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without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but in exact resemblance with the Son of God, abideth a priest for ever.

Verse ConceptsJesus Christ, Eternity OfGenealogiesBeginningPreexistence Of ChristBeginning And EndChrist Like Peoplemomsa new beginningMothers And SonsDeath Of A MotherEnd Of Dayspriests

For they indeed of the sons of Levi, who are admitted to priesthood, have an order to receive tithes from the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though also sprung from the loins of Abraham.

Verse ConceptsTithesBringing In The Tithe

And, if I may so say, through Abraham even Levi, who receiveth tithes, paid tithes.

Verse ConceptsAbraham, New Testament ReferencesTithing For PeopleThe Tithe For Levites

who was not made such by the law of a carnal commandment, but by the power of a life indissoluble.

Verse ConceptsJesus Christ, Eternity OfGod, Power OfChrist's Life

Having therefore, brethren, entire liberty of entrance into the holies by the blood of Jesus??20 a way, which he hath consecrated for us, newly opened, and giving life, through the vail, that is, his flesh;

Verse ConceptsAccess To God, Through ChristSacred PlacesChrist The DoorBraveryAdmission Into God's PresenceApproachabilityPrivileges of saintsholy BoldnessAccess to GodConfidenceBoldnessThe Blood Of JesusThe Presence Of GodChristians Being Called Brothers

By faith also that very Sarah, who was barren, received ability for the conception of seed, and past the usual time of life brought forth a child, because she accounted that he who promised it, would be true to his promise.

Verse ConceptsGod, Faithfulness OfBarren WomendisabilitiesOffspringWeakness, SpiritualExploits Of FaithGod's Promise To AbrahamThe Promise Of A BabyPromises respectingHer Strengthfaith and strengthGod's FaithfulnessStrength And FaithWomen's Strengthsarahchildbearing