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When the days for their purification in terms of the Mosaic law had elapsed, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord

and also to offer the sacrifice prescribed in the law of the Lord, a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.

By an inspiration of the Spirit he came to the temple, and when the parents of the child Jesus carried him in to perform the customary regulations of the law for him,

When they had finished all the regulations of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazaret.

Every valley shall be filled up, every hill and mound laid low, the crooked made straight, the rough roads smooth;

When he got up to leave the synagogue he went to the house of Simon. Simon's mother-in-law was laid up with a severe attack of fever, so they asked him about her;

One day he was teaching, and near him sat Pharisees and doctors of the Law who had come from every village of Galilee and Judaea as well as from Jerusalem. Now the power of the Lord was present for the work of healing.

Some men came up carrying a man who was paralysed; they tried to carry him inside and lay him in front of Jesus,

(There were about five thousand men of them.) He said to his disciples, "Make them lie down in rows of about fifty."

They did so, and made them all lie down.

He said to him, "What is written in the law? What do you read there?"

When he finished speaking, a Pharisee asked him to take a meal in his house; so he went in and lay down at table.

"When anyone invites you to a marriage-banquet," he said, "never lie down in the best place, in case a more distinguished guest than yourself has been invited;

"Teacher," they said, "Moses has written this law for us, that if a man's married brother dies and is childless, his brother is to take the woman and raise offspring for his brother.

But before all that, men will lay hands on you and persecute you, handing you over to synagogues and prisons; you will be dragged before kings and governors for the sake of my name.