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And the Jebusite dwelling in Jerusalem, the sons of Benjamin did not drive out; and the Jebusite dwelt with the sons of Benjamin in Jerusalem even to this day.

And Heber the Kenite separated himself from Kain, from the sons of Hobab, father-in law of Moses, and he will stretch out his tent even to the oak in Zaanaim which is at Kadesh.

And Barak pursued after the chariots and after the camp, even to Harosheth of the nations: and all the camp of Sisera will fall by the mouth of the sword; there was not left even one.

And they will encamp against them, and they will destroy the produce of the land even to thy coming to Gaza; and they will not leave means of life in Israel, and sheep and ox and ass.

And Gideon will come, and behold, a man recounting a dream to his neighbor; and he will say, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and behold, a round cake of barley bread rolling into the camp of Midian; and it will come even to the tent, and it will strike it, and it will fall and will turn it over, so that the tent fell.

And the three hundred will clang the trumpets, and Jehovah will set the sword of a man against his neighbor and in all the camp: and the camp fled even to the House of Acacia of Zererath, even to the lip of Abel-Meholah, to Tabbath.

And Gideon sent messengers into all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down to meet Midian, and take before them the waters even to the House of Passage, and Jordan. And every man of Ephraim will be called together, and they will take the waters even to the House of Passage and Jordan.

And Abimelech will come even to the tower, and will fight against it, and will urge on, even to the door of the tower to burn it with fire.

And to him will be thirty sons riding upon thirty young asses, and thirty cities to them; and they will call them the villages of Jair even to this day, which are in the land of Gilead.

And the king of the sons of Ammon will say to the messengers of Jephthah, Because Israel took my land in his coming up out of Egypt, from Arnon even to Jabbok, and even to Jordan: and now turn them back in peace.

When in their coming up out of Egypt, and Israel went in the desert, even to the sea of sedge, and he will come to Kadesh;

And Israel will send messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, king of Heshbon; and Israel will say to him, We will pass now through in thy land, even to my place.

And they will inherit all the bound of the Amorites from Arnon and even to Jabbok, and from the desert and even to Jordan.

And he will strike them from Aroer even to thy going to Minnith, twenty cities, and even to the meadow of the vineyards, with a very great smiting. And the sons of Ammon will be subdued from the face of the sons of Israel.

And he will say to me, Behold, thee conceiving, and thou bearest a son; and now drink not wine and strong drink, and thou shalt not eat any thing unclean, for the boy shall be consecrated to God from the womb, even to the day of his death.

And Samson will go down, and his father and his mother, to Timnath, and they will come even to the vineyards of Timnath: and behold, a young lion roared at his meeting.

And he will kindle fire upon the torches and will send into the standing grain of Philisteim, and will burn up from the heap of sheaves and even to the standing grain, and even to the vineyard and the olive.

He came even to Lehi, and Philisteim shouted at his meeting: and the spirit of Jehovah will come suddenly upon him, and the cords which were upon his arms will be as flax which was burnt in fire, and his bands will melt from off his hands.

And God will rend the socket which is in the jaw-bone, and waters will come forth from it; and he will drink, and his spirit will turn back, and he will live. For this he called its name, the Fountain of him Calling, which is in Lehi even to this day.

And the man will go from the city from the House of Bread, of Judah, to sojourn wherever he shall find: and he will come to mount Ephraim, even to the house of Micah, to make his way.

And the sons of Dan will send from their families five men from their extremities, men sons of power, from Zorah and Eshtaol, to search the land and to examine it; and they will say to them, Go and examine the land: and they will come to mount Ephraim, even to the house of Micah, and they will lodge there.

And they will go up and encamp in the City of Forests, in Judah: for this they called that place the camp of Dan, even to this day: behold, it behind the City of Forests.

And they will pass from thence to mount Ephraim, and they will come even to the house of Micah.

And the sons of Dan will raise up to them the carved thing: and Jonathan, son of Gershom, son of Manasseh, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of Danites even to the day of the captivity of the land.

And the man was not willing to lodge, and he will rise and go, and, come even to the front of Jebus; this is Jerusalem: and with him a pair of asses saddled, and his concubine with him.

And his lord will say to him, We will not turn into a strange city which is not of the sons of Israel here; and we passed over even to Gibeah.

And he will say to him, We are passing from the House of Bread of Judah, even to the sides of mount Ephraim, from whence I am. And I will go to the House of Bread of Judah, and to the house of Jehovah; I went, and no man receiving me to his house.

And the men were not willing to hear to him: and the man will lay hold upon his concubine and will bring out to them without, and they will know her, and will gratify their desires upon her all the night, even till morning: and they will send her away in the ascending of the dawn.

And the woman will come at the turning of the morning and she will fall at the door of the house where her lord there, even till the light

And he will come to his house and will take a knife, and will lay hold upon his concubine, and he will give her, even to her bones, into twelve pieces, and he will send her into all the bound of Israel.

And all the sons of Israel will go forth, and the assembly will be gathered together as one man, from Dan even to the Well of the Oath, and the land of Gilead to Jehovah to Mizpeh.

They surrounded Benjamin,pursuing him from Nohah, treading him down even to the front of Gibeah, from the rising of the sun.

And they will turn and flee to the desert, to the rock Rimmon: and they will glean in the highways five thousand men; and they will pursue after him even to Gidom, and will strike of him two thousand men.

And the men of Israel turned back against the sons of Benjamin, and they will strike them with the mouth of the sword, from the city, the men even to cattle, all being found: also all the cities being found they set on fire.

And the people will go to the house of God and will sit there even till evening, before God; and they will lift up their voice and weep a great weeping.