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And, making answer unto them, Jesus said - Have ye never read, even this, what David did when he hungered, he, and they who were with him -

How he entered into the house of God, and, the presence-bread, receiving, did eat, and gave to them who were with him, which it is not allowable to eat, save alone, to the priests?

And, looking round upon them all, he said unto him - Stretch forth thy hand! and, he, did so, and his hand was restored.

Now, as he drew near unto the gate of the city, then lo! there was being brought forth, one dead, the only-begotten son of his mother, - and, she, was a widow; and, a considerable multitude of the city, was with her.

And the dead man sat up, and began to speak; and he gave him to his mother.

And, answering, he said unto them - Go and bear tidings unto John, as to what ye have seen and heard: The blind, are receiving sight, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, the dead, are raised, the destitute, are told the glad-message;

While yet he is speaking, there cometh one from the synagogue ruler's, saying - Thy daughter, is dead: No further, be troubling the teacher.

Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things which were coming to pass, and was utterly at a loss, because of its being said, by some, that, John, had been raised from the dead;

And they did so, - and made, one and all, recline.

and they did all eat and were filled. And that which remained over to them, was taken up, - of broken pieces, twelve baskets.

And he said unto him - Leave, the dead, to bury their own dead; but, thou, departing, be declaring the kingdom of God.

And taking up the question , Jesus said - A certain man, was going down from Jerusalem unto Jericho, and, with robbers, fell in, - who, stripping him, and inflicting, wounds, upon him, departed, leaving him, half dead.

Simple ones! Did not, he who made the outside, the inside also, make?

Whereas, he who had not come to know, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. And, every one to whom was given much, much, shall be sought from him; and, he to whom they committed much, for more than common, will they ask him.

Then, will ye begin to say - We did eat and drink in thy presence, and, in our broadways, thou didst, teach;

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! she that slayeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! How often, have I desired to gather together thy children, like as a hen, her own brood, under her wings, - and ye did not desire!

Because, this my son, was, dead, and hath come to life again, was lost, and is found. And they began to be making merry.

But, to make merry and rejoice, there was need, because, this thy brother - was, dead, and hath come to life again, and was lost, and is found.

But, he, said - Nay! father Abraham, but, if one, from the dead, should go unto them, they would repent.

But he said unto him - If, unto Moses and the Prophets, they do not hearken, neither, if one, from among the dead, should arise, would they be persuaded.

He saith to him - Out of thy mouth, do I judge thee, O wicked servant! Thou knewest that, I, a harsh man, am, - taking up, what I laid not down, and reaping, what I did not sow;

And they deliberated together by themselves, saying - If we say, Of heaven, he will say, Wherefore did ye not believe him?

But, they who have been accounted worthy, that age, to obtain, and the resurrection that is from among the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage;

But, that the dead do rise, even Moses, disclosed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord - The God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob:

And the centurion, beholding that which came to pass, began to glorify God, saying - In very deed, this man, was, righteous.

(the same had not consented unto their plan and deed), - from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was awaiting the kingdom of God,

And, they becoming afraid, and bending their faces unto the ground, they said unto them - Why seek ye the Living One with the dead?

and said unto them - Thus, it is written, That the Christ, should suffer, and arise from among the dead on the third day;