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So then Moses and Aaron took these men, who were distinguished by name;

And, when the habitation is to set forward, the Levites shall take it down, and when the habitation is to be pitched, the Levites, shall set it up, but the stranger that draweth near, shall be put to death.

then shalt thou take the Levites for me, me Yahweh, instead of every firstborn among the sons of Ishmael, - also the cattle of the Levites, instead of every firstling among the cattle of the sons of Israel.

Take the Levites, instead of all the firstborn among the sons of Israel, and the cattle of the Levites, instead of their cattle, - so shall the Levites belong unto me, me Yahweh;

thou shalt take five shekels apiece by the poll, - by the shekel of the sanctuary, shalt thou take it, twenty gerahs to the shekel;

So Moses took the redemption silver from them who were in excess over them who were redeemed by the Levites:

from the firstborn of the sons of Israel, took he the silver, - a thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary,

So then Aaron and his sons shall enter when the camp is to set forward, and take down the screening veil, - and enwrap therein the ark of the testimony;

Then shall they take a wrapper of blue, and cover the light-giving lampstand, and the lamps thereof, and the snuffers thereof and the snuff-trays thereof, - and all the oil-vessels, thereof, wherewith they minister thereunto;

And they shall take all the utensils of attendance wherewith they attend in the sanctuary, and put them within a wrapper of blue, and cover the same in a covering of badgers skin, - and put them on a frame.

So shall Aaron and his sons make an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the utensils of the sanctuary, when the camp is to set forward, then after that, shall the sons of Kohath enter to bear it, but they must not put forth a touch unto that which, is holy, else should they die, these, shall be the burden of the sons of Kohath in the tent of meeting.

from thirty years old and upwards even to fifty years, shalt thou number them, - All that may enter to take rank in the host, to do laborious work in the tent of meeting.

and the priest shall take hallowed water in an earthen vessel, - and of the dust which shall be upon the floor of the habitation, shall the priest take, and put into the water;

Then shall the priest take from the hand of the woman the jealousy meal-offering, - and shall wave the meal-offering before Yahweh, and bring it near unto the altar;

and the priest shall take a handful from the meal-offering, a remembrancer thereof, and make a perfume at the altar, - and afterwards, shall cause the woman to drink the water.

Then shall the Separate One shave, at the entrance of the tent of meeting, his head of separation, - and take the hair of his head of separation, and put upon the fire, which is under the peace-offering.

Then shall the priest take the shoulder far boiling from the ram, and one unleavened round cake from the basket, and one unleavened thin cake, - and place them on the hands, of the Separate One after he hath shaven off his hair of separation;

Take them of them, so shall they be for doing the laborious work of the ten of meeting, - and thou shalt give them unto the Levites, to every man according to the need of his laborious work.

So Moses took the waggons, and the oxen, - and gave them unto the Levites:

Take the Levites, out of the midst of the sons of Israel, - and thou shalt purify them.

Then shall they take a choice young bullock, with the meal-offering thereof even fine meal overflowed with oil, - and a second choice young bullock, shalt thou take. as a sin-bearer.

This is what concerneth the Levites, - from twenty-five years old and upwards, shall they enter to take rank in the host, for doing the laborious work of the tent of meeting;

Then said Yahweh unto Moses - Gather thou unto me seventy men, from among the elders of Israel, of whom thou knowest that they are elders of the people and their overseers, - then shalt thou take them unto the tent of meeting, and they shall station themselves there with thee.

Then will I come down, and speak with thee there, and will take of the spirit that is upon thee and put upon them, - and they shall carry, with thee, the burden of the people, and, thou, shalt not carry it by thyself.

Then Yahweh came down, in the cloud, and spake unto him, and took e of the spirit that was upon him, and gave unto the seventy men - the elders. And it came to pass that when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and then did so no more.

And what the land is, Whether, fat, or, lean, Whether there is timber therein or is not, Then shall ye pluck up courage and take of the fruit of the land. Now the days, were the days of the first-fruits of grapes.

So they took their journey, and came in unto Moses and unto Aaron and unto all the assembly of the sons of Israel into the wilderness of Paran, towards Kadesh, - and brought back word - unto them and unto all the assembly, and showed them the fruit of the land.

