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Their legs were straight; But their feet were like bullock's feet, and they glistered, as it had been fair scoured metal.

Under their wings upon all the four corners they had men's hands. Their faces and their wings were toward the four corners:

Upon the right side of these four, their faces were like the face of a man, and the face of a Lion: But upon the left side, they had the face of an ox and the face of an eagle.

Now when I had well considered the beasts, I saw a work of wheels upon the earth with four faces also like the beasts.

The fashion and the work of the wheels was like the sea. The four wheels were joined and made, to look upon, as it had been one wheel in another.

Above over the heads of the beasts there was a firmament, which was fashioned as it had been of the most pure Crystal, and that was spread out above upon their heads:

And when they went forth I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as it had been the voice of the great God, and a rushing together as it were of a host of men. And when they stood still, they let down their wings.

Now when they stood still, and had let down their wings, it thundered in the firmament that was above their heads.

Above the firmament that was over their heads, there was the fashion of a seat, as it had been made of Sapphire. Upon the seat there sat one like a man.

I beheld him, and he was like a clear light, as it had been all of fire within from his loins upward. And beneath when I looked upon him under the loins, methought he was like a shining fire, that giveth light on every side.

He said moreover unto me, "Thou son of man, take diligent heed with thine ears, to the words that I speak unto thee, fasten them in thine heart:

"Thou son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore take good heed to the words, and give them warning at my commandment.

So when I had risen up, and gone forth into the field: Behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, like as I saw it afore, by the waters of Chebar. Then fell I down upon my face,

O Thou son of man, take thee then a sharp knife, namely a razor. Take that, and shave the hair of thy head and beard: Then take the scales and weight, and divide the hair asunder.

so that when I punish thee in my wrath, in mine anger, and with the plague of my hot displeasure, thou shalt be a very abomination, shame, a gasping and wondering stock among the Heathen that lie about thee. Even I, the LORD, have spoken it: and it shall come to pass.

This similitude stretched out a hand, and took me by the hairy locks of my head, and the spirit lift me up betwixt heaven and earth: And God brought me in a vision to Jerusalem, into the court of the inward port that lieth toward the north. There stood an image, with whom he that hath all things in his power was very wroth.

And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was in the same place: even as I had seen it afore in the field.

There stood also before the images: Seventy lords of the counsel of the house of Israel; and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan. And every one of them had a censor in his hand, and out of the incense there went a smoke, as it had been a cloud.

Then came there six men out of the street of the upper port toward the north, and every man a weapon in his hand to the slaughter. There was one amongst them, that had on him a linen raiment, and a writer's inkhorn by his side. These went in, and stood beside the brazen altar:

for the glory of God was gone away from the Cherub, and was come down to the threshold of the house. And he called the man that had the linen raiment upon him, and the writer's inkhorn by his side,

for he had said unto them, "When ye have defiled the temple, and filled the court with the slain, then go your way forth." So they went out, and slew down through the city.

Now when they had done the slaughter, and I yet escaped: I fell down upon my face, and cried saying, "O LORD, wilt thou then destroy all the residue of Israel, in thy sore displeasure, that thou hast poured upon Jerusalem?"

And behold, the man that had the linen raiment upon him, and the writer's inkhorn by his side, told all the matter how it happened, and said, "LORD, as thou hast commanded me, so have I done."

Then said he that sat therein, to him that had the linen raiment upon him, "Creep in between the wheels that are under the Cherubims, and take thine hand full of hot coals out from between the Cherubims, and cast them over the city. And he crept in, that I might see."

Yea and the sound of the Cherubims' wings was heard into the fore court, like as it had been the voice of the almighty God when he speaketh.

Now when he had bidden the man that was clothed in linen, to go and take the hot coals from the midst of the wheels, which were under the Cherubims: he went and stood beside the wheels.

Then the one Cherub reached forth his hand from under the Cherubims, unto the fire that was between the Cherubims, and took thereof, and gave it unto him that had on the linen raiment, in his hand: which took it, and went out.

yet unto the sight were they fashioned and like, as if one wheel had been in another.

Every one of them had four faces: so that the one face was the face of a Cherub, the second of a man, the third of a lion, the fourth of an Eagle,

Every one had four faces, and every one four wings, and under their wings, as it were men's hands.

Now the figure of their faces was even as I had seen them, by the water of Chebar, and so was the countenance of them: Every one in his going went straight forward.

