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"[Then] we turned and set out [toward] the wilderness in the direction of the {Red Sea}, as Yahweh told me, and we went around Mount Seir [for] many days.

And then if you do not take delight in her, then you shall let her go {to do whatever she wants}, but you shall not treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her.

And {you shall declare} and you shall say {before} your God, 'My ancestor [was] a wandering Aramean, and he went down to Egypt, and there he dwelt as an alien {few in number}, and there he became a great nation, mighty and numerous.

{And then} as Yahweh delighted over you {to make you prosperous} to make you numerous, so Yahweh shall delight over you to exterminate you and to destroy you, and [so] you shall be plucked from the land that you [are] going there to take possession of it.

Then he told Joshua the son of Nun, and said [to him], "Be strong and be courageous, for you shall bring the {Israelites} into the land that I swore to them, and I will be with you."

and with the choice things of [the] earth and its fullness, and the favor of [the one] {who dwelt} in [the] bush. Let them come to the head of Joseph, and to the crown of the prince among his brothers.