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However, what we preach is wisdom, to those who are thoroughly instructed: yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who will soon come to nothing.

now the spirit which we have received, is not the spirit of this world, but that which comes from God; that we might know what he has graciously bestowed upon us.

but if the Lord pleases, I will visit you very soon; and then I shall try, not what these boasters can say, but what they can do:

what, is there not a man of experience amongst you, capable of being arbitrator between his brethren?

As to the eating therefore of what is offered in sacrifice to idols, we know that the heathen deities have no real existence, and that there is but one God.

for if any man see you who have a just notion of idols, sitting at table in their temple, will not the person who is wrong in his notions be incouraged to eat what is offered to idols, tho' contrary to his own opinion?

and all drank the same spiritual drink: (for they drank of what flowed from the spiritual rock: and that rock was Christ.)

I speak as to knowing men: be you your selves the judges of what I say.

consider the custom of the Jews by descent, are not they which eat of the sacrifices, partakers of the altar? what say I then?

that the idol, or that what is offered in sacrifice to the idol, is a matter of consequence?

no, but that what the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I would not have you partake of the sacrifices of demons.

Now in what I am going to say, I do not commend you, because your assemblies are not to your advantage, but to your prejudice.

what, have you no houses to eat and drink in? or have ye a contempt for the church of God, or is it to insult those who are in want? what shall I say to you? shall I commend such behaviour? I do not approve of it.

I wish you all had the gift of languages, but rather that you expounded: for greater is he that expounds, than he that speaks unknown languages, except he interpret what he says, that the church may be edified by it.

for instance, brethren, if I deliver myself to you in an unknown tongue, what good shall I do you, except I deliver to you the meaning of what is said, whether it relate to revelation, to mystical knowledge, to prophecy, or to doctrine.

what then is to be done? why, I will pray by the spirit, but my prayer shall be intelligible: I will sing by the spirit, but my hymn shall be intelligible.

otherwise if you should give thanks by the spirit in an unknown tongue, the hearer cannot but appear unlearned upon this occasion; how then can he say Amen to thy thanksgiving? since he does not conceive what you say.

What, did the gospel take its rise from you? or was it communicated to you alone?

What I have explain'd to you, my brethren, is the gospel which I preached to you, which you have received, and wherein you have persisted:

If it be not so, what can they effect who are baptized for the dead? if the dead rise not at all, why are they then baptized for the dead?

But some will say, how will the dead be raised? with what kind of body will they appear?

this I say, my brethren, because the body, as it is at present, cannot possess the kingdom of God; and what is corruptible, can't enjoy incorruptibility.

I am glad that Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus are come: for what was wanting on your side, they have supplied.