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Do not deprive each other of what is due-unless it is only for a time and by mutual consent, so that your minds may be free for prayer till you again live as man and wife-lest Satan should take advantage of your want of self-control and tempt you.

I think, then, that, in view of the time of suffering that has now come upon us, what I have already said is best-that a man should remain as he is.

Still, it is not every one that has this knowledge. Some people, because of their association with idols, continued down to the present time, eat the food as food offered to an idol; and their consciences, while still weak, are dulled.

You know that there was a time when you were Gentiles, going astray after idols that could not speak, just as you happened to be led.

And those parts which we deem less honorable we surround with special honor; and our ungraceful parts receive a special grace which our graceful parts do not require.

After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of our Brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have gone to their rest.

I do not propose to pay you a visit in passing now, for I hope to stay with you for some time, if the Lord permits.