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And seven sons and three daughters will be born to him.

And his possession will be seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred pair of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and service exceedingly much; and that man shall be great above all the sons of the east.

And it will be that the days of drinking went round, and Job will send and consecrate them, and he rose early in the morning and brought up burnt-offerings for the number of them all: for Job said, Perhaps my sons sinned, and blessed God in their hearts. Thus did Job all the days.

And the day will be and the sons of God will come to stand before God, and also the adversary will come in the midst of them.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, From whence wilt thou come? And the adversary will answer Jehovah, and say, From running to and fro in the earth, and from walking about in it.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job? for none like him in the earth; a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil.

Didst thou, not hedge about him and about his house, and about all that is to him from round about? Thou didst bless the work of his hands, and his possession spread abroad in the earth.

But send forth now thy band and tough upon all which is to him, if he will not bless thee upon thy face.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Behold, all that is to him in thy hand: only upon him thou shalt not send. forth thy hand. And the adversary will go forth from the face of Jehovah.

And the day will be and his sons and daughters will be eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother, the first-born:

And a messenger came to Job; and he will say, The oxen were ploughing, and the he asses were feeding upon their hands.

And Sheba will fall and take them; they struck the young men by the month of the sword; and only shall escape, I alone, to announce to thee..

This one yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, The fire of God. fell from the heavens, and it will burn upon the sheep and upon the young men, and it will devour them; and I shall escape, only I alone, to announce to thee.

This one yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, The Chaldeans set three heads, and they invaded upon the camels, and they will take them, and they struck the young men with the mouth of the sword; and I shall escape, only I alone, to announce to thee.

This yet speaking, and this came, and he will say, Thy sons and thy daughters Were eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother, the first-born:

And behold, a great wind came from beyond the desert., and it will touch upon the four corners of the house, and fall upon the young men, and they will die; and I shall escape, I only, to announce to thee.

And the day will be and the sons of God will come to stand before Jehovah, and the adversary also will come in the midst of them to stand before Jehovah.

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, From whence wilt thou come? And the adversary will answer to Jehovah and say, From running to and fro in the earth, and from walking about in it

And Jehovah will say to the adversary, Didst thou set thy heart to my servant Job, that none like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and departing from evil? And yet he holding fast upon his integrity, and thou wilt stimulate me to destroy him without cause.

And the adversary will answer Jehovah and say, Skin for skin, and all which is to a man he will give for his soul.

But send forth now thy hand and touch upon his bone and upon his flesh, if he will not bless thee to thy face.

And the adversary will go forth from the face of Jehovah, and he will strike Job with an evil burning sore, from the sole of his foot even to his crown.

And he will take to him a pot sherd to scrape himself with it, and he will sit in the midst of the ashes.

And his wife will say to him, Yet thou art holding fast upon thine integrity: praise God and die.

And he will say to her, According to the word of one of the foolish women thou wilt speak. Shall we also receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this. Job sinned not with his lips.

And the three friends of Job will hear all this evil coming upon him, and they will come, a man from his place:: Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite: and they will appoint to come together to deplore for him, and to comfort him.

And they will lift up their eyes from far off, and they knew him not, and they will lift up their voice and weep; and they will rend each his covering, and they will sprinkle dust upon their heads to the heavens.

Job will answer and say,

For now I lay down and I shall rest; I slept: then there will be rest to me.

To a man whose way was hid, and God will hedge about him?

For my sighing will come before any bread, and my groanings shall be poured put as waters.

For I feared a fear, and it will come upon me, and what I was afraid of will come to me.

I was not secure, and I rested not, and I was not quiet; and trouble will come.

And Eliphaz the Temanite will answer and say,

Thy words will raise up the weak and thou wilt strengthen the bent knees.

But now it shall come to thee and thou wilt be wearied; it will touch even to thee, and thou wilt tremble.

And a word shall be brought to me by stealth, and mine ear will take a transient sound from it

And the spirit will glide before my face; the hair of my flesh will stand erect:

It will stand, and I shall not recognize its appearance: a form before mine eyes; I shall hear stillness and a voice:

From morning to evening they will be struck; from not setting to superintend they will perish.

Did not their remainder in them remove? They will die, and not in wisdom.

For to the foolish, and anger will slay, and the simple will jealousy kill.

Which his harvest the hungry one will devour, and not from thorns shall they take it, and destruction gaped after their substance.

For toil will not come forth from the dust, and labor will not spring up from the earth;

For man shall be born to labor as the sons of the flame will lift up to fly.

The days they will meet darkness, and they will grope in the noon day as night

And hope will be to the poor one, and iniquity contracted her mouth.

In six straits he will deliver thee, and in seven, evil shall not touch upon thee.

And Job will answer and say,

For now it will be heavy above the sand of the seas: for this my words were rash.

For the arrows of the Almighty are with me, which their anger drank up my spirit: the terrors of God will be prepared for me.

Shall the wild ass bray at grass? if the ox will low over his provender?

Who will give my asking shall come? and will God give my expectation?

And God will, and he will crush me; will he let his hand remain, and will he cut me off?

And it will yet be my consolation, and I shall exult in pain: he will not spare; for I hid not the words of of the Holy One.

To him melting, mercy from his friend; and he will forsake the fear of the Almighty.

Being darkened because of ice, upon them the snow will be hid:

In the time they will flow of they became extinct: in its heat they were extinguished from their place.

The paths of their way will turn aside; they will go up into desolation and perish.

They were ashamed for trusting; they came even to it, they will be put to shame.

How forcible were words of uprightness! and what will reproving from you prove?

Will ye purpose to reprove words, and for the spirit of the words of him despairing?

But ye will cause the orphans to fall, and ye will dig for your friend.

As the servant will gape for the shadow, and as the hireling will wait for his work:

Also I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in the straitness of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.

And Bildad the Shuhite will answer and say,

Will God pervert judgment? and if the Almighty will pervert justice?

If thy sons sinned to him, and he will send them away by the hand of their transgression;

If thou wert pure and upright, for now he will awake for thee and requite the habitation of thy justice.

While yet in its greenness it shall not break off, and it will dry up before grass.

So the paths of all forgetting God and the hope of the profane one shall perish.

It was moist before the sun, and its sprout will come forth upon his garden.

Behold, God will not reject the blameless one, and he will not take hold upon the hand of those doing evil:

And Job will answer and say,

Behold, he will pass by me, and I shall not see: and he will glide on and I shall not understand for him.

God will not turn back his anger, the helpers of pride bowed down under him.

Whom, if I was just, I shall not answer; I will make supplication to my judge.

If I called and he will answer me, I shall not believe that he will give ear to my voice.

Who will assail me with tempest, and he multiplied my wounds without cause.

He will not give me to draw in my spirit, for he will fill me with bitterness.

If I shall be just, my mouth shall condemn me: I am blameless, and he will declare me perverse.

If the scourge shall fall suddenly, he will deride at the trial of the innocent

The earth was given into the hand of the unjust one: he will cover the faces of her judges; if not now, who is it?