But the wind took me up, and in a vision which came by the spirit of God it brought me again into Chaldea among the prisoners. Then the vision that I had seen vanished away from me.

So I spake unto the prisoners, all the words of the LORD, which he had showed me.

As for thyself, thou shalt go forth in the dark. Hide thy face that thou see not the earth, for I have made thee a show-token unto the house of Israel."

Now as the Lord commanded me, so I did: the gear that I had made ready, brought I out by day. At even I brake down a hole through the wall with my hand: and when it was dark, I took the gear upon my shoulders and bare them out in their sight.

a chain about thy neck, spangles upon thy forehead, earrings upon thine ears, and set a beautiful crown upon thine head.

Thou hast builded thy stews and brothel houses in every place: yea, at the head of every street hast thou builded thee an altar.

Thou hast committed fornication with the Egyptians thy neighbours, which had much flesh: and thus hast thou used thine whoredom to anger me.

Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, which might not satisfy thee. Yea, thou hast played the harlot, and not had enough.

Building thy stews at the head of every street, and thy brothel houses in all places? Thou hast not been as another whore, that maketh boast of her winning;

Seeing thou rememberest not the days of thy youth, but hast provoked me to wrath in all these things? Behold therefore, I will bring thine own ways upon thine head, sayeth the LORD God: howbeit, I never did unto thee, according to thy wickedness and all thy abominations.

but were proud - And did abominable things before me, wherefore I took them away when I had seen it.

But there was another Eagle, a great one, which had great wings and many feathers: and behold, the roots of this vine had a hunger after him, and spread out his branches toward him, to water his fruits.

Therefore thus sayeth the LORD God: As truly as I live, I will bring mine oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, upon his own head.

her stalks were so strong that men might have made staves thereof for officers, she grew so high in her stalks. So when men saw that she exceeded the height and multitude of her branches,

"'Now when I had carried them out of the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness,

Yet I would not do it, for my name's sake: lest it should be dishonored before the Heathen, from the which I had carried them away.

And that because they refused my laws, and walked not in my commandments, but had unhallowed my Sabbaths - for their heart was gone after their Idols.

Nevertheless, I withdrew my hand for my name's sake, lest it should be unhallowed among the Heathen, before whom I had brought them forth.

because they had not kept my laws, but cast aside my commandments, unhallowed my Sabbaths, and lift up their eyes to their fathers' Idols.

For after I had brought them into the land that I promised to give them, when they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees: they made there offerings, and provoked me with their oblations, making sweet savours there, and poured out their drink offerings.

"Thou son of man, make thee two streets, that the sword of the king of Babylon may come. Both these streets shall go out of one land. He shall set him up a place; at the head of the street shall he choose him out a corner.

For the king of Babylon shall stand in the turning of the way, at the head of the two trees: to ask counsel at the soothsayers, casting the lots with his arrows; to ask counsel at the Idols, and to look in the liver.

"Thou son of man, there were two women, that had one mother.

As for Oholah, she began to go a whoring, when I had taken her to me. She was set on fire upon her lovers the Assyrians,

which had to do with her: even the princes and lords, that were decked in costly array: fair young men, lusty riders of horses.

Nevertheless, she used her whoredom ever the longer, the more; and remembered the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup, how deep and far soever it be to the bottom. Thou shalt be laughed to scorn, and had as greatly in derision, as is possible.

For when they had slain their children for their idols, they came the same day into my Sanctuary to defile it. Lo, this have they done in my house.

And therefore have I letten her pour her blood upon a plain dry stony rock, because it should not be hid, and that I might bring my wrathful indignation and vengeance upon her.

Moreover, set the pot empty upon the coals, that it may be warm and the metal hot: that the filth and rustiness may be consumed.

Like as I have done, so shall ye do also: Ye shall not hide your faces, ye shall eat no mourner's bread;

These will I open unto them of the east, that they may fall upon the Ammonites: and will give it them in possession: so that the Ammonites shall no more be had in remembrance among the Heathen.

Behold, thou thinkest thyself wiser than Daniel, that there is no secrets hid from thee.

She shall no more be a pricking thorn, and a hurting brier unto the house of Israel, nor unto them that lie round about her and hate her: and they shall know that I am the LORD.

