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(This was the first census, and it took place when Quirinius was governor of Syria.)

then Symeon took him in his arms, blessed God, and said,

When he stopped speaking, he said to Simon, "Push out to the deep water and lower your nets for a take."

For amazement had seized him and all his companions at the take of fish they had caught;

He went into the house of God, took the loaves of the Presence and ate them, giving them to his men as well ??bread that no one is allowed to eat except the priests."

Another sabbath he happened to go into the synagogue and teach. Now a man was there who had his right hand withered,

How dare you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the splinter that is in your eye,' and you never notice the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see properly to take out the splinter in your brother's eye.

He is like a man engaged in building a house, who dug deep down and laid his foundation on the rock; when a flood came, the river dashed against that house but could not shake it, for it had been well built.

So take care how you listen; for he who has, to him shall more be given, while as for him who has not, from him shall be taken even what he thinks he has."

Jesus said, "Somebody did touch me, for I felt power had passed from me."

Then the apostles came back and described all they had done to Jesus. He took them and retired in private to a town called Bethsaida,

It was about eight days after he said this, when he took Peter, John, and James, and went up the hillside to pray.

Jesus knew the dispute that occupied their minds, so he took hold of a little child and set it by his side;

he went to him, bound his wounds up, pouring oil and wine into them, mounted him on his own steed, took him to an inn, and attended to him.

Next morning he took out a couple of shillings and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, 'Attend to him, and if you are put to any extra expense I will refund you on my way back.'

He said, "The man who took pity on him." Jesus said to him, "Then go and do the same."

He was praying at a certain place, and when he stopped one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples."

When he finished speaking, a Pharisee asked him to take a meal in his house; so he went in and lay down at table.

So he said to the vinedresser, 'Here have I come for three years in search of fruit on this fig tree without finding any; cut it down, why should it take up space?'

It is like a grain of mustard-seed which a man took and put into his orchard, where it grew up and became a tree, and the wild birds roosted in its branches."

It is like dough which a woman took and buried in three pecks of flour, till all of it was leavened."

They held their peace. Then Jesus took hold of the man and cured him and sent him off.

then the host will tell you, 'Make room for him,' and you will proceed in shame to take the lowest place.

The factor said to himself, 'What am I to do, now that my master is taking the factorship away from me? I am too weak to dig, I am ashamed to beg.

so he called out, 'Father Abraham, take pity on me, send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in these flames.'

Which of you, with a servant out ploughing or shepherding, will say to him when he comes in from the field, 'Come at once and take your place at table'?

Now people even brought their infants for him to touch them; when the disciples noticed it they checked them,

Then he took the twelve aside and told them, "We are going up to Jerusalem, and all the predictions of the prophets regarding the Son of man will be fulfilled;

Then he said to the bystanders, 'Take the five pounds from him and give it to the man with fifty.'

They put this question to him, "Teacher, we know you are straight in what you say and teach, you do not look to human favour but teach the Way of God honestly.

"Teacher," they said, "Moses has written this law for us, that if a man's married brother dies and is childless, his brother is to take the woman and raise offspring for his brother.

and the third took her, as indeed all the seven did, dying and leaving no children.

So they asked him, "Teacher, and when will this happen? What will be the sign for this to take place?"

and when the hour came he took his place, with the apostles beside him.

And he took a cup which was handed to him, gave thanks to God and said, "Take this and distribute it among yourselves,

But Jesus said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles rule over them, and their authorities take the name of 'Benefactor':

Then he said to them, "But he who has a purse must take it now, and the same with a wallet; and he who has no sword must sell his coat and buy one.

Then he said to the high priests and commanders of the temple and elders who had appeared to take him, "Have you sallied out to arrest me like a robber, with swords and cudgels?

A maidservant who noticed him sitting by the fire took a long look at him and said, "That fellow was with him too."

He then took it down, wrapped it in linen, and put it in a tomb cut out of the rock, where no one had yet been buried.

On the sabbath they rested in obedience to God's command, but on the first day of the week at early dawn they took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb.