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And Zacharias was troubled when he saw him, and fear came on him.

And through him great numbers of the children of Israel will be turned to the Lord their God.

And on the eighth day they came to see to the circumcision of the child, and they would have given him the name of Zacharias, his father's name;

And they made signs to his father, to say what name was to be given to him.

And all who had word of them kept them in their minds and said, What will this child be? For the hand of the Lord was with him.

That we, being made free from the fear of those who are against us, might give him worship,

And when, after eight days, the time came for his circumcision, he was named Jesus, the name which the angel had given to him before his birth.

And when the necessary days for making them clean by the law of Moses had come to an end, they took him to Jerusalem to give him to the Lord

And full of the Spirit he came into the Temple; and when the father and mother came in with the child Jesus, to do with him what was ordered by the law,

Then he took him in his arms and gave praise to God and said,

And his father and mother were full of wonder at the things which were said about him.

And coming up at that time, she gave praise to God, talking of him to all those who were waiting for the freeing of Jerusalem.

And in the belief that he was with some of their number, they went a day's journey; and after looking for him among their relations and friends,

And seeing that he was not there, they went back to Jerusalem, to make search for him.

And after three days they came across him in the Temple, seated among the wise men, giving ear to their words and putting questions to them.

And when they saw him they were surprised, and his mother said to him, Son, why have you done this to us? see, your father and I have been looking for you with sorrow.

So he said to the people who went out to him for baptism: You offspring of snakes, at whose word are you going in flight from the wrath to come?

And the people put questions to him, saying, What have we to do?

Then tax-farmers came to him for baptism and said to him, Master, what have we to do?

And men of the army put questions to him, saying, And what have we to do? And he said to them, Do no violent acts to any man, and do not take anything without right, and let your payment be enough for you.

And the Evil One said to him, If you are the Son of God, give orders to this stone to become bread.

And Jesus made answer to him, It has been said in the Writings, Bread is not man's only need.

And he took him to Jerusalem and put him on the highest point of the Temple and said to him, If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down from here; for it is said in the Writings,

And Jesus made answer and said to him, It is said in the Writings, You may not put the Lord your God to the test.

And he was teaching in their Synagogues and all men gave him praise.

And the book of the prophet Isaiah was given to him and, opening the book, he came on the place where it is said,

And shutting the book he gave it back to the servant and took his seat: and the eyes of all in the Synagogue were fixed on him.

And they got up and took him out of the town to the edge of the mountain on which their town was, so that they might send him down to his death.

And Jesus said to him, Be quiet, and come out of him. And when the evil spirit had put him down on the earth in the middle of them, he came out of him, having done him no damage.

And there was much talk about him in all the places round about.

And at sundown all those who had anyone ill with any sort of disease, took them to him, and he put his hands on every one of them and made them well.

And when it was day, he came out and went to a waste place; and great numbers of people came looking for him, and they came to him and would have kept him from going away.

Now it came about that while the people came pushing to be near him, and to have knowledge of the word of God, he was by a wide stretch of water named Gennesaret;

And he got into one of the boats, the property of Simon, and made a request to him to go a little way out from the land. And being seated he gave the people teaching from the boat.

For he was full of wonder and so were all those who were with him, at the number of fish which they had taken;

And when they had got their boats to the land, they gave up everything and went after him.

And it came about that while he was in one of the towns, there was a leper there: and when he saw Jesus he went down on his face in prayer to him, saying, Lord, if it is your pleasure, you have power to make me clean.

And he put out his hand to him and said, It is my pleasure; be clean. And straight away his disease went from him.

And he gave him orders: Say nothing to any man, but let the priest see you and give an offering so that you may be made clean, as the law of Moses says, and for a witness to them.

But news of him went out all the more, in every direction, and great numbers of people came together to give hearing to his words and to be made well from their diseases.

And it came about that on one of these days he was teaching; and some Pharisees and teachers of the law were seated there, who had come from every town of Galilee and Judaea and from Jerusalem; and the power of the Lord was with him, to make those who were ill free from their diseases.

And some men had with them, on a bed, a man who was ill, without power of moving; and they made attempts to get him in and put him before Jesus.

And because of the mass of people, there was no way to get him in; so they went up on the top of the house and let him down through the roof, on his bed, into the middle in front of Jesus.

And after these things he went out, and saw Levi, a tax-farmer, seated at the place where taxes were taken, and said to him, Come after me.

And giving up his business, he got up and went after him.

And Levi made a great feast for him in his house: and a great number of tax-farmers and others were seated at table with them.

And they said to him, The disciples of John frequently go without food, and make prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees; but your disciples take food and drink.

And Jesus said, Have you not seen in the Writings what David did when he was in need of food, he, and those who were with him;

How he went into the house of God and took for food the holy bread, which only the priests may take, and gave it to those who were with him?

And looking round on all of them, he said to him, Put out your hand. And he did so: and his hand was made well.

And Judas, the son of James, and Judas Iscariot, he who was false to him.

And he came down with them to a level place, and a great band of his disciples, and a very great number of people from all Judaea and Jerusalem and from the parts of Tyre and Sidon by the sea, came to give hearing to him, and to be made well from their diseases;

And all the people were desiring to be touched by him, for power came from him and made them all well.

If a man gives you a blow on one side of your face, then let the other side be turned to him; from him who takes away your coat, do not keep back your robe.

And a certain captain had a servant who was very dear to him; this servant was ill and near to death.

And when news of Jesus came to his ears, he sent to him rulers of the Jews, requesting that he would come and make his servant well.

It is right for you to do this for him, because he is a friend to our nation, and himself has put up a Synagogue for us.

And Jesus went with them. And when he was not far from the house, the man sent friends to him, saying, Lord, do not give yourself trouble: for I am not important enough for you to come into my house:

And when these things were said to Jesus, he was surprised, and, turning to the mass of people coming after him, said, I have not seen such great faith, no, not in Israel.

And it came about, after a little time, that he went to a town named Nain; and his disciples went with him, and a great number of people.

And the dead man got up, and words came from his lips. And he gave him to his mother.

And this story about him went through all Judaea and the places round about.

And the disciples of John gave him an account of all these things.

And when the men came to him they said, John the Baptist has sent us to you, saying, Are you he who is to come, or are we waiting for another?

And a blessing will be on him who has no doubts about me.

And went in and took her place at the back of him, near his feet, weeping, so that his feet were washed with the drops from her eyes, and with her hair she made them dry, and kissing his feet she put the perfume on them.

Now when the Pharisee in whose house he was saw it, he said to himself, This man, if he was a prophet, would be conscious what sort of woman this is who has put her hands on him, that she is a sinner.

When they were unable to make payment, he made the two of them free of their debts. Which of them, now, will have the greater love for him?

And those who were seated at table with him said to themselves, Who is this who even gives forgiveness of sins?

And Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's chief house-servant, and Susanna and a number of others, who gave him of their wealth for his needs.

And when a great number of people came together, and men from every town went out to him, he gave them teaching in the form of a story:

And some falling on good earth, came up and gave fruit a hundred times as much. And with these words he said in a loud voice, He who has ears, let him give ear.

And his disciples put questions to him about the point of the story.

So take care how you give hearing, for to him who has will be given, and from him who has not will be taken even what he seems to have.

And his mother and his brothers came to him, and they were not able to get near him because of the great number of people.

And someone said to him, Your mother and your brothers are outside desiring to see you.

Then they came to him and, awaking him out of his sleep, said, Master, Master, destruction is near. And he, when he was awake, gave orders to the wind and the rolling waves, and the storm came to an end, and all was calm.

And when he had come to the land, there came to him a certain man from the town who had evil spirits; and for a long time he had had no clothing on, and was not living in a house but in the place of the dead.

And when he saw Jesus, he gave a loud cry and went down on the earth before him and in a loud voice said, What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Do not be cruel to me.

For he gave an order to the evil spirit to come out of the man. For frequently it would take a grip of him: and he was kept under control, and prisoned with chains; but parting the chains in two, he would be sent by the driving of the evil spirit into waste places.

And Jesus said to him, What is your name? And he said, Legion; for a number of spirits had gone into him.

And they made a request to him that he would not give them an order to go away into the deep.

Now there was a great herd of pigs in that place, getting food on the mountain: and the evil spirits made a request to him that he would let them go into the pigs, and he let them.

And all the people of the country of the Gerasenes made a request to him to go away from them; for they were in great fear: and he got into a boat and went back.

But the man from whom the evil spirits had gone out had a great desire to be with him, but he sent him away, saying,