"O thou son of man, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon hath made his host, with great travail and labour to come before Tyre: that every head may be bald, and every shoulder bare. Yet hath Tyre given neither him nor his host any reward, for the great travail that he hath taken there.

no Cedar tree might hide him. In the pleasant garden of God, there was no fir tree like his branches, the plain trees were not like the boughs of him. All the trees in the garden of God might not be compared unto him in his beauty:

So fair and goodly had I made him with the multitude of his branches: Insomuch that all the trees in the pleasant garden of God, had envy at him.

If a man now hear the noise of the trumpet and will not be warned, and the sword come and take him away: his blood shall be upon his own head.

For he heard the sound of the trumpet, and would not take heed, therefore his blood be upon him. But if he will receive warning, he shall save his life.

Insomuch that the same wicked man giveth the pledge again, restoreth that he had taken away by robbery, walketh in the commandments of life, and doth no wrong: Then shall he surely live, and not die.

Now the hand of the LORD had been upon me the evening before this man, which was escaped, came unto me, and had opened my mouth, until the morning that he came to me: yea he opened my mouth, so that I was no more dumb.

"Thou son of man, these that dwell in the wasted land of Israel say, 'Abraham was but one man, and he had the land in possession: now are we many, and the land is given us to possess also.'

Therefore, hear the word of the LORD God, O ye mountains of Israel. Thus sayeth the LORD God unto the mountains, and hills; valleys and dales; to the void wilderness and desolate cities, which are spoiled and had in derision on every side among the residue of the Heathen.

I will provide you with much people and cattle, which shall increase and bring fruit. I will restore you also to your old estate, and show you more kindness than ever ye had before: whereby ye shall know, that I am the LORD.

Wherefore I poured my wrathful displeasure upon them, because of the blood that they had shed in the land, and because of their Idols, wherewith they had defiled themselves.

Then spared I my holy name, which the house of Israel had dishonoured among the Gentiles, to whom they came. Therefore tell the house of Israel:

So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: and as I was prophesying, there came a noise and a great motion, so that the bones ran every one to another.

Now when I had looked, behold, they had sinews, and flesh grew upon them: and above they were covered with skin, but there was no breath in them.

So I prophesied, as he had commanded me: then came the breath into them and they received life, and stood up upon their feet: a marvelous great sortie.

For in my jealousy and hot displeasure I have devised that there shall be a great trouble in the land of Israel at that time.

"And the Heathen shall know, that whereas the house of Israel were led into captivity: it was for their wickedness' sake, because they offended me. For the which cause I hid my face from them, and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, that they might all be slain with the sword.

According to their uncleanness and unfaithful dealings, so have I entreated them, and hid my face from them.

even into the land of Israel brought he me in the visions of God: and set me down upon a marvelous high mountain, whereupon there was a building, as it had been of a city, toward the north.

Thither he carried me, and behold, there was a man, whose similitude was like brass, which had a thread of flax in his hand, and a measuring rod also. He stood in the door,

Behold, there was a wall on the outside round about the house: the measuring rod that he had in his hand, was six cubits long and a span. So he measured the breadth of the building, which was one measuring rod, and the height also one measuring rod.

After this, he measured the wideness of the door, which was ten cubits, and the height of the door, thirteen cubits.

The chambers and the pillars within, round about unto the door, had side windows: So had the fore entries also, whose windows went round about within. And upon the pillars there stood date trees.

After this, he measured the breadth from the lower door, unto the innermore court of the outside, which had a hundred cubits upon the east and the north part.

his three chambers also on either side, with his pillars and fore entries: which had even the measure of the first door. His height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five cubits:

his windows and porches with his date trees, had even like measure as the door toward the east: there were seven steps to go up upon, and their porch before them.

After that, he brought me to the south side, where there stood a door toward the south: whose pillars and porches he measured, these had the first measure,

and with their porches they had windows round about, like the first windows. The height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five,

So he brought me into the innermore court, through the door of the south side: which he measured, and it had the measure afore said.

In like manner, his chambers, pillars, and fore entries, had even the foresaid measure also. And he had with his porches round about, windows of fifty cubits high, and twenty five cubits broad.

His chambers, pillars, and porches had even the same measure, as they first had: and with his porches he had windows round about. The height was fifty cubits, the breadth twenty five cubits:

His porches reached unto the uttermost court: his pillars also had date trees on either side, and eight steps to go up upon.