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[Then] Philip found Nathaniel [i.e., the same as Bartholomew. See Matt. 10:3] and said to him, "We have found Him, the one Moses wrote about in the law; and the prophets [also wrote about Him]. [He is] Jesus from Nazareth, the [step-] son of Joseph."

Did not Moses give you the law, and yet not one of you is obeying it? Why are you trying to kill me?"

If a person is circumcised on a Sabbath day so that the law of Moses can be observed [properly, then why] are you upset with me for restoring a person to complete health on a Sabbath day?

Some of them wanted to arrest Him, but no one [attempted to] lay a hand on Him.

But this crowd, which does not know the law of Moses, [and especially its oral traditions], is cursed [by God]."

"Does our law pass judgment on a man before first hearing from him and learning what he did?"

Some experts in the law of Moses and Pharisees brought [to Him] a woman who had been caught committing an immoral sexual act and stood her in the middle of the group.

Now in the law, Moses required us to stone such people [to death], so what do you say [should be done with her]?"

Even in your law it is written [Deut. 19:15] that the testimony of two people is true.

Jesus replied to them, "Is it not written in your law [Psa. 82:6], 'I said, you people are gods'?

Then the crowd replied to Him, "We have heard from [the writings of] the law of Moses that the Christ will live forever; so how can you say, 'The son of man must be lifted up [i.e., to die]?' Who is this son of man?"

They led Him to Annas first [Note: This man was a former head priest. See Luke 3:2], for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was head priest that year.

So, Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and judge him according to your [own] law." [But] the Jews replied to him, "It is not permissible for us to put anyone to death."

The Jews replied, "We have a law which requires that he ought to die because he claimed to be the Son of God."