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always in my prayers entreating that now, at length, if such be His will, the way may by some means be made clear for me to come to you.

in just the same way--neglecting that for which nature intends women--burned with passion towards one another, men practising shameful vice with men, and receiving in their own selves the reward which necessarily followed their misconduct.

In the same way if an uncircumcised man pays attention to the just requirements of the Law, shall not his lack of circumcision be overlooked, and,

and the way to peace they have not known."

In this way David also tells of the blessedness of the man to whose credit God places righteousness, apart from his actions.

In the same way you also must regard yourselves as dead in relation to sin, but as alive in relation to God, because you are in Christ Jesus.

And why? Because they were pursuing a righteousness which should arise not from faith, but from what they regarded as merit. They stuck their foot against the stone which lay in their way;

In the same way also at the present time there has come to be a remnant whom God in His grace has selected.

and whoever in this way devotedly serves Christ, God takes pleasure in him, and men highly commend him.

I hope, as soon as ever I extend my travels into Spain, to see you on my way and be helped forward by you on my journey, when I have first enjoyed being with you for a time.

So after discharging this duty, and making sure that these kind gifts reach those for whom they are intended, I shall start for Spain, passing through Rome on my way there;