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And now you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when this takes place, because you did not believe what I said, though my words will be fulfilled in due course."

"This is what the Lord has done for me," she said, "now that he has deigned to take away the reproach under which I have been living."

About that time an edict was issued by the Emperor Augustus that a census should be taken of the whole Empire.

(This was the first census taken while Quirinius was Governor of Syria).

But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins"-- he spoke to the paralyzed man-- "To you I say, Get up, and take up your pallet, and go to your home."

When a man gives one of you a blow on the cheek, offer the other cheek as well; and, when any one takes away your cloak, do not keep back your coat either.

Give to every one who asks of you; and, when any one takes away what is yours, do not demand its return.

How can you say to your brother 'Brother, let me take out the straw in your eye,' while you yourself do not see the beam in your own? Hypocrite! Take out the beam from your own eye first, and then you will see clearly how to take out the straw in your brother's.

Take care, then, how you listen. For, to all those who have, more will be given; while, from all those who have nothing, even what they seem to have will be taken away."

"What is your name?" Jesus asked. "Legion," he answered (for many demons had taken possession of him);

"Do not," he said to them, "take anything for your journey; not even a staff, or a bag, or bread, or any silver, or a change of clothes with you.

Who appeared in a glorified state, and spoke of his departure, which was destined to take place at Jerusalem.

As the days before his being taken up to Heaven were growing few, Jesus set his face resolutely in the direction of Jerusalem; and he sent on messengers in advance.

Do not take a purse with you, or a bag, or sandals; and do not stop to greet any one on your journey.

The next day he took out four shillings and gave them to the inn-keeper. 'Take care of him,' he said, 'and whatever more you may spend I will myself repay you on my way back.'

But only a few are necessary, or rather one. Mary has chosen the good part, and it shall not be taken away from her."

But, when one still stronger has attacked and overpowered him, he takes away all the weapons on which the other had relied, and divides his spoil.

Alas for you Students of the Law! You have taken away the key of the door of Knowledge. You have not gone in yourselves and you have hindered those who try to go in."

Whenever they take you before the Synagogue Courts or the magistrates or other authorities, do not be anxious as to how you will defend yourselves, or what your defense will be, or what you will say;

Happy are those servants whom, on his return, the Master will find watching. I tell you that he will make himself ready, and bid them take their places at table, and will come and wait upon them.

"You hypocrites!" the Master answered him. "Does not every one of you let his ox or his ass loose from its manger, and take it out to drink, on the Sabbath?

People will come from East and West, and from North and South, and take their places at the banquet in the Kingdom of God.

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! she who slays the Prophets and stones the messengers sent to her--Oh, how often have I wished to gather your children round me, as a hen takes her brood under her wings, and you would not come!

And he who invited you both will come and say to you 'Make room for this man,' and then you will begin in confusion to take the lowest place.

No, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place, so that, when he who has invited you comes, he may say to you 'Friend, come higher up'; and then you will be honored in the eyes of all your fellow-guests.

But the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law found fault. "This man always welcomes outcasts, and takes meals with them!" they complained.

Which of you, if he had a servant ploughing, or tending the sheep, would say to him, when he came in from the fields, 'Come at once and take your place at table,'

On that night, I tell you, of two men upon the same bed, one will be taken and the other left;

Of two women grinding together, one will be taken and the other left."

He shouted out: "Jesus, Son of David, take pity on me!"

Those who were in front kept telling him to be quiet, but he continued to call out the louder: "Son of David, take pity on me!"

For I was afraid of you, because you are a stern man. You take what you have not planted, and reap what you have not sown.'

The master answered 'Out of your own mouth I judge you, you worthless servant. You knew that I am a stern man, that I take what I have not planted, and reap what I have not sown?

Take away from him the ten pounds,' he said to those standing by, 'and give them to the one who has the hundred.'

'I tell you,' he answered, 'that, to him who has, more will be given, but, from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.

Jesus continued to teach each day in the Temple Courts; but the Chief Priests and Teachers of the Law were eager to take his life, and so also were the leading men.

These men asked Jesus a question. They said: "Teacher, we know that you are right in what you say and teach, and that you do not take any account of a man's position, but teach the Way of God honestly;

"Teacher, Moses laid down for us in his writings that-- 'Should a man's married brother die, and should he be childless, the man should take the widow as his wife, and raise up a family for his brother.'

Then those of you who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains, those who are in Jerusalem must leave at once, and those who are in the country places must not go into it.

They will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be taken prisoners to every land, and 'Jerusalem will be under the heel of the Gentiles,' until their day is over--as it shall be.

I tell you that even the present generation will not pass away till all has taken place.

"Take this and share it among you. For I tell you that I shall not, after to-day, drink of the juice of the grape, till the Kingdom of God has come."

"Now, however," he said, "he who has a purse must take it and his bag as well; and he who has not must sell his cloak and buy a sword.

Those who had taken Jesus prisoner took him away into the house of the High Priest. Peter followed at a distance.

And, when he had taken it down, he wrapped it in a linen sheet, and laid him in a tomb cut out of stone, in which no one had yet been buried.

[But Peter got up and ran to the tomb. Stooping down he saw nothing but the linen wrappings, and he went away, wondering to himself at what had taken place.]

Talking together, as they went, about all that had just taken place.

After he had taken his place at table with them, he took the bread and said the blessing, and broke it, and gave it to them.