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For I have been informed about you, my brothers, by Chloe's people, that there are wranglings among you.

Verse ConceptsArguingTelling Of People's Situations

Your ground for boasting about such a case is not good. Are you not aware that a little yeast will change the whole lump of dough?

Verse ConceptsDoughSexual Sin, Nature OfBad CompanyEvil AssociationsLeavenedA Little BitBoasting

To the rest of the people I myself would say -- though the Lord Himself has said nothing about it -- if a Christian has a wife that is not a believer and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her;

Verse ConceptsOpinionsNot Believing The GospelAvoid Divorce

About unmarried women I have no command from the Lord, but I will give you my opinion as of one who is trustworthy, since I have had mercy shown me by the Lord.

Verse ConceptsFaithfulness, Examples OfOpinionsReceiving God's MercyGod's OrdersBeing Singlevirginity

Now about the foods that have been sacrificed to idols: We know that every one of us has some knowledge of the matter. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.

Verse ConceptsAcademicsPride, OriginArrogance, In The ChurchBuilding Up The ChurchKnowingDrawbacks To Knowledge

It cannot be that we have no right to take a Christian wife about with us, can it, as well as the rest of the apostles and the Lord's brothers, and Cephas?

Verse ConceptsPeter, The ApostleBachelorsCompanionshipChrist's Earthly FamilyMarriage AllowedThe Apostles In ActionChristians Being Called Brothers

For in the law of Moses it is written, "You must not muzzle an ox that is treading out your grain." Is it that God is concerned about oxen only?

Verse ConceptsMoses, Significance OfThreshingMuzzlingAnimals, God's Care OfOxenSealing ThingsBinding As AnimalsWritten In The Lawthe Law of mosesPerspectivemuscles

Do you not know that those who do the work about the temple get their living from the temple, and those who constantly attend on the altar share its offerings?

Verse ConceptsAltarsOfferingsPermitted To Eat OfferingsServingLiveMinistryServing The ChurchWaiting Till Marriageworkingzealotspriests

I am speaking to sensible men; decide for yourselves about what I say.

Verse ConceptsBelievers JudgingWise Men In The Church

As a rule eat anything that is sold in the meat market without raising any question about it for conscience' sake,

Verse ConceptsMarketsNot Asking OthersFood PermittedEating Meatconsciencesales

But if anyone is inclined to be contentious about it, I for my part prescribe no other practice than this, and neither do the churches of God.

Verse ConceptsDivisions, Contrary ToChurch Of GodWomen's Rolespractice

and we are found guilty of lying about God, for we have testified that He raised Christ, whom He did not raise, if indeed the dead are never raised.

Verse ConceptsAre The Dead Raised?Christ Would Risereality

I protest, by the boasting which I do about you, my brothers, through our union with Christ Jesus our Lord, I myself run the risk of dying every single day!

Verse ConceptsSuffering, Emotional Aspects OfPaul's BoastingMeaning Of The Risen LifePride

Now about the contribution for God's people, I want you to do as I directed the churches of Galatia to do.

Verse ConceptsCollections