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My little children (believers, dear ones), I am writing you these things so that you will not sin and violate God’s law. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate [who will intercede for us] with the Father: Jesus Christ the righteous [the upright, the just One, who conforms to the Father’s will in every way—purpose, thought, and action].

Verse ConceptsReadingPrayer, For OthersSin BearerTemptation, Universality OfJesus Christ, Present Activities OfNames And Titles For ChristNames And Titles For The ChristianChrist, Names ForChristians, Names OfAdvocatesThe Holy Spirit As CounsellorChildren And The KingdomChildren In The FaithRighteousness Of ChristThe FatherWriting The New TestamentConfession of sincrusadesChristians Are Called Children

My loved ones, I do not give you a new law, but an old law which you had from the first; this old law is the word which came to your ears.

Verse ConceptsBeginningBeginning Of SalvationOld ThingsChrist's Ordersa new beginningcommandments

The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil [and takes his inner character and moral values from him, not God]; for the devil has sinned and violated God’s law from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.

Verse Conceptsevil, victory overevil, origins ofdefeatDivine PurposesBeginningMission, Of Jesus ChristSatan, Defeat OfSin, Causes OfSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfVictory, Over Spiritual ForcesPower Of Christ, ShownOrigins Of SinDestruction Of Satan's WorksFrom The BeginningRight Time For The DevilAll Have SinnedWhy God Did ThingsRebellion of Satan and Angelsrelaxing

We know [with confidence] that anyone born of God does not habitually sin; but He (Jesus) who was born of God [carefully] keeps and protects him, and the evil one does not touch him.

Verse ConceptsRegenerationSafetySatan, As DeceiverSatan, Resistance ToSin, Avoidance OfNew Birth, Results OfContinuing In SinEthics