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because you [i.e., God] will not allow my soul [i.e., this is a reference to Jesus] to remain in Hades [i.e., the unseen place of the departed spirits], neither will you allow [the body of] your Holy One to decay.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadAbandonmentGrave, TheHadesNames And Titles For ChristDeath, DefeatedOvercoming DeathNo Decaycorruptionliberation

David, foreseeing this, spoke of Christ being raised from the dead. [He said Jesus' spirit] would not be left in the unseen place of departed spirits, nor would His body decay.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadCorruption, SolutionOvercoming DeathKnowing BeforehandNo DecayChrist Would Rise

And Peter took him by his right hand and lifted him up. Immediately the man's feet and ankles became strong [enough to walk on].

Verse ConceptsCripplesFeetMiracles Of PeterPersonal ContactGod Strengthening PeopleTaking By The HandCare Of FeetBlessings For The Right Hand

And so they called Peter and John in and warned them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus [anymore].

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersSpeaking In Christ's NameMen's OrdersTeaching The Way Of Godpreaching

The kings of the earth [i.e., Herod and Pilate] took their stand [against Jesus], and the rulers [of the Jews] gathered against the Lord and against His Anointed One [i.e., Christ].'

Verse ConceptsThe Anointed OneGentile Rulers

Then young men wrapped up his body and took him out and buried him.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadCarrying Dead Bodies

"We strictly commanded you not to teach in this name [i.e., the name of Jesus] and look [what you have done]; you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to hold us responsible for this man's [i.e., Jesus'] death."

Verse Conceptsenemies, of believersBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, of Jesus ChristCommands, in NTFilling PlacesSpeaking In Christ's NameTeaching The Way Of God

"[And when] these patriarchs, [still living in Canaan as young men], became jealous of [their brother] Joseph, they sold him [as a slave to traveling merchants who took him] to Egypt. But God was with him [during all that time],

Verse ConceptsJealousyAbraham, New Testament ReferencesGod With Specific PeopleThose Jealous Of People

and then, when he was abandoned [as the Egyptians required], the daughter of Pharaoh took him in and cared for him as her own son.

Verse ConceptsAdoption

And the Lord said to him, 'Take off your shoes, [Moses], for the place you are standing on is holy ground.

Verse ConceptsBarefeetSandalsHoly Land

to ask for letters [authorizing him to go] to Damascus and to enter [Jewish] synagogues looking for people of "the Way" [Note: This was a designation for Christians at that time]. And if he found any, whether men or women, he would tie them up and take them to Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsArrestingequipping, physicalWay, TheTying Updamascus

So, Peter got up and went with them. When he arrived they took him to the upstairs room [where Dorcas' body lay]. All the widows [i.e., her friends] stood near Peter, crying and showing [him] the coats and [other] clothing which Dorcas had made when she was alive.

Verse ConceptsClothBereavement, Experience OfStairwaysDressMournersWidowsClothing The NeedyOuter GarmentsInner GarmentsActual WidowsUpper RoomsMourning The Death Of Otherssisterhood

One of them, a man named Agabus, stood up and indicated by [the direction of] the Holy Spirit that there was going to be a severe worldwide famine, which [actually] took place during the time that Claudius ruled.

Verse ConceptsFamine, Examples OfCaesarRoman EmperorsPredicting The Future

Barnabas and Saul returned [to Antioch] from Jerusalem after they had fulfilled their mission [i.e., of taking the contribution for the famine-stricken people of Judea. See 11:27-30]. They took John Mark [back to Antioch with them].

Verse ConceptsMissionaries, Task OfMissionaries

And when they had done everything that was predicted about Him, they took Jesus down from the tree [i.e., the cross] and placed Him in a tomb.

Verse ConceptsChrist's Fulfilment Of ProphecyLowering PeopleJesus TombScriptures Fulfilled

[Now] in regard to God raising Him up from the dead, never to decay, He said this about it [Isa. 55:3], "I will give you the sacred and certain blessings promised to David."

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with DavidGod Raising ChristNo Decaycorruption

God said in another Psalm [16:10], "You will not allow your Holy One to decay."

Verse ConceptsNo Decaycorruption

But Jesus, whom God raised up [from the dead], never did decay.

Verse ConceptsNo DecayChrist Is Risenoutreachcorruption

But when the Jews saw the large crowds [gathered to hear the Gospel] they became very jealous and took sharp issue with the things Paul said, and [even] spoke against them.

Verse ConceptsJealousyPersecution, Forms OfEnvy, Example OfContradictingMaking Israel Jealous

Barnabas [agreed, and] wanted to take John Mark [his cousin, See Col. 4:10] with them.

Verse ConceptsGoing Togetherflexibility

The jailor immediately took Paul and Silas, and cleansed [and soothed] their wounded [backs] and then he and his [believing] household were immersed [into Christ].

Verse ConceptsHourLove, For One AnotherRelatives Also InvolvedChristian BaptismBaptism

But those who escorted Paul took him to Athens [i.e., in Greece] and, after being directed to have Silas and Timothy join him there as soon as possible, they left.