Then took Korah, son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi, - and Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth sons of Reuben;

This do, - Take to you censers, Korah and all his assembly;

Certainly not into a land flowing with milk and honey, hast thou brought us, nor given unto us an inheritance of field and vineyard, - The eyes of those men, wilt thou dig out? We will not come up.

And take ye each man his censer and put thereon incense, then shall ye bring near before Yahweh, each man his censer, two hundred and fifty Censers, - and, thou and Aaron, each man his censer.

So they took each man his censer and put thereon fire, and placed thereon incense, - and took their stand at the entrance of the tent of meeting with Moses and Aaron.

And he spake unto the assembly, saying - Remove I pray you from beside the tents of these lawless men, and do not touch aught that pertaineth unto them, - lest ye be carried off, in all their sins.

Say unto Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the censers out of the midst of the burning, and the fire, scatter thou yonder, - for they have been hallowed.

And Eleazar the priest took the censers of bronze, which the consumed men had brought near, - and heat them out into plates for overlaying the altar:

Then said Moses unto Aaron - Take the censer and place thereon fire, from off the altar, and put incense thereon , and, going quickly into the assembly, put a propitiatory-covering over them, - for wrath hath gone forth from before Yahweh the plague, hath begun.

Then took Aaron, as Moses spake, and ran into the midst of the convocation, and lo! the plague had begun among the people, - so he placed the incense, and put a propitiatory-covering over the people:

thus did he take his stand between the dead and the living, - and the plague was restrained.

Speak unto he sans of Israel and take of them one staff each for an ancestral house of all their princes, by their ancestral houses, twelve staves, - each man's name, shalt thou write upon his staff;

So then Moses brought forth all the staves, from before Yahweh, unto all the sons of Israel, - and they saw and took, each man his own staff.

So shall the Levites themselves perform the laborious work of the tent of meeting, and, they, shall bear their iniquity, a statute age-abiding, unto your generations, and in the midst of the sons of Israel, shall they take no inheritance.

Because the tenth of the sons of Israel which they shall offer up unto Yahweh as a heave-offering, have I given unto the Levites as an inheritance, - for this cause, said I regarding them, In the midst of the sons of Israel, shall they take no inheritance.

Unto the Levites, therefore shalt thou speak and shalt say unto them, When ye shall take of the sons of Israel the tenth which I have given unto you from them as your inheritance, then shall ye offer up therefrom the heave-offering of Yahweh, a tenth of the tenth.

Thus, shall ye also, offer up the heave-offering of Yahweh, out of all your tenths which ye shall take from the sons of Israel, - and give therefrom the heave-offering of Yahweh, unto Aaron the priest.

Then shall ye give her unto Eleazar the priest, and he shall take her forth unto the outside of the camp, and she shall be slain before him;

and Eleazar the priest shall take of her blood with his finger, - and shall sprinkle towards the front of the tent of meeting: of her blood, seven times;

Then shall the priest take cedar-wood and hyssop and crimson, - and east lute the midst of the burning up of the heifer.

And they shall take, for him that is un-clean, of the ashes of the burning of the sin-bearer, - and living water shall be put thereon in a vessel,

Then shall a man that is clean take hyssop, and dip in the water, and sprinkle upon the tent, and upon all the vessels, and upon the persons who were there, - and upon him that touched the bone or him who had been slain, or him who had died of himself or the grave;

Take the staff and gather together the assembly, thou, and Aaron thy brother, then shall ye speak unto the cliff before their eyes and it shall give forth it waters, - so shalt thou bring forth unto them water, out of the cliff, and shalt cause the assembly, and their cattle to drink.

And Moses took the staff from before Yahweh, - as he commanded him.

Take thou Aaron, and Eleazar his son, - and bring them up Mount Hor;

And the Canaanite, the king of Arad who dwelt in the South, heard that Israel had entered by the way of Atharim, - so he made war with Israel, and took some of them captive.

Then tame the people of Israel unto Moses and said - We have sinned in that we spake against Yahweh and against thee, Pray thou unto Yahweh, that he may take from us the serpent. So Moses prayed for the people.

And Israel smote him with the edge of the sword, - and took possession of his land, from Arnon unto Jabbok, unto the sons of Ammon, for strong, was the boundary of the sons of Ammon.

So Israel took all these cities, - and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites, in Heshbon and in all her villages;

So then they smote him and his sons and all his people, until there was not left him a remnant, - and took possession of his land.

