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Adoni-bezek said, "Seventy kings with {their thumbs and big toes} cut off used to pick up [scraps] under my table; just as I have done, so God has repaid to me. And they brought him [to] Jerusalem, and he died there.

Verse ConceptsMutilationRetributionSuffering, Causes OfTablesBrutalityThumbsToesRemaining FoodCutting Off Hands And FeetSeventiesGentile RulersGod Has Requited

And the angel of Yahweh went up from Gilgal to Bokim and said, "I brought you up from Egypt, and I brought you to the land that I had promised to your ancestors. I said, 'I will never break my covenant with you.

Verse ConceptsCovenant breakersGuardiansProperty, LandThe Promised LandGod Bringing Israel Out Of EgyptGod Keeps CovenantAngelic Guardianship

They abandoned Yahweh the God of their ancestors, who brought them out from the land of Egypt. They {followed} other gods from the gods of the people who [were] around them; and they bowed down to them, and they provoked the anger of Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsAbandonmentRenunciationBowing To False GodsDifferent GodsGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

He asked for water, [and] she gave milk; in a drinking bowl for nobles, she brought curds.

Verse ConceptsButterNoblesWaterBeverages, LiteralRich Food

Yahweh sent a prophet to the {Israelites}, and he said to them, "Thus says Yahweh the God of Israel: 'I brought you up from Egypt; I brought you from the house of slavery.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Acts Of In OtMessengerGroups Of SlavesGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And Gideon went and prepared {a young goat} and unleavened cakes [from] an ephah of flour; he put meat in a basket, and the broth he put in a pot, and he brought [them] to him under the oak and presented [them].

Verse ConceptsGoatsFlourFoodBrothWeights And Measures, DryEphah [Ten Omers]Those Who Provided A Mealgideon

So he brought down the troops to the water, and Yahweh said to Gideon, "You must separate everyone who laps up the water to drink with his tongue like a dog from those {who kneel}."

Verse ConceptsdogsTonguegroupsarmygideon

When Gideon came, a man [was] recounting a dream to his friend, and he said, "Behold, {I had a dream}; a round loaf of barley bread [was] tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came up to the tent, it struck it, and it fell and turned it upside down so that the tent fell."

Verse ConceptsGrainTentsCakesTurning Upside DownDreams Involving Unusual Imagesgideon

And they captured the two commanders of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb, and they killed Oreb at the rock of Oreb, and they killed Zeeb at the wine press of Zeeb, while they chased Midian; and they brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon from beyond the Jordan.

Verse ConceptsWinepressSkullsTreading GrapesNamed Gentile RulersTwo Other Men

He said to the men of Succoth, "Please give loaves of bread to the people who [are] {following me}, for they [are] weary, and I am pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian."

Verse ConceptsFeeding Groups

The officials of Succoth said, "Is the hand of Zebah and Zalmunna in your hand now, that we should give bread to your army?"

Verse ConceptsMan's Work Finished

He had thirty sons. He gave his thirty daughters away in marriage outside [his clan] and brought in from outside thirty young women for his sons. He judged Israel for seven years.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersClansThirtySeven YearsTaking A Wife

They said to him, "No, we will only bind you and give you into their hand; we will certainly not kill you." So they bound him with two new ropes, and they brought him up from the rock.

Verse ConceptsUnusedTwo Other ThingsTying Up

So the rulers of [the] Philistines brought up to her seven fresh bowstrings that were not dried up, and she tied him up with them.

Verse ConceptsTying Up

Delilah realized that {he had confided in her}, so she sent and called the rulers of [the] Philistines, saying, "Come up one more time, for {he has confided in me}." And the rulers of [the] Philistines came up, and they brought the money {with them}.

Verse ConceptsBetrayalRulersBetrayal, Example Of

And [the] Philistines seized him, gouged his eyes, and brought him to Gaza. They tied him up with bronze shackles, and he became a grinder {in the prison}.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesGrindingImprisonmentsKnivesMonotonyMutilationPrisonersTortureCaptivesHeartlessnessHard LaborPrisonsBrassGrinding FoodEyes HarmedBlindingOther BlindingBronze Shackles

His brothers and {his whole family} came down and picked him up; and they brought him up and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb of Manoah his father; he judged Israel twenty years.

Verse ConceptsTombsCemetery20 To 30 YearsJudging Israel

While they [were] with the house of Micah, they recognized the voice of the young Levite, and they turned aside there and said to him, "Who brought you here? What [are] you doing in this place, and {what is your business here}?"

Verse ConceptsVoicesAsking Particular QuestionsRecognising Things

So her husband set out, and he went after her to speak {tenderly to her}, to bring her back. He took with him his servant and a pair of donkeys. And she brought him [to] her father's house, and the father of the young woman saw him and was glad to meet him.

Verse ConceptsPersuasion

There is both straw and fodder for our donkeys, and also bread and wine for me, for your servant, and for the young man who is with your servant; there is no lack of anything."

Verse ConceptsBread, As FoodMangersWineFeeding Animals

So he brought him to his house, and he fed the donkeys; they washed their feet, ate, and drank.

Verse ConceptsFoot washingFeeding AnimalsClean Feet

But the men were not willing to listen to him, and the man seized his concubine and brought [her] out to them; and they had intercourse with her, and they abused her all night until the morning; they let her go at the approach of dawn.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, examples ofActing All Night

And they found among the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead four hundred young virgins who had not {had sex with a man}, and they brought them to the camp at Shiloh, which [is] in the land of Canaan.

Verse ConceptsFour To Five HundredFour And Five Hundred