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(This man bought a piece of land with the money paid him for his treachery, and his body swelled up and burst open in the middle and all his vitals poured out.

" 'It will come about in the last days, God says, That I will pour out my Spirit upon all mankind; Your sons and daughters will become prophets, Your young men will have visions, And your old men will have dreams.

But as he was a prophet, and knew that God had promised him with an oath that he would put one of his descendants upon his throne,

if it is for a benefit conferred upon a helpless man, and as to how he was cured, that we are called to account here today,

They aroused the people, the elders, and the scribes, and they set upon him and seized him, and brought him before the council.

Seeing one of them being imposed upon, he interfered and defended the man who was being ill treated, striking down the Egyptian.

But they uttered a great shout and stopped their ears, and they rushed upon him all together,

for it had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

saying, "Give me also this power to communicate the holy Spirit to anyone I place my hands upon."

This was the passage of Scripture that he was reading: "Like a sheep he was led away to be slaughtered, And just as a lamb is dumb before its shearer, He does not open his mouth.

Ananias set out and went to the house, and there he laid his hands upon Saul, and said to him, "Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your journey, so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the holy Spirit."

Everyone was astonished, and said, "Is not he the man who made such havoc of the people in Jerusalem who call upon that name, and who came here especially for the purpose of arresting such persons and taking them before the high priests?"

The Jewish believers who had come with Peter were amazed because the gift of the holy Spirit had been showered upon the heathen too,

When I began to speak to them, the holy Spirit fell upon them just as it did upon us at the beginning,

About that time King Herod laid violent hands upon some who belonged to the church.

and when she recognized Peter's voice, in her joy she did not stop to open the door, but ran in and told them that Peter was standing outside.

Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. So they came before him in a body, and after winning over Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they asked for a reconciliation, because their country depended upon the king's dominions for its food supply.

The Lord's hand is right upon you, and you will be blind and unable even to see the sun for a time." Instantly a mist of darkness fell upon him, and he groped about for someone to lead him by the hand.

he destroyed seven nations in Canaan, and settled them upon their land for about four hundred and fifty years.

The church saw them off upon their journey, and as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria they told of the conversion of the heathen, and caused great rejoicing among all the brothers.

suddenly there was such an earthquake that the jail shook to its foundations; all the doors flew open, and everybody's chains were unfastened.

It woke up the jailer, and when he saw that the doors of the jail were open, he drew his sword and was just going to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped.

While Gallio was governor of Greece the Jews made a concerted attack upon Paul, and brought him before the governor.

Before Paul could open his lips, Gallio said to the Jews, "If some misdemeanor or rascality were involved, Jews, you might reasonably expect me to listen to you.

Some of the crowd called upon Alexander, as the Jews had pushed him to the front, and he made a gesture with his hand and was going to speak in defense of them to the people.

But Paul went downstairs, and threw himself upon him, and put his arms around him. "Do not be alarmed," he said, "he is still alive."

Then Paul joined the men and went through the rites of purification with them and the next day went to the Temple to give notice of the time when, upon the offering of the sacrifice for each one of them, their days of purification would be over.

and I fell upon the ground and heard a voice say to me, 'Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?'

Upon hearing this, the officer went to the colonel and reported it. "What do you propose to do?" he said. "This man is a Roman citizen."

This man had been seized by the Jews and they were just going to kill him when I came upon them with my men and rescued him, as I had learned that he was a Roman citizen.