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Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Rise, take up thy couch, and walk?

Verse ConceptsParalyticsBedsThe Healed WalkingEasy For PeopleGet Up!God Has Forgiven

I say unto thee (saith He to the paralytic,) Arise, and take up thy couch, and go thy way to thine own house.

Verse ConceptsGet Up!

And He began to teach again by the sea-side, and there was gathered unto Him a great multitude; so that He went into a ship, and sat on board, and all the people were by the sea, upon the shore.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsLargenessBoatsSitting To TeachChrist Teachinglakes

So they dismissed the multitude, and took Him as He was in the ship. But there were other small vessels likewise with Him.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsCrowds AvoidedBoats

and when He was come in, He saith unto them, Why do ye take on thus and weep? the child is not dead, but asleep.

Verse ConceptsLast ThingsMourningSleep, And DeathDisorder Among PeopleNot DyingDeath AvertedMourning The Death Of OthersDeath Of A Child

and when the sabbath was come, He began to teach in the synagogue: and many that heard Him were astonished, and said, From whence hath He these things? and what is this wisdom which is given unto Him, that even such mighty things are done by his hands?

Verse ConceptsAbility, Of ChristSabbath, In NtSynagogueAmazement, Of Jesus ChristChrist's WisdomChrist TeachingOn The SabbathWhere From?Teaching Wisdom

and ordered them to take nothing for their journey, but a staff only; no bag, nor bread, nor money in their purse:

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofBeltsLacking MoneyNot EquippedSaving Money

And his disciples hearing of it, came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a sepulchre.

Verse ConceptsSepulchresDisciples Of John The BaptistCorpses Of Other People

And the people saw them departing, and many took notice of them, and ran thither on foot from all the cities, and got before them, and came together unto Him.

Verse ConceptsGroups RunningRecognising PeopleSeeing Peoplerecognition

And when Jesus came out of the ship, He saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion towards them; because they were as sheep without a shepherd: and He began to teach them many things.

Verse ConceptsCompassionAffection, ExpressingCrowdsLargenessGrace, And Jesus ChristMercy, Of Jesus ChristShepherds, As Church LeaderInadequate ShepherdingCompassion, Of ChristJesus As Our TeacherChrist TeachingBeginning To Teach

And they took up of the fragments of the bread, and of the fishes, twelve baskets full.

Verse ConceptsBaskets, Uses OfRemaining FoodTwelve Things

And wherever He came into their towns, or cities, or villages, they laid the sick in the streets, and intreated Him that they might but touch the border of his garment, and as many as touched it were healed.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth InCloaksBeggarsMarketsTasselsStreetsOuter GarmentsFringe Of ClothesTouching For HealingJesus Healing

But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be satisfied: for it is not fit to take the children's bread, and throw it to the dogs.

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstPeople Providing FoodSalvation For IsraelGood ChildrenFamily FirstKidsPetsFeeding The Poor

And He took him aside out of the croud, and He spit and put his fingers into his ears, and touched his tongue:

Verse ConceptsCrowdsMedicineTongueTouchPersonal ContactSpittingCrowds AvoidedSalivaTouching For HealingFingers Of People

And they did eat and were satisfied: and they took up what were left, to wit of fragments seven baskets:

Verse ConceptsBaskets, Uses OfSeven ThingsPeople EatingPlenty Through ChristRemaining Food

And his disciples had forgot to take bread, neither had they any more than one loaf with them in the ship.

Verse ConceptsDisorganizationForgetting ThingsNo FoodOne Material ThingMissing The Mark

And therefore as He was giving them a charge, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod,

Verse ConceptsLegalismWatchfulness, Of BelieversLeavenLeavened

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did ye take up? They answer, Twelve.

Verse ConceptsFleeting ImpressionsFive ThingsFive ThousandRemaining FoodTwelve Things

And when I divided the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? and they said, Seven.

Verse ConceptsSeven ThingsFour ThousandRemaining Food

Then He cometh to Bethsaida, where they brought to Him a blind man, and begged of Him that He would touch him.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesTouching For Healing

And He took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and having spit on his eyes, He laid his hands upon him, and asked him, If he saw any thing.

Verse ConceptsSpittingSalivaLaying On Hands To HealEyes Cared ForThe Faculty Of Sight

But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose.

Verse ConceptsPersonal ContactTaking By The Hand

And He took a child and set him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms He said unto them,

Verse ConceptsDealing With Young People

And they brought to Him little children that He might touch them: and the disciples rebuked those that brought them.

Verse ConceptsRebukeSensitivityTouchPersonal ContactDrawing Near To ChristLaying On Hands To HealThe Disciples ReactionsChildren And The Kingdom

and they took him and beat him, and sent him away empty.

Verse ConceptsEmpty Handed

And they took him, and killed Him too, casting him out of the vineyard.

Verse ConceptsThrowing PeopleChrist Was Killed

and they asked Him, saying, Master, Moses, in his writings tells us, if any one's brother die, and leave a wife, and leave no children, that his brother shall take his wife, and raise up seed to his brother.

Verse ConceptsOffspringWidowsConceptionLack Of Sons

Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife and died and left no seed;

Verse ConceptsSeven ChildrenFirst OnesDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsTaking A WifeFamily Death

and the second took her, and died, and he left no seed neither; and the third likewise.

Verse ConceptsSecond BeingThird PersonTaking A WifeSecond MarriageDeath Of A ChildFamily Death

And as they were at table, Jesus took bread, and when He had blessed it He brake it, and gave it to them, and said, Take, eat, This is my body:

Verse ConceptsBody Of Christ, SymbolizedLord's SupperSacramentsEating Christ's BodyBreaking Of BreadThanking God For FoodThe Lord's SupperTable Grace

and He took the cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them: and they all drank of it.

And one of those that were present, drawing a sword, struck at the high priest's servant, and took off his ear.

Verse ConceptsOpposition, To Sin And EvilUnwise ZealAnonymityThings StrippedSevering Body Parts

And Jesus said unto them, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and clubs to take me?

Verse ConceptsCrowdsBanditsArresting ChristClubsThe Lord As A Thief

And when they had thus abused Him, they took off the purple from Him, and put his own clothes on Him, and brought Him out to crucify Him.

Verse ConceptsPredestination, Spiritual EventsClothing OthersPeople Stripping PeoplePurple ClothesMocking ChristFun

And they offered Him wine mingled with myrrh to drink, but He would not take it.

Verse ConceptsMedicineWineMyrrhNot Drinking WineAnaestheticMixed WineDrinking No WineDrugs

And when they had fastened Him to the cross, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what each of them should take.

Verse ConceptsClothingChanceCrucifixion, Of ChristTortureGamblingChrist Was KilledDividing Plunder

And there ran one, and filled a spunge with vinegar, and putting it on a reed offered it Him to drink, saying, Let Him alone, let us see whether Elias will come to take Him down.

Verse ConceptsWineIndividuals RunningLowering PeopleVinegarIndividual Prophets

And he bought fine linen, and took Him down, and wrapped Him in the linen, and laid Him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock; and rolled a stone to the door of the sepulchre.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadFuneralsClothembalmingLinenTombsExcavationLowering PeopleRollingJesus Tomb

they shall take up serpents, and if they should drink any thing poisonous, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall be well.

Verse ConceptsBitingSerpentsSnakesCharismatic IssuesLaying On Of HandsPower Over SnakesLaying On Hands To HealHealing Through DisciplesHurthurting