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He avowed--he did not conceal the truth, but avowed, "I am not the Christ."

I did not yet know Him, but He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, "'The One on whom you see the Spirit coming down, and remaining, He it is who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.'

When however He had risen from among the dead, His disciples recollected that He had said this; and they believed the Scripture and the teaching which Jesus had given them.

But for His part, Jesus did not trust Himself to them, because He knew them all,

and did not need any one's testimony concerning a man, for He of Himself knew what was in the man.

though Jesus Himself did not baptize them, but His disciples did--

Are you greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well, and himself drank from it, as did also his sons and his cattle?"

But the man who had been cured did not know who it was; for Jesus had passed out unnoticed, there being a crowd in the place.

and on this account the Jews began to persecute Jesus--because He did these things on the Sabbath.

"In most solemn truth I tell you that a time is coming--nay, has already come--when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear it will live.

Next morning the crowd who were still standing about on the other side of the Lake found that there had been but one small boat there, and they had seen that Jesus did not go on board with His disciples, but that His disciples went away without Him.

So when they had crossed the Lake and had found Him, they asked Him, "Rabbi, when did you come here?"

"In most solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that Moses did not give you the bread out of Heaven, but my Father is giving you the bread--the true bread--out of Heaven.

But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him.

Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not a man of you obeys the Law. Why do you want to kill me?"

"One deed I have done," replied Jesus, "and you are all full of wonder.

They did not perceive that He was speaking to them of the Father.

But, in fact, you are longing to kill me, a man who has spoken to you the truth which I have heard from God. Abraham did not do that.

"Now," exclaimed the Jews, "we know that you are possessed by a demon. Abraham died, and so did the Prophets, and yet *you* say, 'If any one shall have obeyed my teaching, he shall in no case ever taste death.'

"Where is he?" they inquired, but the man did not know.

The Jews, however, did not believe the statement concerning him--that he had been blind and had obtained his sight--until they called his parents and asked them,

"What did he do to you?" they asked; "how did he open your eyes?"

"I have told you already," he replied, "and you did not listen to me. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you also mean to be disciples of his?"

Jesus spoke to them in this figurative language, but they did not understand what He meant.

"For no good deed," the Jews replied, "are we going to stone you, but for blasphemy, and because you, who are only a man, are making yourself out to be God."

Large numbers of people also came to Him. Their report was, "John did not work any miracle, but all that John said about this Teacher was true."

"Lazarus is dead; and for your sakes I am glad I was not there, in order that you may believe. But let us go to him."

"Take away the stone," said Jesus. Martha, the sister of the dead man, exclaimed, "Master, by this time there is a foul smell; for it is three days since he died."

The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped in cloths, and his face wrapped round with a towel. "Untie him," said Jesus, "and let him go free."

Jesus, however, six days before the Passover, came to Bethany, where Lazarus was whom He had raised from the dead.

The meaning of this His disciples did not understand at the time; but after Jesus was glorified they recollected that this was written about Him, and that they had done this to Him.

Nevertheless even from among the Rulers many believed in Him. But because of the Pharisees they did not avow their belief, for fear they should be shut out from the synagogue.

And if any one hears my teachings and regards them not, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.

If I had not done among them, as I have, such miracles as no one else ever did, they would have had no sin; but they have in fact seen and also hated both me and my Father.

But I have spoken these things to you in order that when the time for their accomplishment comes you may remember them, and may recollect that I told you. I did not, however, tell you all this at first, because I was still with you.

Upon His saying this, one of the officers standing by struck Him with his open hand, asking Him as he did so, "Is that the way you answer the High Priest?"

One of the High Priest's servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, said, "Did I not see you in the garden with him?"

"My kingdom," replied Jesus, "does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my subjects would have resolutely fought to save me from being delivered up to the Jews. But, as a matter of fact, my kingdom has not this origin."

So they said to one another, "Do not let us tear it. Let us draw lots for it." This happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says, "They shared my garments among them, and drew lots for my clothing." That was just what the soldiers did.

Then they came to Jesus Himself: but when they saw that He was already dead, they refrained from breaking His legs.

but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and reached it before he did.

Stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths lying there on the ground, but he did not go in.

For until now they had not understood the inspired teaching, that He must rise again from among the dead.

Meanwhile Mary remained standing near the tomb, weeping aloud. She did not enter the tomb, but as she wept she stooped and looked in,

While she was speaking, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but did not recognize Him.

When, however, day was now dawning, Jesus stood on the beach, though the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.

This was now the third occasion on which Jesus showed Himself to the disciples after He had risen from among the dead.

Hence the report spread among the brethren that that disciple would never die. Yet Jesus did not say, "He is not to die," but, "If I desire him to remain till I come, what concern is that of yours?"

But there are also many other things which Jesus did--so vast a number indeed that if they were all described in detail, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would have to be written.