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Behold, I have written thee up upon my hands, thy walls are ever in my sight.

They that have broken thee down, shall make haste to build thee up again: and they that made thee waste, shall dwell in thee.

Lift up thine eyes, and look about thee: all these shall gather them together, and come to thee. As truly as I live, sayeth the LORD, thou shalt put them all upon thee as an apparel, and gird them to thee, as an bride doth her jewels.

Then shalt thou think by thyself, "Who hath begotten me these? Seeing I am barren and alone, a captive and an outcast? And who hath nourished them up for me? I am desolate and alone, but from whence come these?"

And therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: Behold, I will stretch out mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my token to the people. They shall bring thy sons in their laps, and carry thy daughters unto thee upon their shoulders.

For kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and Queens shall be thy nursing mothers. They shall fall before thee with their faces flat upon the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet: that thou mayest know, how that I am the LORD. And who so putteth his trust in me, shall not be confounded.

For why would no man receive me, when I came? And when I called, no man gave me answer. Was my hand clean smitten off, that it might not help? Or had I not power to deliver? Lo, at a word I drink up the sea, and of water floods I make dry land: so that for want of water, the fish corrupt and die of thirst.

Behold, the LORD God standeth by me: what is he that can condemn me? Lo, they shall be all like as an old cloth, which the moths shall eat up.

Lift up your eyes to heaven and behold the earth beneath. For heaven shall vanish away as smoke, and the earth shall wear away as a vesture, and the inhabiters thereof shall perish away after the same manner: but my salvation shall endure ever, and my righteousness shall not perish.

Art not thou he, that hast wounded that proud Egypt, and hewn the dragon in pieces? Art not thou even he, which hast dried up the deep of the sea, which hast made plain the sea ground, that the delivered might go through?

Awake, awake, and stand up, O Jerusalem: thou that from the hand of the LORD, hast drunken out the cup of his wrath; thou that hast supped of and sucked out the slumbering cup to the bottom.

For among all the sons whom thou hast begotten, there is not one that may hold thee up: and not one to lead thee by the hand, of all the sons that thou hast nourished.

Up, Zion, up: take thy strength unto thee. Put on thy honest raiment O Jerusalem, thou city of the holy one. For from this time forth, there shall no uncircumcised nor unclean person come in thee.

Shake thee from the dust, arise and stand up, O Jerusalem. Pluck out thy neck from the bond, O thou captive daughter Zion.

Thy watchmen shall lift up their voice; with loud voice shall they preach of him. For they shall see him present, when the LORD shall come again to Zion.

He came up as a spray before him, and as a root out of a dry land. There was neither fashion or beauty on him. And when we looked on him, there was no godliness that we should lust after him.

A little while have I forsaken thee, but with great mercifulness shall I take thee up unto me.

Thou hast made thy bed upon high mountains; thou wentest up thither, and there hast thou slain sacrifices.

Behind the doors and posts, hast thou set up thy remembrance: When thou hast uncovered thyself to another than me, when thou wentest down and made thy bed wider, when thou didst carve the certain of yonder Idols, and lovedest their couches, where thou sawest them.

And therefore thus he sayeth, "Make ready, make ready, and clean the street, take up what ye can out of the way that leadeth to my people."

Cry with the throat and spare not. Lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and tell my people their offences and the house of Jacob their sins.

Then the places that have ever been waste, shall be builded of thee: there shalt thou lay a foundation for many kindreds. Thou shalt be called the maker-up of hedges, and the builder-again of the way of the Sabbath.

They breed cockatrice eggs, and weave the spider's web. Whoso eateth of their eggs dieth. But if one treadeth upon them, there cometh up a serpent.

Their web maketh no cloth and they may not cover themselves with their labours. Their deeds are the deeds of wickedness, and the work of robbery is in their hands.

Lift up thine eyes round about and see. All these are gathered together and are come unto thee. Thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be ever by thy side.

Strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall do thee service. For when I am angry, I smite thee; and when it pleaseth me, I pardon thee.

They shall build the long rough wildernesses, and set up the old desert. They shall repair the waste places, and such as have been void throughout many generations.

And ye that stir up the remembrance of the Lord, see that ye pause not, neither let him have rest until he have prepared and made Jerusalem glorious in the earth.

Go from gate to gate, and prepare the way for the people: cast up gravel, and make the way high and cleanse it of stones, and set up a banner for the people.

I looked about me, and there was no man to show me any help. I fell down, and no man held me up. Then I held me by mine own arm, and my ferventness sustained me:

In their troubles he forsook them not, but the angel that went forth from his presence delivered them. Of very love and kindness that he had unto them, he redeemed them: He hath born them, and carried them up ever since the world began.

Our holy house which is our beauty, where our fathers praised thee, is burnt up: yea, all our commodities and pleasures are wasted away.

But as for you, ye are they that have forsaken the LORD, and forgotten my holy hill. Ye have set up an altar to Fortune, and given rich drink offerings unto the planets.