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We shall find all precious wealth, we shall fill our houses [with] booty,

and your barns shall be full of plenty, and your vats shall burst [with] new wine.

lest strangers take [their] fill of your strength, and your labors [go] to the house of a foreigner,

Come, let us take [our] fill of love making, until the morning let us delight in love.

The bag of money he took in his hand, for [on] the day of the full moon he will come home."

He goes after her suddenly; like an ox to the slaughter he goes, and like a stag to the instruction of a fool,

[in order] to endow those who love me [with] wealth, and I will fill their treasuries.

The righteousness of the blameless will keep his ways straight, but the wicked will fall by his wickedness.

Anyone who is clever will act with intelligence, but the fool will display folly.

A messenger of wickedness will fall into trouble, but an envoy of the faithful [brings] healing.

{Fine speech} [is] not becoming a fool, {still less} [is] {false speech} for a ruler.

[May] a man meet a she-bear robbed of offspring and not a fool in his folly.

Why [is] this? A price in the hand of a fool, [in order] to buy wisdom where there is no {sense}.

He who is crooked of heart will not find goodness, and he who is perverse, by his tongue he will fall into calamity.

He who understands sets [his] face [toward] wisdom, but the eyes of a fool, to the end of the earth.

Even a fool who keeps silent {shall be considered wise}; he who closes his lips [is] intelligent.

For a fool living in luxury is not fitting, [any] more [than it is] for a slave to rule over princes.

For seven [times] the righteous will fall, but he will rise, but the wicked will be overthrown by calamity.

[If] you find honey, eat what is sufficient for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it out.

Like snow in the summer and like rain at the harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool.

Answer a fool according to his folly, or else he will be wise in his own eyes.

[Like] cutting off feet [or] drinking violence, so [is] he who sends messages in the hand of a fool.

[Like] an archer who wounds everyone, so [is] he who hires a fool or he who hires passersby.

He who digs a pit, in it he will fall, and he who rolls a stone, on him it will come back.

Heavy [is] a stone and weighty [is] sand, but [the] provocation of a fool [is] heavier than both of them.

If you crush a fool in the mortar with the pestle {along with} the crushed grain, it will not drive folly from upon him.

He who misleads the upright onto the way of evil, into his pits he will fall. But as for the blameless, they will inherit good.

A person who is burdened with [the] blood of {another}, until death he will flee; do not take hold of him.

He who walks in integrity will be safe, but he who takes crooked paths will fall in one.

under a slave when he becomes king, and a fool when he is satisfied [with] food;