly of the sons of Israel, to the Levites according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses for the Levites; so to them did the sons of Israel.

And the Levites will be purified, and will wash their garments; and Aaron will lift them up, a lifting up before Jehovah; and Aaron will expiate for them to cleanse them.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And Jehovah will speak to Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the second year of their coming out of the land of Egypt., in the first month, saying,

And Moses will speak to the sons of Israel to do the passover.

And they will do the passover in the first, in the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, in the desert of Sinai: according to all which Jehovah commanded Moses, so did the sons of Israel.

And there shall be men who were unclean by the soul of man, and they will not be able to do the passover in that day: and they came near before Moses and before Aaron, in that day:

And these men will say to him, We are unclean by the soul of man: wherefore shall we be withheld so as not to bring near an offering of Jehovah at his appointment, in the midst of the sons of Israel?

And Moses will say to them, Stand ye, and I will hear what Jehovah will command for you.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

At the mouth of Jehovah the sons of Israel will remove, and at the mouth of Jehovah they will encamp: all the days which the cloud shall dwell upon the dwelling they shall encamp.

And Jehovah will speak to Moses, saying,

And the sons of Israel will remove for their departure from the desert of Sinai; and the cloud will dwell in the desert of Paran.

And they will remove first, at the mouth of Jehovah, by the hand of Moses.

And the flag of the camp of Judah will remove first according to their army: and over his army, Nashon, son of Amminadab.

And Moses will say to Hobab, son of Raguel the Midianite, faher-in-law of Moses, We are removing to the place which Jehovah said, I will give it to you: come thou with us, and we did good to thee; for Jehovah spake good concerning Israel.

And he will say to him, I will not go; but to my land, and to my kindred I will go.

And he will say, Thou shalt not leave us now, for upon this thou knewest we encamped in the desert, and thou wert to us for eyes.

And it being when thou shalt go with us, it being that which Jehovah will do good with us and we did good to thee.

And they will remove from the mountain of God, a way of three days: and the ark of the covenant of Jehovah removed before them, a way of three days, to search out for them a rest

And it shall be in removing the ark Moses will say, Rise, Jehovah, and thine enemies shall be scattered; and they hating thee shall flee from before thee.

And in its encamping, he will say, Turn back, Jehovah, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.

And the people shall be as complainers, and it was evil in the ears of Jehovah; and Jehovah will hear, and his anger will kindle, and the fire of Jehovah will burn among them and will consume in the extremity of the camp.

And the people will cry to Moses and Moses will pray to Jehovah, and the fire will subside.

And he will call the name of that place Taberah, for the fire of Jehovah burnt among them.

And the scraped together which in its midst will long a longing; and the sons of Israel also will turn back and weep, and they will say, Who will feed us with flesh?

And Moses will hear the people weeping to their families, each at the door of his tent: and the wrath of Jehovah was kindled greatly; and it was evil in the eyes of Moses.

And Moses will say to Jehovah, For what hest thou done evil to thy servant? and for what did I not find grace in thine eyes, to put the debt of all this people upon me?

Did I form all this people? did I beget them? for thou wilt say to me, Lift them up into thy bosom, as a nurse will lift up the sucking child upon the land which thou swarest to their fathers.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Gather to me seventy men of the old men of Israel, whom thou knewest that they were old men of the people, and their scribes; and take them to the tent of appointment, and they shall stand there with thee.

And Moses will say, Six hundred thousand of foot the people which I am in the midst of them: and thou saidst, I will give flesh to them, and they shall eat a month of days.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Shall the hand of Jehovah be cut off? Now shalt thou see my word shall be precious to thee or not

And Moses will go forth, and will speak to the people the words of Jehovah; and he will gather the seventy men, of the old men of the people, and he will cause them to stand round about the tent

And Jehovah will come down in the cloud, and will speak to him, and he will take from the spirit which is upon him, and will give upon the seventy men, the old men: and it shall be in the resting of the spirit upon them, and they shall prophesy, and they shall not cease.

And two men remained in the camp, the name of the one Eldad, and the name of the second, Medad: and the spirit will encamp upon them; and they among those being written, and they will not go forth to the tent, and they will prophesy in the camp.

And a young man will run and announce to Moses, and he will say, Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.

And Joshua, son of Nun, serving Moses from his chosen, will answer and say, My lord Moses, restrain them.

And Moses will say to him, Thou envying for me; and who will give all the people of Jehovah prophets? when Jehovah will give his spirit upon them.

And Moses will take himself into the camp, he and the old men of Israel.

And a spirit removed from Jehovah and it will divide out the quails from the sea, and will cast upon the camp, as the way of a day hither, and the way of a day thither, round about the camp, and as two cubits upon the face of the earth.

And the people will rise up all that day and all the night, and all the day of the morrow, and will gather the quails: the few gathered ten homers; and they will spread for themselves a spreading round about the camp.

And the flesh yet between their teeth, before it shall be withdrawn and the anger of Jehovah was kindled against the people, and Jehovah will smite upon them an exceeding great blow.

And he will call the name of that place, The Graves of Longings, for there they buried the people longing.

And they will say, Did Jehovah only now speak by Moses? Did he not also speak by us? And Jehovah will hear.

And Jehovah will say in a moment to Moses and to Aaron and to Miriam, Come forth ye three unto the tent of appointment And they three will come forth.

And Jehovah will come down in the pillar of the cloud, and will stand at the door of the tent, and will call Aaron and Miriam, and they two will come forth.

Mouth to mouth I will speak to him, and in appearance and not in enigmas; and the portion of Jehovah shall he behold: and wherefore were ye not afraid to speak against my servant, against Moses?

And the anger of Jehovah will kindle against them; and he will go.

And the cloud removed from the tent; and behold, Miriam being leprous as snow: and Aaron will look upon Miriam, and behold, her being leprous

And Aaron will say to Moses, With leave, my lord, now thou shalt not put upon us the sin in which we were foolish, and in which we sinned.

And Jehovah will say to Moses, And her father spitting, spit in her face, shall she not be ashamed seven days? She shall be shut seven days without the camp, and afterward she shall be taken back.

And afterward the people removed from the enclosures, and they will encamp in the desert of Paran.

And Moses will send them from the desert of Paran, at the mouth of Jehovah; all of them chiefs, the heads of the sons of IsraeL

These the names of the men which Moses sent to search out the land. And Moses will call Oshea, son of Nun, Joshua

And Moses will send them to search out the land of Canaan, and will say to them, Go ye up hither to the south and ascend the mountain,

And they will go up and will search out the land from the desert of Zin even to Rehob, to go to Hameth.

And they will go up by the south and will come to Hebron; and these Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, children of Anak: and Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt