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And Reuben said unto them Do not shed blood! Cast him into this pit, which is in the wilderness, but put not forth, a hand, against him! that he might rescue him out of their hand, to restore him unto his father.

Come and let us sell him to the Ishmaelites; but let not, out own hand, be upon him, for our own brother, our own flesh, is he And his brethren hearkened.

and returned unto his brethren, and said, - The, lad, is not! And, I, oh where can I, go?

and sent the long tunic and brought it in unto their father, and said This, have we found! Examine, we pray thee, whether it is the tunic of thy son, or not!

So he examined it, and said - The tunic of my son! A cruel beast hath devoured him, - torn in pieces - torn in pieces, is Joseph!

And it came to pass at that time, that Judah went down away from his brethren, - and turned aside unto a certain Adullamite, whose, name, was Hirah.

And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose, name, was Shua, - and he took her, and went in unto her;

And Onan knew that the seed would not be his, - and so although he did go in unto his brothers wife, yet made he waste upon the ground, so as not to give seed to his brother.

And it was told Tamar saying, - Lo! thy father-in-law is going up towards Timnah, to the shearing of his sheep.

So she put off from her the garments of her widowhood and covered herself with a veil and wrapped herself up, and sat down in the entrance of, Enaim, which is by the way towards Timnah, - for she saw that Shelah had grown up, and she, had not been given him to wife.

And he said - What is the pledge that I shall give thee? And She said - Thy signet-ring, and thy guard, and thy staff that is in thy hand. So he gave them to her and came in unto her and she conceived by him.

So he asked the men of her place saying. Where is the devotee, she that was in Enaim, by the way? And they said, - Then hath been here no devotee.

So Judah examined them and said - More righteous than I! forasmuch, as I had not given her to Shelah my son. And he knew her again no more.

And afterwards, came his brother, on whose hand was the crimson thread, - so his name was called, Zerah.

And he refused and said unto his lord's wife, Lo! my lord, taketh no note with me as to what is in the house, - but, all that pertaineth to him, hath he delivered into my hand:

There is no one greater in this house than I, neither hath he withheld from me anything, save only thyself in that thou, art his wife, - how, then could I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?

that she cried out to the men of her house and spake to them, saying, Look ye! he hath brought in to us a Hebrew man to insult us, - He came in unto me, to lie with me, so I cried out with a loud voice.

Then spake she unto him, according to these words, saying, - He hath been in unto me - the Hebrew servant whom thou didst bring in to us - to insult me.

And they said unto him, A dream, have we dreamed, but there is none, to interpret, it. Then said Joseph unto them - Is it not unto God, that interpretations belong? Relate it. I pray you, to me.

And Joseph said to him, This, is the interpretation thereof, - The three shoots are three days:

And Joseph responded and said, This, is the interpretation thereof, The three baskets, are, three days:

but, the chief of the bakers, he hanged, - as, Joseph, had interpreted unto them.

And it came to pass in the morning, that his spirit became restless, so he sent and called for all the sacred scribes of Egypt and all her wise men, - and Pharaoh related to them his dreams, a but there was no one that could interpret them. to Pharaoh.

And, there with us, was a young man, a Hebrew servant to the chief of the royal executioners, and we related to him, and he interpreted to us our dreams, - to each man - according to his dream, did he interpret,

And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so, it happened, - me, he restored to mine office but him, he hanged.

and they passed into their stomach yet could it not be known that they had passed into them, their appearance, being uncomely, as at the beginning. So I awoke.

Then said Joseph unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh, is, one. What God is about to do hath he announced to Pharaoh.

The seven good heifers, are, seven years, and, the seven good ears are, seven years, - the dream, is, one.

The very word that I spake unto Pharaoh, what, God, is about to do, hath he showed unto Pharaoh.

And for that there was a repeating of the dream unto Pharaoh, twice, it is because the thing, is established, from God, and God is hastening to do it.

Now, therefore, let Pharaoh look out a man discreet and wise, - and set him over the land of Egypt.

And let them gather up all the food of these seven good years that are coming in, - and let them heap up corn under the hand of Pharaoh as food in cities so shall they keep it.

and Pharaoh said unto his servants, - Can we find such a one, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?

So Pharaoh said unto Joseph, After God hath made known unto thee all this, there is no one discreet and wise like thee.

Thou, shalt be over my house, and on thy mouth, shall all my people kiss, - only as to the throne, will I be greater than thou.

and the seven years of famine began to come in, according as Joseph had said, - and it came to pass that there was a famine in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt, there was bread.

And he said, Lo I have heard that there is corn in Egypt, - Go down thither and buy corn for us from thence, that we may live and not die.

All of us, are, sons of one man, - honest men, are we: thy servants are not, spies.

And they said: We, thy twelve servants, are, brethren, sons of one man in the and of Canaan, - and lo! the youngest: is with our father this day, and, the one, is not!

Send - from among you - one that he may fetch your brother, but be, ye, held as prisoners, that your words may be proved whether, truth, is with you, - and, if not, by the life of Pharaoh, surely, spies, ye are.

If ye, are, honest men, one brother of you shall be kept as a prisoner in your house of ward, - but, ye, go, take in corn for the famine of your houses;

And they said each man unto his brother - Verily guilty, we are, respecting our brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul when he appealed unto us for favour and we hearkened not, - therefore, hath come in unto us this distress.

And Reuben responded to them, saying - Spake I not unto you saying, Do not sin against the child! And ye hearkened not? His very blood, therefore lo! it is required.

And the first opened his sack to give fodder to his ass at the inn, - and beheld his silver, yea there, it was in the mouth of his sack!

So he said unto his brethren My silver hath been returned, yea verily, there it is in my sack! Then went forth their heart and they turned trembling - each man unto his brother saying. Wharf is this that God hath done to us?

The man that is lord of the land spake unto us harsh things, - and then delivered us up. as spies of the land.

Twelve brethren, are, we, sons of our father, - the one, is not, and the youngest is this day with our father in the land of Canaan.

Then said the man the lord of the land unto us, Hereby, shall I get to know that honest men, ye are, - One brother of you, leave ye remaining with me, and corn for the famine of your houses, take ye and go your way;

And Jacob their father said unto them, Me, have ye bereaved, - Joseph, is not, and, Simeon, is not, and Benjamin, ye would take! Against me, have happened all these things.

And he said, My son shall not go down with you, - For, his brother, is dead and, he alone, is left, and as surely as there befall him any mischief by the way wherein ye go, so surely shall ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow unto hades.

So it came to pass when they had made an end of eating the corn which they had brought in out of Egypt, that their father said unto them, - Return buy for us a little food.

Then spake Judah unto him saying, - The man, did protest, to us saying - Ye shall not see my face, except, your brother, is with you.

If thou art sending our brother with us, we will certainly go down, and buy for thee food;

but, if thou art not sending him, we will not go down, for the man, said unto us Ye shall not see my face, except, your brother, is with you.

And they said, The man did ask I concerning ourselves and concerning our kindred saying - Is your father yet alive? Have ye a brother? So we told him according to the tenor of these words. Could we, at all know, that he would say, Bring down your brother?

I, will be surety for him, at my hand, shalt thou require him, - as surely as I bring him not in unto thee, and set him down before thee, so surely will I be counted a sinner against thee all the days,

And, God Almighty, give you compassion before the man, so shall he send with you, your other brother, and Benjamin. But, as for me, when I am bereaved, I am bereaved!

So the men did as Joseph had said, and the man brought the men into Joseph's house,

Then were the men afraid because they had been brought into the house of Joseph, and they said - For the matter of the silver that came back in our sacks at the beginning, have, we, been brought in, - that he may turn round upon us and fall upon us, and take us for servants and our asses.

And he said - Peace to you do not fear! Your God, and the God of your father, hath given you secret treasure, in your sacks, as for your silver, it came in unto me. And he brought forth unto them Simeon.

Then asked he after their welfare, and said - Is it well with your aged father, of whom ye spake? Is he yet alive?

And they said - It is well with thy servant our father, he is yet alive. And they bent their heads and bowed them-selves down.

Then lifted he up his eyes, and saw Benjamin his brother son of his mother, and said - Is, this, your youngest brother, of whom ye spake unto me? And he said, God, grant thee favour my son!

Then commanded he him who was over his house saying - Fill the sacks of the men, with food, as much as they can carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack;

Is not this that in which my lord drinketh, and whereby, he himself, doth divine? Ye have done evil in what ye have done.

And they said unto him, Wherefore should my lord speak such words as these? Far be thy servants, from doing such a thing as this!

And he said, Yea, now, according to your words, so, let it be, - he with whom it is found, shall be my servant, Ye, however, shall be clear.

And they rent their mantles, - and laded each man his ass, and returned to the city.

And Joseph said to them, What is this deed which ye have done? Know ye not that such a man as I, can even divine?

Then said Judah - What shall we say to my lord, how shall we speak and how shall we justify ourselves, - when, God himself, hath found out the iniquity of thy servants? Behold us! my lord's servants, both we, and he in whose hand the cup hath been found.

And he said, Far be it from me to do this thing! The man in whose hand the cup hath been found, he, shall be my servant, but as for you, go ye up in peace unto your father.

Then Judah drew near unto him, and said - Pardon my lord! Pray let thy servant speak a word in the ears of my lord, and do not let thine anger be kindled against thy servant, - for, thus, art, thou as Pharaoh!

So we said unto my lord, We have an aged father, and the child of his old age a youth, - his brother, being dead, he alone, is left of his mother and, his father, loveth him.

And we said unto my lord, The lad cannot leave his father, - as surely as he leaveth his father, so surely will he, die.

Then said our father, - Go again buy us a little food,

And we said, We cannot go down, - If our youngest brother be with us, then will we go down, for we cannot see the face of the man if, our youngest brother, is not with us.

Then said thy servant my father, unto us, - Ye yourselves, know, that, two, did my wife bear to me,

And I have never seen him since. As surely as ye take, this one also, away from before my face and there befall him any mischief, so surely shall ye bring down my grey hairs, with misfortune to hades.

Now, therefore, as surely as I go in unto thy servant my father, and, the lad, is not with us, - seeing that his soul is bound up with the lads soul,

so surely shall it come to pass that when he sooth that the lad is not with us, then will he die. So shall thy servants bring down the grey hairs of thy servant our father, with sorrow to hades.

Now, therefore, I pray thee let thy servant remain instead of the lad, as servant to my lord, - but as for the lad, let him go up with his brethren.

Then said Joseph unto his brethren: I, am Joseph, is my father yet alive? But his brethren could not answer him, for they were terrified because of him.

so shalt thou dwell in the land of Goshen, and shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy sons, and thy son's sons, - and thy flocks and thy herds and all that is thine;

Now lo! your own eyes do see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, - that it is my own mouth, that doth speak unto you.

As soon as ye have told my father all my honour in Egypt, and all that ye have seen, so soon shall ye hasten and bring down my father hither.

Your eye, moreover, let it not look with pity upon your goods, - for, the best of all the land of Egypt, is, yours.

Moreover, to his father, sent he as followeth - ten he-asses, laden from the best of Egypt, - and ten she-asses laden with corn and bread and nourishing food for his father for the way.

And they told him saying - Joseph: is, yet alive, yea, indeed, he, is ruler in all the land of Egypt. And his heart became faint, for he believed them not.

And Israel said, Enough! Joseph my son is, yet alive, I must go and see him before I die!

So shall it come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call for you, - and shall say - What is your occupation?

Then shall ye say - Men of cattle, have thy servants been from our youth even until now, both we and our fathers, - To the end ye may dwell in the land of Goshen, for an abomination to Egyptians, is every feeder of a flock,

And Pharaoh said unto the brethren of Joseph - What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh - Feeders of flocks, are thy servants, both we and our fathers.

And they said unto Pharaoh - To sojourn in the land, are we come in, for there is no pasture for the flocks which pertain to thy servants, for, severe, is the famine in the land of Canaan. Now, therefore, let thy servants dwell we pray thee in the land of Goshen.

The land of Egypt, is, before thee, in the best of the land, cause thou thy father and thy brethren to dwell, - let them dwell in the land of Goshen, And if thou knowest that there are among them men of ability, then shalt thou set them as chieftains of cattle over mine.

So then Joseph fixed the dwelling of his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt in the best of the land. in the land of Rameses, - as Pharaoh had commanded.

And the silver was spent out of the land of Egypt and out of the land of Canaan, so all the Egyptians came in unto Joseph, saying - Do give us bread, for why should we die before thee, although, silver, hath failed?

When that year was ended, then came they unto him in the second year and said to him - We will not hide from my lord, how that the silver and the herds of beasts for my lord are come to an end, - there is nothing left before my lord, save only our bodies and our ground:

Wherefore should we die before thine eyes both we, and our ground? Buy thou us and our ground, for bread, - and we and our ground will become servants to Pharaoh, and give seed, that we may live, and not die, and the ground, not lie waste.

And as for the people, he brought them into bondage as servants, - from one end of the boundary of Egypt unto the other end thereof.

And Joseph said unto the people, Lo! I have bought you this day, and your ground for Pharaoh, - see, here is seed for you, so shall ye sow the ground;