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And he said to his people, "Look, the people of the {Israelites} [are] greater and more numerous than us.

And Moses said to him, "At my leaving the city, I will spread out my hands to Yahweh. The thunder will stop, and the hail will be no more, so that you will know that the earth [belongs] to Yahweh.

And they came to Marah, and they were not able to drink water from Marah because it was bitter. Therefore {it was named} Marah.

And the {Israelites} did so, and they gathered, some more and some less.

And [when] they measured with the omer, the one gathering more had no surplus, and the one gathering less had no lack; they gathered {each according to what he could eat}.

The rich will not give more, and the poor will not give less than the half shekel to give the contribution of Yahweh to make atonement for their lives.

"And take for yourself top quality balsam oils, five hundred [shekels of] flowing myrrh, half [as much]--two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty [shekels of] fragrant reed,

And they said to Moses, saying, "The people are {bringing more} than enough for the service of the work that Yahweh has commanded {to be done}."