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And Elijah will say to Elisha, Sit now, here; for Jehovah sent me even to the house of God. And Elisha will say to him, Jehovah lives, and thy soul lives, if I shall forsake thee. And they will go down to the house of God.

And he will take the wide cloak of Elijah which fell from off him and strike the waters, and say, Where is Jehovah the God of Elijah, even he? And he will strike the waters and they will divide hence and thence, and Elisha will pass through.

And the waters will be healed even to this day, wording to the word of Elisha which he spake.

And she will call to her husband and say, Send now to me one of the boys, and one of the she asses, and I will run even to the man of God, and I will turn back

And he will turn back and go into the house, once hence, and once thence; and he will go up, and he will bow himself upon him: and the boy will sneeze, even to seven times; and the boy will open his eyes.

We will go now even to Jordan and take from thence each, one beam, and we will make for us a place to dwell there. And he will say, Go.

And they will rise in darkness to go to the camp of Aram: and they will come even to the end of the camp of Aram, and behold, not a man there.

And these leprous will come even to the end of the camp, and go to one tent, and eat and drink and lift up from thence silver and gold, and garments,. and they will go and hide and turn back, and come to another tent, and lift up from thence, and go and hide.

And they will go after them even to Jordan; and behold, all the way full of garments and vessels which Aram cast away in their being terrified. And the messengers will turn back and announce to the king.

And the king will ask the woman, and she will relate to him: and the king will give to her one eunuch, saying, Turn back all which was to her and all the fruits of the field from the day she left the land and even till now.

And Elisha will come to Damascus: and the son of Hadad king of Aram was sick: and it will be announced to him, saying, The man of God came even here.

And he will set his face, and he will set even till he was ashamed: and the man of God will weep.

And Edom will break from under Judah even to this day. Then Libnab will break in that time.

And a horseman of the horse will go to meet him, and he will say, Thus said the king, Is it peace? And Jehu will say, What to thee and to peace? turn behind me. And he watching will announce, saying, The messenger went even to them and turned not back.

And he watching will announce, saying, He came even to them and turned not back: and the driving as the driving of Jehu son of Nimshi, for he will drive in madness.

And it will be when they finished doing the burnt-offering, and Jehu will say to the runners and to the third rulers, Go in; strike them; a man shall not go forth. And they will strike them with the mouth of the sword and the runners and the thirds will cast out, and they will go even to the city of the house of Baal.

And they will lay waste the images of Baal, and they will lay waste the house of Baal, and they will set it for a sink even to this day.

And the runners will stand, a man his weapon in his hand, from the right shoulder of the house even to the left shoulder of the house, to the altar and to the house by the king round about

And Jehovah will compassionate them, and he will pity them, and he will turn to them on account of his covenant with Abraham, Isaak, and Jacob; and he would not destroy them, and he cast them not from his face even till now.

He struck Edom in the valley of salt, ten thousand; and he seized the rock in war, and he will call its name Joktheel, even to this day.

And Jehoash king of Israel seized Amaziah king of Judah, son of Jehoash son of Ahaziah, in the house of the sun; and he will come to Jerusalem, and he will break in the wall of Jerusalem in the gate of Ephraim, even to the gate of the corner, four hundred cubits

He turned back the bound of Is reel from the entrance of Hamath, even to the sea of the sterile region, according to the word of Jehovah the God of Israel which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai the prophet, which was of the winepress of the pit.

In that time Rezin king of Aram turned back Elath to Aram, and he will cast out the Jews from Elath, and the Aramites came to Elath and dwelt there even to this day.

And the sons of Israel will cover the words not thus concerning Jehovah their God, and they will build to them heights in all their cities from the tower of those watching even to the fortified city.

Till Jehovah removed Israel from his face, as he spake by the hand of all his servants the prophets. And he will carry Israel into exile from his land to Assur, even to this day.

Even to this day they are doing according to the former judgments: they not fearing Jehovah, and not doing according to their laws and according to their judgments and according to the instruction and according to the command which Jehovah commanded the sons of Jacob, whom he set his name Israel.

And these nations were fearing Jehovah and were serving their carved images, also their sons and their sons sons; as their fathers did, they are doing even to this day.

He struck the rovers even to Azzah, and her bounds from the tower of those watching to the fortified city.

Behold, the days coming, and there was lifted up all which was in thy house, and what thy fathers treasured up, even to this day, to Babel: not a word shall be left, said Jehovah.

Because they did evil in mine eyes, and they will be irritating me from the day which their fathers came forth out of Egypt, and even to this day.

And the king will go up to the house of Jehovah and all the men of Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests and the prophets, and all the people to the small, and even to the great: and he will read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant found in the house of Jehovah.

And he will bring all the priests out of the cities of Judah and defile the heights where the priests burnt incense there from the hill even to the Well of the Oath, and he brake down the heights of the gates which were at the door of the gate of Joshua chief of the city which were at the left of a man in the gate of the city.

And the king of Egypt added no more to come forth from his land, for the king of Babel took from the torrent of Egypt, even to the river Phrath, all which was to the king of Eygpt

And all the people will rise from small and even to great, and the chiefs of the armies, and they will go to Egypt, for they were afraid from the face of the Chaldees.