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and there were going out unto him all the Judaea country and all they of Jerusalem, and were being immersed by him in the Jordan river, openly confessing their sins;

And, straightway, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rending asunder, and, the Spirit, as a dove, descending unto him;

and, straightway, he called them, - and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat, with the hired men, they came away after him.

And Jesus rebuked him, saying- Be silenced, and come forth out of him!

And the impure spirit, tearing him, and calling out with a loud voice, came forth out of him;

and they were amazed, one and all, so that they began to discuss among themselves, saying - What is this? New teaching! With authority, to the impure spirits also, he giveth orders, and they obey him!

And forth went the report of him, straightway, on every hand, into the surrounding country of Galilee.

Now, the mother-in-law of Simon, was lying in a fever, and, straightway, they speak to him concerning her;

And, evening arriving, when the sun went in, they were bearing unto him all who were sick, and them who were demonized;

and he cured many that were sick with divers diseases, and, many demons, he cast out, and suffered not the demons to be talking, - because they knew him to be Christ.

and Simon, and they who were with him, went in quest of him,

and found him, and say unto him - All, are seeking thee;

And there cometh unto him, a leper, beseeching him and kneeling, - saying unto him - If thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me;

and, moved with compassion, he stretched forth the hand, and touched him, and saith unto him - I am willing, Be cleansed!

and, straightway, the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed;

and, strictly charging him, straightway, he urged him forth;

and saith unto him - Mind! unto no one, say aught, - but withdraw, thyself, show unto the priest, and offer for thy cleansing what things Moses enjoined, for a witness unto them.

But, he, going forth, began to be proclaiming many things, and blazing abroad the story, so that, no longer, was it possible for him, openly, into a city, to enter, - but, outside, in desert places, was he, and they were coming unto him from every quarter.

and they come, bearing unto him a paralytic, upborne by four, -

and, not being able to get near him by reason of the multitude, they uncovered the roof where he was, and, having broken it up, they began letting down the couch whereon the paralytic was lying;

And he went forth again by the sea, - and all the multitude was coming unto him, and he began teaching them.

And it cometh to pass, that he is reclining in his house, and many tax-collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many, and they began following him.

And the disciples of John and the Pharisees were fasting; and they come and say unto him - For what cause, do, the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees, fast, whereas, thy disciples, fast not?

And he saith unto them - Have ye never read what David did, when he had need and hungered, - he, and they who were with him:

howhe entered into the house of God, while Abiathar was High-priest, and, the presence-bread, did eat, - which it is not allowed to eat, save unto the priests, - and gave, unto them also who were with him?

and they were narrowly watching him, whether, on the Sabbath, he would cure him, that they might accuse him.

and from Jerusalem, and from Idumaea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Zidon, a great throng, hearing whatsoever things he was doing, came unto him.

And he spake unto his disciples that a little boat might attend him, because of the multitude, - that they might not be pressing upon him.

For he cured many, so that they were besieging him, that they might touch him - as many as had plagues;

and the impure spirits, as soon as they beheld him, were falling down to him, and crying aloud, while he was speaking, Thou, art the Son of God!

and sternly was he rebuking them, lest they should make him manifest.

And he goeth up into the mountain and calleth near whom, he, pleased, - and they went away unto him;

and he appointed a twelve, whom also he named, Apostles, - that they might be with him, and that he might be sending them forth to make proclamation,

and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up. And he cometh into a house;

And there come his mother and his brethren, and, standing, outside, they sent unto him, calling him.

And there was sitting around him a multitude, and they say unto him - Lo! thy mother and thy brethren, outside, are seeking thee!

And, looking around on them who, about him, in a circle, were sitting, he saith, See! my mother and my brethren!

And, again, began he to be teaching by the sea; and there come together unto him a very great multitude, so that, he, into a boat, entering, was sitting upon the sea, - -and, all the multitude, were, near the sea upon the land.

And he was saying - He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!

And when he was alone they who were about him with the twelve questioned him as to the parables;

If any one hath ears to hear, let him hear.

For, he that hath, it shall be given, unto him, and, he that hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him.

and, dismissing the multitude, they take him with them, as he was, in the boat, and, other boats, were with him.

And they were caused to fear a great fear, and were saying one to another - Who then is, this, that, both the wind and the sea, give ear unto him?

