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For behold, the Lord is coming down from His place
He shall come down and tread [in judgment] on the high places of the earth.

Verse ConceptsHigh PlacesGod Going Down

The mountains shall melt under Him
And the valleys shall be split
Like wax before the fire,
Like waters poured down a steep place.

Verse ConceptsMeltingWaxFire Emanating From GodThe Ground Being Split

Therefore I [the Lord] shall make Samaria a heap of ruins [and of stones and arable land] in the open country,
A place for planting vineyards;
And I will pour her stones down into the ravine
And lay bare her foundations.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsPlanting VineyardsDestruction Of CountriesThe CountrysideFoundations Of NationsThings StrippedBuilding Stones Rejected

Go on your way [into exile—stripped of beauty, disarmed], inhabitants of Shaphir (Beautiful), in shameful nakedness.
The inhabitant of Zaanan (Go Out) does not go out [of the house];
The wailing of Beth-ezel (House of Removal) will take away from you its support.

Verse ConceptsNaked In ShameGoing Outside

Therefore you will give parting gifts
On behalf of Moresheth-gath (Micah’s home);
The houses of Achzib (Place of Deceit) will become a deception
To the kings of Israel.

Verse ConceptsThose Who Deceived