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"Then all of you approached me, and [you] said, 'Let us send men {before us}, and let them explore the land for us, and let them bring back {a report} to us [concerning] the way that {we should take} [and concerning] the cities that we shall come to.'

They took in their hands {some of the fruit} of the land, and they brought [it] down to us, and they brought to us back {a report}, and they said, 'The land that Yahweh our God [is] giving to us [is] good.'

And let not something cling to your hand from the things devoted to destruction, so that Yahweh may turn back {from his burning anger}, and he may show compassion to you and he may [continue] to show compassion and [so] multiply you {just as he swore} to your ancestors,

And [also] the pig {because it has a division of the hoof} {but does not chew the cud}; it [is] unclean for you; from their meat you shall not eat, and you shall not touch their {carcasses}.

"There shall not be {for your use} in your bag {two kinds of stone weights, a large one and a small one}.

And he shall bring back upon you all the diseases of Egypt [concerning] which {you were in dread} {because of them}.

And Yahweh shall bring you back [to] Egypt in ships by the route that I {promised} to you [that] '{You shall not see it again}!' And you shall sell yourself there to your enemies as slaves and as female slaves, but there will not be a buyer."

"[Even] if {you are outcasts} at the end of the heavens, [even] from there Yahweh your God shall gather you, and from there {he shall bring you back}.