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For circumcision indeed profits, if you do the law: but if you be a transgressor of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.

all have gone away, they have all together become unprofitable; there is no one who is doing good, there is not one.

But we know that so many things as the law speaks, it says to those under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may become guilty before God.

Then did that which is good become death to me? it could not be so: but sin, that it may appear sin, through the good was working out death to me, in order that sin may be exceedingly sinful through the commandment.

and as Isaiah has before spoken; Unless the Lord of Sabaoth left to us a seed, we would have become as Sodom, and would have been made like unto Gomorrah:

And if certain ones of the branches were broken off, and you being a wild olive-tree are grafted in among them, and have become a partaker of the root of the fatness of the olive-tree;