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If they say—“Come with us!
Let’s set an ambush and kill someone.
Let’s attack some innocent person just for fun!

Let’s swallow them alive, like Sheol,
still healthy as they go down to the Pit.

Come, let’s drink deeply of lovemaking until morning.
Let’s feast on each other’s love!

Don’t let your heart turn aside to her ways;
don’t stray onto her paths.

by me, princes lead,
as do nobles and all righteous judges.

I was there when He established the heavens,
when He laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean,

when He set a limit for the sea
so that the waters would not violate His command,
when He laid out the foundations of the earth.

The light of the righteous shines brightly,
but the lamp of the wicked is put out.

Casting the lot ends quarrels
and separates powerful opponents.

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth—
a stranger, and not your own lips.

If one blesses his neighbor
with a loud voice early in the morning,
it will be counted as a curse to him.

The poor and the oppressor have this in common:
the Lord gives light to the eyes of both.