But the messenger of Yahweh took his stand, in a hollow pass of the vineyards, - with a fence on this side, and a fence on that side.

And the messenger of Yahweh went on further, and took his stand in a narrow place, where there was no way to turn to the right hand or to the left.

And it came to pass in the morning, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up the high places of Baal, - and he saw from thence the utmost part of the people.

So he took up his parable and said, - From Aram, doth Balak conduct me, The king of Moab, from the mountains of the East, Come thou! curse me Jacob, Yea, come thou! rage on Israel.

And he answered and said, - Was it not to be so that whatsoever Yahweh should put into my mouth, the same, should I take heed to speak?

And he took him to the field of Zophim, unto the head of Pisgah, - and built seven altars, and caused to ascend a bullock and a ram on each altar.

Then took he up his parable and said, - Rise, Balak, and hear, Give ear unto me son of Zippor!

Lo! to bless, have I received command , - And I will bless, nor will I take it back.

And Balak said unto Balaam, Come, I pray thee! let me take thee unto another place, - peradventure, it may be right in the eyes of God, that thou revile me him. from thence.

So Balak took Balaam, - unto the head of Peor, that looketh over the face of the Jeshimon.

and he took up his parable, and said, - The oracle of Balaam, son of Beor, Yea the oracle of the man, of opened eye;

So he took up his parable and said, - The oracle of Balaam, son of Beer, Yea the oracle of the man, of opened eye;

And, when he saw Amalek, he took up, his parable, and said - The beginning of nations, - Amalek, But his latter end is even to perish.

And when he saw the Kenite, he took up hi parable, and said, - Enduring thy dwelling-place, Set thou then in the crag, thy nest;

And he took up his parable, and said, - Alas who shall survive its fulfillment by GOD;

And Yahweh said unto Moses - Take all the heads of the people, and crucify them unto Yahweh. in the face of the sun, - that the heat of the anger of Yahweh may turn away from Israel.

And Phinehas son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest saw it, so he rose up out of the midst of the assembly, and took a spear in his hand;

who may go out before them and who may come in before them, and who may take-them out and who may bring them in, - that the assembly of Yahweh become not as sheep that have no shepherd.

And Yahweh said unto Moses: Take thee Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is spirit, - then shalt thou lean thy hand upon him;

And Moses did Yahweh commanded him, - and took Joshua, and caused him to stand before Eleazar the priest, and before all the assembly;

Command the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, - My offering, my food for my altar-flames my satisfying odour, shall ye take heed to offer unto me in its season,

And the sons of Israel took captive the women of Midian and their little ones, - all their cattle also and all their flocks and all their substance, carried they off as a prey;

Then took they all the spoil, and all the booty, - both of man and beast;

and divide the booty into two parts, between them who took upon them the war, who went out in the host, - and all the rest of the assembly.

out of their half, shall ye take them , - and thou shall give them unto Eleazar the priest as a heave-offering unto Yahweh.

And out of the half allotted to the sons of Israel, shalt thou take one allotted portion out of fifty of the human beings, of the herd, of the asses and of the flock of all b the cattle, - and shalt give them unto the Levites, who keep the charge of the habitation of Yahweh.

So then Moses took - out of the half belonging to the sons of Israel the allotted portion one out of fifty, of the human beings and of the beasts, - and gave them unto the Levites, the keepers of the charge of the habitation of Yahweh, As Yahweh commanded Moses.

So Moses, and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, - all the wrought articles.

So then Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the princes of thousands, and hundreds, - and brought it into the tent of meeting, as a memorial for the sons of Israel before Yahweh.

And they said - If we have found favour in thine eyes, let this land he given unto thy servants, for a possession, - do not take us over the Jordan.

But, if ye shall not do this, lo! ye will have sinned against Yahweh, - and take note of your sin, that it will find you out.

And ye shall take your inheritance in the land by lot by your families - for the large one, ye shall make large his inheritance, and for the small one, make small his inheritance, whithersoever the lot cometh out to him, his, shall, it be, by the tribes of your fathers, shall ye take your inheritance.

Also, one prince from each tribe, shall ye take to receive the land, as an inheritance.

And as touching the cities which ye shall give out of the possession of the sons of Israel from the many, shall ye take many, and from the few, shall ye take few, - each, according to his inheritance, which they shall inherit, shall We of his cities unto the Levites.