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And they were all so amazed that they kept asking: "What is this? Strange teaching indeed! He gives his commands with authority even to the foul spirits, and they obey him!"

"Look!" the Pharisees said to him, "why are they doing what is not allowed on the Sabbath?"

"Have you never read," answered Jesus, "what David did when he was in want and hungry, he and his companions--

Take care what you listen to," said Jesus. "The measure you mete will be meted out to you, and more will be added for you.

For, to those who have, more will be given; while, from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away."

Jesus also said: "This is what the Kingdom of God is like-- like a man who has scattered seed on the ground,

By what can we illustrate it? Perhaps by the growth of a mustard-seed. This seed, when sown in the ground, though it is smaller than all other seeds,

Shrieking out in a loud voice: "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? For God's sake do not torment me!"

And he asked him: "What is your name?" "My name," he said, "is Legion, for there are many of us;"

On this the men who tended them ran away, and carried the news to the town, and to the country round; and the people went to see what had happened.

Then the woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and threw herself down before him, and told him the whole truth.

But Jesus, overhearing what they were saying, said to the President of the Synagogue: "Do not be afraid; only have faith."

When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the Synagogue; and the people, as they listened, were deeply impressed. "Where did he get this?" they said, "and what is this wisdom that has been given him? and these miracles which he is doing?

The girl went out, and said to her mother 'What must I ask for?' 'The head of John the Baptizer,' answered her mother.

"What, do even you understand so little?" exclaimed Jesus. "Do not you see that there is nothing external to a man, which by going into a man, can 'defile' him,

"It is what comes out from a man," he added, "that defiles him,

For what could a man give that is of equal value with his life?

For he did not know what to say, because they were much afraid.

As they were going down the mountain-side, Jesus cautioned them not to relate what they had seen to any one, till after the Son of Man should have risen again from the dead.

They seized upon these words and discussed with one another what this 'rising from the dead' meant.

"What are you arguing about with them?" Jesus asked.

They came to Capernaum. When Jesus had gone into the house, he asked them: "What were you discussing on the way?"

Salt is good, but, if the salt should lose its saltiness, what will you use to season it? You must have salt in yourselves, and live at peace with one another."

"What direction did Moses give you?" replied Jesus.

And, as Jesus was resuming his journey, a man came running up to him, and threw himself on his knees before him. "Good Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to gain Immortal Life?"

One day, when they were on their way, going up to Jerusalem, Jesus was walking in front of the Apostles, who were filled with misgivings; while those who were following behind were alarmed. Gathering the Twelve round him once more, Jesus began to tell them what was about to happen to him.

"What do you want me to do for you?" he asked.

"You do not know what you are asking," Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup that I am to drink? or receive the baptism that I am to receive?"

"What do you want me to do for you?" said Jesus, addressing him. "Rabboni," the blind man answered, "I want to recover my sight."

Some of the by-standers said to them: "What are you doing, untying the foal?"

So, addressing the tree, he exclaimed: "May no man ever again eat of your fruit!" And his disciples heard what he said.

Then Peter recollected what had occurred. "Look, Rabbi," he exclaimed, "the fig-tree which you doomed is withered up!"

"I tell you that if any one should say to this hill 'Be lifted up and hurled into the sea!', without ever a doubt in his mind, but in the faith that what he says will be done, he would find that it would be.

"What authority have you to do these things?" they said. "Who gave you the authority to do them?"

"I will put one question to you," said Jesus. "Answer me that, and then I will tell you what authority I have to act as I do.

So their answer to Jesus was--"We do not know." "Then I," replied Jesus, "refuse to tell you what authority I have to do these things."

Then came up one of the Teachers of the Law who had heard their discussions. Knowing that Jesus had answered them wisely, he asked him this question: "What is the first of all the commandments?"

For every one else put in something from what he had to spare, while she, in her need, put in all she had--everything that she had to live on."

As Jesus was walking out of the Temple Courts, one of his disciples said to him: "Teacher, look what fine stones and buildings these are!"

"Tell us when this will be, and what will be the sign when all this is drawing to its close."

As soon, however, as you see 'the Foul Desecration' standing where he ought not" (the reader must consider what this means) "then those of you who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains;

And what I say to you I say to all--Watch!"

And I tell you, wherever, in the whole world, the Good News is proclaimed, what this woman has done will be told in memory of her."

They were glad to hear what he said, and promised to pay him. So he looked for a way to betray Jesus opportunely.

And coming back again he found them asleep, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to say to him.

Then the High Priest stood forward, and questioned Jesus. "Have you no answer to make?" he asked. "What is this evidence which these men are giving against you?"

"You heard his blasphemy? What is your verdict?" They all condemned him, declaring that he deserved death.

But Peter denied it. "I do not know or understand what you mean," he replied. Then he went out into the porch;

Pilate, however, spoke to them again: "What shall I do then with the man whom you call the 'King of the Jews'?"

"Why, what harm has he done?" Pilate kept saying to them. But they shouted furiously: "Crucify him!"

Then they crucified him, and divided his clothes among them, casting lots for them, to settle what each should take.