And, when he went forth out of the boat, straightway, there met him, from amongst the tombs, a man, in an impure spirit:

who had his dwelling among the tombs, and, not even with a chain, any longer, was anyone able to bind him, -

because of his having been, many times, with fetters and chains, bound, and the chains having been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters smashed, and no one was mighty enough to tame him;

For he was saying to him - Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man;

and he was questioning him - What is thy name? and he saith to him - Legion, is my name, because we are, many;

and he was beseeching him much that he would not send them forth outside the country.

and they besought him, saying - Send us into the swine, that, into them, we may enter;

And they began to beseech him, to depart from their bounds.

And, as he was entering into the boat, he who had been demonized was beseeching him, that, with him, he might be.

And he suffered him not, but saith unto him - Withdraw into thy house, unto thine own, and bear tidings unto them, how many things the Lord for thee hath done, and hath had mercy on thee.

And he departed, and began proclaiming, in the Decapolis, how many things Jesus had done for him, - and, all, were marvelling.

And, Jesus crossing over in the boat again unto the other side, there was gathered a large multitude unto him, and he was by the lake.

And there cometh one of the synagogue-rulers, by name Jairus, and, seeing him, falleth at his feet,

and beseecheth him much, saying - My little daughter is at her last! - that, coming, thou wouldest lay thy hands upon her, that she may be made well, and live;

and he departed with him. And there was following him a large multitude, and they were pressing upon him.

And, straightway, Jesus, taking note in himself of the power which, out of him, went forth, turning round in the crowd, was saying - Who hath touched my garments?

and his disciples were saying to him - Thou seest the crowd pressing upon thee, - and sayest thou - Who hath touched me?

And, the woman, overcome with fear, and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came, and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

And he suffered no one to follow with him, save Peter and James and John the brother of James.

and they were deriding him. But, he, thrusting all forth, taketh with him the father of the child, and the mother, and them who were with him, - and entereth where the child was;

And he went forth from thence, and cometh into his own city, - and his disciples follow him.

And King Herod heard, - for, famous, had become his name; and he was saying - John the Immerser hath arisen from among the dead, and, for this cause, are the powers working mightily in him;

For, Herod himself, had sent and secured John and bound him in prison, for the sake of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, - for, her, had he married,

for, Herod, stood in fear of John, knowing him to be a man righteous and holy, - and was keeping him safe; and, when he heard him, he paid earnest heed, and, with pleasure, used to listen to him.

And, departing, he beheaded him in the prison, and brought his head upon a charger, and gave it unto the damsel - and, the damsel, gave it unto her mother.

And the apostles gather themselves together unto Jesus, and reported unto him all things, as many as they had done, and as many as they had taught.

And, already, a late hour, having arrived, his disciples came unto him and were saying, A desert, is the place, and it is, already, a late hour:

But, he, answering said to them - Ye, give them, to eat. And they say unto him - Shall we depart and buy two hundred denaries' worth of loaves, and give them to eat?

But, they, seeing him, upon the sea, walking, supposed that it was an apparition, and cried out aloud;

for, all, saw him, and were troubled. But, he, straightway, talked with them, and saith unto them - Take courage! it is, I - be not afraid!

And, when they had, come forth, out of the boat, straightway, recognizing him,

And, wheresoever he was entering into villages, or into cities, or into hamlets, in the marketplaces, laid they the sick, and were beseeching him, that, only the fringe of his mantle, they might touch, and, as many soever as touched it, were being made well.

And the Pharisees and certain of the Scribes who have come from Jerusalem gather themselves together unto him;

and so the Pharisees and the Scribes, question, him - For what cause do thy disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but, with defiled hands, eat bread?

no longer, do ye suffer him to do, aught, for his father or his mother, -

Nothing, is there, from without the man, entering into him, which can defile him; but, the things which, out of the man, come forth, are the things that defile the man.

And, when he entered into a house from the multitudes, his disciples began to question him as to the parable;

And he saith unto them - Thus, are, ye also, without discernment? Perceive ye not that, nothing, from without, entering into the man, can defile him;

but, straightway, a woman hearing about him, whose daughter had an impure spirit, she came and fell down at his feet.

Now, the woman, was a Grecian, a Syrophoenician by race, - and she was requesting him that, the demon, he would cast forth out of her daughter.

but she answered and saith to him - Yea, Lord! and yet, the little dogs under the table, do eat of the crumbs of the children;

And, taking him away from the multitude apart, he thrust his fingers into his ears, and, spitting, touched his tongue;

and, looking up into the heaven, sighed deeply, and saith unto him - Ephphatha! that is, Be opened!