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofPaul, Life Of

But some became stubborn and refused to obey [the message], saying false things about "the Way" [Note: This was a term used to designate the early church] in front of the large crowds. So, Paul left [the synagogue] and took the disciples and began holding discussions every day at Tyrannus' school [house].

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofUnbelief, As Response To GodWay, TheUnbelief, Sourced InUnbelief, Results Of Being GuiltyUnbelief, Examples OfDiscussionsSchoolsObstinate IndividualsOnce A DaySchoolChristians Are Called Followers Of The Way

The man with the evil spirit then jumped on all of them, took control, then overpowered them so that they ran out of the house with their clothes torn off and badly beaten.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsNaked In ShamePeople JumpingDemons Harming IndividualsOthers Who FledThose DemonisedDemons Causing TormentOvercomingThe DevilCasting Out Demonsmanjumping

Some of his friends, who were officers in the province of Asia, sent word urging him not to take a chance by entering the amphitheater.

Verse Conceptsrisk

But we went on ahead to the ship and sailed for Assos [i.e., a seaport town near Troas], where we expected to take Paul on board. This is how Paul had planned it, intending to go there himself by land.

Verse ConceptsThe NavyParticular JourneysSea TravelPeople Going Beforesailing

When he met us at Assos, we took him on board, then [together] we went to Mitylene [i.e., a town on a nearby island].

When he met with us, he took Paul's belt, tied his own hands and feet [with it], and said, "The Holy Spirit has revealed [to me] that the man who owns this belt will be tied up like this by the Jews in Jerusalem and will be turned over to the Gentiles."

Verse ConceptsBeltsWarning IndividualsSuffering From ForeignersSpeaking By The SpiritTying Up

Take these men and observe the ceremony of purification with them, pay their expenses so they can shave their heads [i.e., to signify that they are making a vow] and [then] everyone will know that there is no truth in what people have been told about you, but that you, too, are living properly and observing the law of Moses.

Verse ConceptsShavingPurifying OneselfPaying For GoodsKeep The Commandments!

Then Paul took the men and the next day he observed the ceremony of purification with them. Then he went into the Temple, declaring [to the priest] when he would fulfill the [required] days of the purification [ceremony] and [be ready] for the sacrifices to be offered for each of them.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfGiving InformationPurifying Oneselfaccomplishment

When the seven days [required by the vow] were almost completed, the Jews from Asia saw Paul in the Temple. They incited the whole crowd and took hold of him,

Verse ConceptsInciting To EvilSeven DaysDisciples In The TempleSeven Days For Legal Purposes

Then the commanding officer approached Paul, took hold of him and ordered him to be secured with two chains. He then questioned him as to who he was and what he had done.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, ministry ofChainsIron ChainsInterrogatingWho Is This?What Do You Do?Two Other Things

And when a serious debate broke out, the commander was afraid that Paul might [virtually] be torn apart by the mob, so he ordered his soldiers to go down [to the Council meeting] and forcibly remove Paul and take him to the battalion headquarters.

Verse ConceptsCommanderCommands, in NTCastlesSecurityFear, Of DeathPersecution Of The Apostle PaulPeople Torn To PiecesChiliarchs

The next night the Lord stood beside Paul [in a supernatural dream] and said, "Take courage, for just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also be my witness in Rome."

Verse Conceptsevangelism, kinds ofempiresGuidance, Results OfMissionaries, Task OfNecessityNightRomeWitnesses, To Jesus ChristVisions At NightWitness To The GospelWitnessingtestimonyfollowing

So, Paul called for one of the officers and said [to him], "Take this young man to the commander; he has something [important] to tell him."

Verse ConceptsChiliarchs

So, the officer took Paul's nephew to the commander and said, "Paul, the prisoner, called for me and asked me to bring this young man to you. He has something to tell you."

Verse ConceptsChiliarchs

The commander took him by the hand, and walking along together, asked him privately, "What is it that you have to tell me?"

Verse ConceptsTaking By The HandAsking Particular QuestionsChiliarchs

And the lad said, "The Jews have plotted to ask you to take Paul down to the Council [meeting] tomorrow, as though you were going to question him further.

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Example OfInvestigating

So, the soldiers took charge of Paul and took him at night to Antipatris [Note: This was a town on the road between Jerusalem and Caesarea] as they were ordered.

Verse ConceptsDuring One Night

and we would have judged him according to our law but commander Lysias came and forcibly took him out of our hands}}

Verse ConceptsChiliarchs

Paul replied, "I wish to God that, whether it would take a little or a lot, not only you, but all those who hear me today, might become [Christians] like me, except [not] with these chains."

Verse ConceptsChainsListeningIron ChainsBecoming Like People

And when he had said this he took bread, gave thanks to God for it in front of everyone, then broke it and began to eat.

Verse ConceptsBreaking Of BreadThankfulnessThanksgiving, OfferedThanking God For Food

Then they were all encouraged and they themselves took something to eat also.

Verse ConceptsCheerfulnessPeople EatingPeople Encouraging Others